《Transcendence》Chapter 34









Atama was currently being flung around like rag doll. THe bear had Atama's leg in its clutches. He was not liking this.

He kept slippin' in n' out of concsious. He wasn't even conscious enough 2b scared anymores. Boohoo. ;(


SFX: Leg splittin' from body.

Atama's leg gave out and was torn from his body. He was tossed and crashed against a canyon wall. He lost a leg, but at least he was free now.

"You fiend... i wasn't even lookin' for trouble...."

He was in pathetic state. Bruised black and blue. Misssing an leg. Missing ann arm. (Left leg and left arm. Now he be right heavy.) And he had scratch claw marks that were reopenning on his chest. He was bl00dy mess....

"I feel sorry for him! Wish we could help him!" - pretty people who are reading this + not pretty people who are reading this. Basically everyone.

"Well maybe i'll help him just this once... since you pretty people asked so much.... but gonna cost ya ur numbah!" - Mr. author.

A giant hand came out the 4th dimensional wall and grabbed the black devil bear by the neck.

The hand had tan skin and was slightly harry... it was thae hand of MR. Author!!!!!

Atama was shocked to see such a scene! He be like this: (○□○)!!!

"Wh-who are you?!!?" Atama yelled in shocked expression. He never experiencing this b4. This was being much scarer than what he thought of Darth! This giant hand was like 1000 Darths put together!

The hand ignored Atama. Any more contact with the boy would be too much charity. This current help was already like tossing 10 billion dollars/ 1,076,540,000,000.00 yen to a jerk who didn't want to help sweep the floor!


"Heh, I'm so generous person" - Author-kun.

The hand squeezed the bear's neck and it started to die. It so wanted to tap out like the Connor Mcree when he fought Khabib. It high noon.

The bear was suff oc ating.

It looked like it was suffer ing.

Atama watched and was kinda sad. He didn't want to hurt this bear... So he became like one of those no logic protagonist.

"Stop! He can be good paerson! He just need redemption!"


This guy was going to forgive something even after it just tried to kill him? You fool!

But I decided to spare the bear. This is on you, Atama. If you regret this, then it all on you!

The giant harry tan hand let go of the bear and went back into its own dimension.

the bear was passed out on floor of the canyon.




Author's Note:

How'd ya like the chapter? Huh? Huh? Cool, right? Right? The handsome author made an appearance! Did that excite you all? Was that not such a cool scene? You'll get more where that come from heh heh.

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