《Transcendence》Chapter 30


The young Atama with a chiseled eight year old body with fiersome bloody red hair like blood and bloody fiersome red crimson blood spirit tattoos that coveored his body stood before the white jade celestial gold giant huge doors that contained mystery. Mystery. Mystery. (Three times for emphasis. lol.)

He let out a foreboding breath before placing his remaining palm on one of the doors. He then injected his qi energy into the doors and the doors flashed a celesital golden color. This cool ceelestial golden color only lasted a few moments - like less than the amount of time it takes for a fly to flap its wings. The golden light was replaced with a violent bloody red light that was foreshadowing a hard MMO boss that would party wipe.

I wonder what's beyond these doors... Why was Darth so surprised by them? It would recquire something really insane to make even a trace of the surprised expression to flash across that madman's face.... Must be something important. i'lll check it out.

The doors were slowly opening and more violent red leaked out as light.

It would open in




1 1/2.

But then Atama closed it.

*Shakes eight year old head with an expression of reblious faze expression.*

I don't owe Darth nothing, that insane madman. I, Atama, am my own person. So what if he made my body stronger? So what if he has the power to avenge my tribe? So what if following his instructions will lead me to greatness? *Atama said to himself.*

"I will walk my own path. I won't be a pawn. If I fail and die because of this stubborness, then so be it! But I, Atama, will not be used like a cheap tool you can buy off of a dollar store!"


Atama stole his resolve and spat on the floor. That signified that he was spitting out the clutches of Darth's influence to be his pawn.

"If there's something there that that fool Darth wants, then he should go get it himself! I'll gggo do my own thing now!"

And so he did.

Atama exited the legendary lookin' temple and found himself at the bottom of the canyon. He looked up and couldn't even see the sky it was that dark.

Sigh, do I really wanna spend my time flying back up there? It'll take a week at the least! I'll bore myself to death with boredom! Let's find a new path to take that will lead to adventure and story content. Yes.

And so Atama traveled at the bottom of this canyon. He was so deep in the earth there was lava falling from crevicees like water falls but with lava. Atama feared not, however, because such mortal lava could no longer hurt him. He was stronk.

Atama kept walking. There was such thick clouds of spirit qi that they formed a bunch of first rate crystals and qi clouds. If Darth were here, he'd be sucking them all up to increase his cultivation like a madman. Unfortunately it was Atama here. He wanted to train his own way, not by Darth's OP cultivation techniques.

What a loser.


Three question marks. You know what that means? It means that as Atama was walking, he encountered a yellow thunder rat that had the ability to fly for some reesawn.

"Crap!" he said. The rat, not Atama.

This rat was no match for the current Atama. Sure, the boy was missing his right, dominant arm, but he didn't need it to sweep this chump lol.

Atama rose his hand to attack with a spirit shard attack. Shrennnk!

The shards of blood spirit shard missed because the flying rat could dodge. It was quick like lightning.

It bolted away leaving a trail of yellow light.

"Matte! I need to absorb your blood and soul to increase my blood spirit strength!"

Atama followed suit.

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