《Transcendence》Chapter 36






Gadunk x 5

The thumping of Stronk Boi's feet resounded all over the canyon. And tehy echoed because it was a canyon. It was veery imposing.

The large beast - the black devil bear- was imposing. It was the apex aminal. It was the peak of existence in this area... and yet this eight or so boy was riding upon its back! How could such a creature submit and lower its status so much?!

This boy definitely wasn't ordinary!


Atama was so cool. He had the gaul to yawn on this scary beast's back! This thing had the power to kill him lickity split, remind you.

Atama looked forward. He used his blood spirits and multiple blood tattoos appeared around his eyes. They strengthened his sight in this darkness. Without the blood spirits, he prob would not be able to see further than 10 feet in front of him.


Stronk Boi told Atama to hold on a bit longer. They were almost to somewhere of interest.

"Aight, kay."

A bit longer later

Atama and Stronk Boi arrived in front of a loud waterfall. Atama looked up but couldn't see its beginning.

He sensed a tingly feeling in his toes.

"Hmm. Is this the qi that Darth cultivates? It must be really a lot here if even I can sense it."

Atama spit in disgust.

I really hate that guy. I don't want anything to do with his cultivation methods even if it'll be a lot more convenient for me... I wanna stay as far away from his deeds as possible.

What exactly happened between the two?!?! What did we miss between chapter 28 and 29?!?!?!?! I so wanna know! Author San tell me!-Narrator San.

No. - The very handsome Author

Atama really didn't want anything to do with qi cultivation, but he figured he could still use the gifts of the natural world to find his own strengthening method.


He removed his clothes adn sat in the lotus position under the water fall. He let the pressure of the qi water to refine his muscles. He was tempering by the water fall like iron gettin' tempere dby the hammer and fiah.

Water fall if it could talk: Take this kid!!!!! You won't even last 10 seconds under my pressure!!!!!

But Atama kood!

1 sec 2 sec 3 sec 10 sec 20 sec 50 sec!

Water fall if it could talk: M-masaka! Dis ish imposhibulllllll!!!!

Background: This waterfall was actually discovered by a number of people, all were great talents. All who came here were tempered and strengthed more tehan you could think. None could struggle so long in it howevs.... all but one, but he doesn't count. He was a monster and couldn't be compared with the rest.... he was un peered.

Atama's body trembulled so much. His skin was torn off by the water and replaced with new baby like skin. So soft! The fashionable peeps want to know how to get their skin like dat!

Atama's muscles bulged and then condesned and were strengthened further!

Just how many benefits could this Atama kid get from this place?!

His qi meridians were getting nourished by the qi water, but once Atama sensed this, he used his blood spirits to stop it and force it out. Being so forceful ws badd for his cultivation tho... It damaged his meridians and muscles too.... It waas like using acid to push out nourising water... Atama, y u do dis? T_T

I can't accept this qi no matter what... even if it hurts my body!

Atama ur a dummy but so determined too! I'm conflicted between hating ur stupidity and loving your resolve! Ahhhh! - Narrator-san and readers.

Stronk Boi just sat on the side this whole time lol.

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