《Transcendence》Chapter 37


60 sec

61 secs

62 secs

63 secs

64 secs

65 secs












Atama endured for 130 seconds!

His hole body was strengthened! He had skin that was soft and smooth, yet strong and durable!

His teeth were not crooked. His teeth were pearly white.

His hair was silky and high quality!

Atama was like reborned!

But his meridians.... his meridians! Atama you dummy! Yoou ruined your meridians! They're trash tier now! Why u do it? Why did you damage them instead of letting the falling water improve them!!?

"With this, I've burned the ships and destroyed the bridge. I can only rely on my own methods to get stronger, rather than to follow that Darth's instructions! By doing this, I've also effectively weakened Darth! His cultivation will get slower and his power has probably dropped!"

Aha! So it was to trip up Darth, was it? Atama, you genius! - Audience

Author: Hehe, you all are still probably confused about what happened on between ch 28 and ch 29 heheh. You probs wondering what happened between Atama and Darth. To you guys, these two ahve barely interacted and have no reason to dislike each others. Too bad. You gotta figure it out from the hints I drop, heheh.

*Hint gets Dropped*

Hint: There was a struggle between the two. Lol what a generic hint that you probably inferred by now kek.


Atama finally couldn't bare it anymore. He stepped out from the water fall. HIs body was barely getting refined now and the PAIN was too much. He began drying himself off and putting his clothes back on. He looked to Stronk Boi.

"Why not u want to refine ur body under the falling water, bro?" *Head tilts*


The black devil bear Stronk Boi looked back. *Return head tilt*

It was almost like he was saying: 'It wouldn't do much for me if at all'

"Oh, okay."

Atama somehow understood Stronk Boi's thoughts just from the look. This proved the bond connection between boy and beast. These two were gon make an awesome team for sure!

"Well, on to the next strengthening plot defice! C'mon!"

The boy hopped on the bear's back.

Off they trotted agaiin!

They trotteed off!






But little did they know

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