《Transcendence》Chapter 41


meanwhile in author's dimesnion.

Munch munch munch*

Mr. Author was chewing and consuming and apple... nay! It was actually a NOOB fruit! He picked it right off his NOOB tree. It was delicious. Yum

As he munched*1, he consumed. And as he consumed, he watched the worlds he was in charge of. One particular one stood out.

"Ah, that one kid... or kids? Is it two or one? One is just an alter ego*2... Anyways, that one kid is unreasonably OP. How old is he anyways? This reincarnation is only like 8 years old, but his soul is millenniums old."

munch munch Munch*

Author took 'nother bite of his food - I mean apple - I mean NOOB fruit.

"Hmm. NOw that I think about it, I feel like I'm missing something.... Barshil*3"

*1 - past tense of munch; To eat and thoroughly chew.

*2 - secondary ego; 'nother personality.

*3 - (Bar-sheel) An expression I just came up with. Let's make it mainstream slang, yeah? You say it whenever you feel like you're missing something.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!"

A secretary miss came in.

"Mr. Author, we've finished dealing with the renegade cultivators from last time. They'll go through several reincarnations as snotty young masters that get trampled on by main characters. They'll have several bad endings. Furthermore, each time they must spend a thousand years in the burning palace as a purgatory before their next reincarnation...."

The secretary miss shuddered.

"Mr. Author, isn't this punishment a little too harsh?"

"Nah, they gettin' what they deservin'. You cross me, you forfeit your life."

"But Sir, they'll reincarnate... that's multiple lives of punishments..."

"Fine. You cross me, you forfeit your soul. Better?"

Narrator-san: Mr. Author glared.

Narrator-san: Secretary Miss shuddered at Mr. Author's cold-bloodedness.

"Eeek! Stop narrating me! Pervert!" said Secretarry Miss.

Narrator got flustered: I'm just doing my job!

Secretary Miss slapped Narrator-san on the face. Ouch.

"Enough, enough. Out with you two! I'm needing my rest now!"

The two could only comply, leaving Mr. Author alone in his super duper really cool mansion.

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