《Transcendence》Chapter 33


Atama, gathering his resolve, plucked the golden lily from its place. There was no going back now.

The flower let out a bright shine as its celestial energy burst forth.

Logical Readers: Atama you dummy! You might be wasting a precious resource because you don't know how to process it! Our boi Darth probably could've leveled up ten times with this stuff!!!!!! IdioooooooT!

But Atama couldn't hear them.

The flower soon began to dim rapidly and the beautiful celestial gold started to fade rapildly to a dull brown like a wilting flower.

Eeeek! Went Atama

He didn't really think this trhough. He just thought he'd pick the flower since it looked like it could be useful. He didn't think about how he'd use it.

Atama panicked. He doesn't know what he supposed to doing.

Soon enough the celestial gold was a l l g o n e.


Atama sighed and shook his head.

"What a waste..."

He threw the flower that was wilted to the floor. Then he flew off in hopes of finding something else that would be interesting.

But little did he knew that that fated encounter would change the direction of his life....




The blood spirits were back out. They were back because the celestial gold lily was gone. You know what they say, "When the cat is gone, the mice come."

But instead of a cat it was a flower, and istead of a mice it was blood spirits.

Atama then encountered life death situation.

A black devil bear came out from its cave on teh side of the canyon wall. It was like an ink black giant bear with pure white eyes, no pupils, and crystal teeth that had teeth (The crystal teeth were barbed.). It had claws that were super long. It let out death curdling scream roar. It was terrifiying.. Atama wanted to run but he was then like, "I can use this to strengthenmyself."


So he charged in to fight.

With his remaining arm (His right arm) he sent a punch. HIs arm was wrapped in blood spirits.

It was a super strong punch. like 100x stronger than a cultivator of the same stage as him.

He was met with teh black devil bear's right claw punch attack.

The clash made a Dong sound. (It was a metallic sound despite the two being flesh beings. this shows how strong they were. [Flesh were as strong as metals]).

Atama was blown back and tumbled. His arm was numb. Somthing that could numb his arm was definitley not something taht was not strong. This meant that this bear was strong! Very strong!


It struck again with its other clawed fist.

Atama had no choice but to jump back to dodge. He barely got grazed on his chest.

Blood leaked from his chest.

"Argh! Dumb bear! I'll beat you! I didn't come lookin' for a fight! You came to me!"

He harnessed teh blood spritit tattoos and sealed his wounded chest. then he sprang at the bear to kick at its head.

Bang! Crit Hit! The bear stumbled back only one step. This one step would've been enough to shocked immortal cultivator stage cultivators!

This bear would've been a high tier boss at least. A top tier boss at most!

The bear tehn had a twinkle in its eye like it had Atama where it wanted him - because it did!

It bit Atama's leg and broke teh bone and flesh. Then it flailed him around like a doll!

"AHHHH!" Atama was scared. He was only eight aftter all. This was a terrifying bear after all.

How will our hero escape this terror?




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