《Transcendence》Chapter 39


Moving like the wind - Fast

Moving like a shadow - sneaky

Moving like an explosion - powerful

Atama wrode Stronk Boi throught the bottom of the canyon. Stronk boi was familiar with teh area so he was fast. Stronk boi was a black devil bear so he blended in with the dark shadows so he was sneaky. Stronk boi was stronk so he was powerful.

Atama silently pondered as he rode Stronk Boi.

I kinda bored down here.... I don't think there's anything left for me to pillage here... I guess I'll go back up to the surface to check on everyone.

But then!


A red demonic lizard came out! It was giant!!! It was like supah huge! It big!

The black devil bear which was already the size of a one story house was only teh size of this thing's head!

This thing was massive!

It had a single uni corn horn comin' from the middle of its forehead. It had heat emitting off its body. Flames were flippin' out of the crevice that it was crawlin through

the crevice was mroe like a caniion beacuse this things was big. Very big lizard meant very big crevice = canyon.

"Ahhhh!" Atama was in a pickle. Fight or flight? What was the answer?

Obviously fight!

"I swore to never back down again! I won't back down! I will fight u to the death! Stronk boi, I wn't ask you to risk your life for me. Leave and save urself if you want! Eh? You'll help me fight this ugly dude? Many thanks!"

Atama jumped off and propelling him own self off of the Stonk boi's back part. HE went in for a Punch!


Atama may be miissing his left arm and left leg, but now his body was refined! He strong now!


He was stronger than when he did have those body pieces!


But he wasn't strong enough....

Atama's hand broke when came in contact with teh skull of the red demonic lizard. Nay! HIs hole arem shattering when in contacting with teh thing! Atama was still too under lvled for this place!

Dis be a lvl 900 zone and Atama was only lvl 250! Atama! You commendable idiot!

But don't worry! Stronk Boi here!

He clawed the lizard in the face!

- 15 hp

Crap! Stronk Boi was stronk, but not stronk enouggh!

He be a lvl 500 in this lvl 900 zone...

Lizard open his moutht to bite.


Only it's head was out of the crevice so its mobil ity was down. Atama and Stronk Boi easy dodged it.

"Stupid! Ur stuck in a hole!" Atama taunted.

But in his head... Crapppppp!!!! HOw's I'm 'posed to fight this monster?!??!?! Best run.... but I already spit that cool line bout not running..."

Narrator: Oh Atama... How the pride comes 'fore the fall....

Readers: Atama! Forget about pride! Just run while u ccan!

Me: Stupid! Men don't go back on their words! Don't you know a man's pride is worth more than his life?!?!?! Keekekekeke

Atama stole his resolve. He would fight the lizard head on!

Suddenly a bunch of armored warriors came rushing out of nowhere! They were buff and giant and holding all sorts of monster hunting weapons! THese were pros!

They started going after Atama to aprehend him for his crime, but had to deal with the matter at hand. A red demonic lizard, a 10 star beast ws here! They needed to stop it before it came to their homes and destroyed everything!

The two parties fought a good fought, allowing Atama and Stronk Boi to escap!

Hurray for plot armor!





But Atama did not escape. He staye to watch the fight. He would fight the winner to hone his fighting skills.

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