《Transcendence》Chapter 38


Meanwhile, in the land of higher and highest beings.... in the author's dimsensional world!

A being with perfection body was floating in his outer dimsensional world. He had super beautiful creatures feeding him grapes. He was relaxed so much. He was livin' in a paradisssse! Yeah! Yeah! Yeahhhh!

He checkeed his watch: 0_0

"Oh nos! It's this late alreads? Time really does fly when ur havin' fun!"

Author got up from his throne and flew threee thousand hundred millin meters to his other palace. He was serious mode now.

"Time to g-g-gggget serious!"

He put his cap on backwards to show he goin' serio s mode.

His fingers stretched into the lower worlds to dictate stuff. He had to make sure each world's plot was goin' A-Okay.

"Without me, the worlds would be in trouble of collapsing and dying. I am so needed. Yeah."

He turnt to one of his servants.

"Fetch me a glass of water. I thirst for something to drink."

He was thirsty for water. He was hard worker and sweat so he needed to refill his Fluids.

And so he drank some water and continued working....

But Then




SFX: lazer beams and stuff. Total chaotic scenario.

"AHAHAHA!!!! Now's time for me 2 destroy uuuuuuu! AHAHAHA"

Some crazy psycho somehow broke free from his dimsension and entered teh authro's dimsenshion.

"M-masaka! This is a trouble..."

The pest whobroke free opened his back of holding and thiousnands of millions of billlions of creatures and people, all with supah powerful cultivations, appeared!

"These are all teh greatest talents of my world! Today, you shall hand over your throne, Sovereign of the Origin!"

Mr. Author tilts his head in confuse.

Hah? When'd I get such a cool title? Not complaining tho....

"Puny ants, go home. I'll grant u all merzy for gi/ing me a cool name..."


Mr. Author was be gettin' an headache. He been gettin' head ache be cause he had so much work to do in the othr dmisnsions.

The invaders were ungrateful swines.

"Ur just scared because now we can fight you! U beeing a coward!"

"Seems like you can bully the weak, but when you find trouble, you cower, coward!"

"What they said!"

The invading lower beings rushed at the Author with all their power. They were gonna make history, they thought.


A melancholic wind erupted and blue them all back.

It blue them all back

all of tthem were blown back.



"REmember me!"

They were all blown back.

Author shoook his head.

"Give up. I don't wish to do unecesary"

But they wouldn't.

"Even if it is impossible, we will continue no matter what! This is... our determination!!!!!!"

Dragons, Minotaurs, Humans, Bestmen, Demons, Plant Peeps, it didn't matter what they were... they all had the same determination as people from the same realm!!!

How inspirign, right?

"You've made one fatal flaw..." Said Mistah Author.

Nani?!! What is the flaw?

"Two, ctually."

Author put up one finger.

"The first is fighting me. That alone was a fatal flaw."

He put up another finger.

"The second... is that you're all oldies! SUre, you're at the peak of cultivation and power in your realm... but just how long did that take?!?! Ur all old monsters!"

The realizatin kicked in!

These were all senior citizens +

Sure, they looked young because of their cultivation... but they were still 60 years old +

"My back!"

"My blood pressure!"

"What they said!"

The people's internal and external injureis errupted.

"Heh. This is the power of an author... the power of suggestion and words! Whatever I will... comes true!!!!!"

The people were terrefied!

"BIg mistake Big mistake Big Chu-mistake!"

They wanted to run away, but the portal was closed now.






End of Chapter

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