《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Robe please


"Why is Mogranius naked?" Questioned Woldemir as he walked in on the scene with Stefan, after managing to paddle his way out of the sea waters.

For the first time unwilling to be sarcastic, Mogranius asks. "I came up here riding a demonic swordfish and the first question you are going to ask is about my clothes?"

"Well he means that this is more disturbing than the demon fish." Weighed in Stefan, with eyes flinched, pointing at the old man's genitals.

"What do you mean? I'm fitter than both of you." Mogranius uttered, while patting the young Electus.

Which was a bit true, exploring has given Mogranius legs of steel and prevented the old man from growing over weight. He would look like a 35 year old if it wasn't for his messy short beard.

"It isn't about the muscles, you're naked. Here, put on your robe." Deciphered Woldemir as he kindly offered Mogranius the robe.

Even though these two already were close friends, manners are everything for Woldemir so he saw no reason to drop a slight playful offense. Even under the toughest situation Woldemir would think of ways to express what he is feeling, without cursing.

Gently standing up, handling the two most sensitive people softly, he expressed to the others. "Alright alright that sounds reasonable. None of you can handle my beauty anyway."

Once observed that everyone is all jolly and happy, Stefan takes the privilege of questioning. "Respectively, what in the name of fuck happened?"

The reason behind such language understood, Mogranius planted a seed for this explanation. "I doubt that I told any of you about my father?"

"No, I don't think so."

"I barely know anything about you."

"You had a father?"

"He is dead, so no."


Hating those reactions from the bundle, Mogranius cut it painfully short. "My father ate demon meat, conquered 3 Inner demons and can see through any animal's eyes. Also, he is 300 years old."

"Oh no, he drank too much sea water." Added Stefan, more expressive and uttered a sentence everyone else was thinking.

"Mogranius never lied, so I believe him." Eric weighed in, had it a bit hard to go against Stefan but points had to be made.

To that, Stefan once more interjected. "Well don't tag me in any adventures like that, I don't wanna deal with any demons."

Having a question asked that only the closest souls can think of, Alia puzzled. "How was it like meeting your father again?" While clung on the old man's arm.

"Oh I loved it. I fought demons, a whale who had feet and saw the source of fire!" As he finished that sentence, everyone looked at him as if he went insane.

Who was to blame them? Everything Mogranius just said sounds like something impossible, crazy and made up, fiction through and through.

"Definitely drank too much water."

"Why would your dad know the source?"

"The source should be up in the skies, I thought they connected with the continents and just went to the after life."

"I thought that too."

Such ray of questions were expected to burst but the old man found a way to push them all away. "I will tell all of you everything later, could write a book about it really. But first I need to talk to King Michael."

"I left him on a boat once I saw you riding the swordfish." Revealed Eric and got a bit red once spotting how Alia is looking at him.


"Well go get him!" Yelled Mogranius in a laughing manner.

Shyness almost pushed away, Eric joked around. "Can I ride the swordfish there?"

"You could, if she was here." Answered Mogranius wholeheartedly, no sarcasm in his tone.

"It's a she?" Yelled out Stefan, most definitely carrying shock. "She is large."

Fire broke out of Eric's feet, elevating the boy from the ground in a split second after he finished the sentence.

The young man flew a lot ever since his last visit at Crutal Kingdom. What he struggled to even start back then, just lifted Eric across the blue skies.

As the young man flew away, Mogranius turned to Woldemir and said. "The boy is struggling with the Inner demon of rage. If he doesn't fight it now, the boy will end up like Xakro, insane."

Hard to say that just from a simple conversation, but Mogranius is 58 years old and had to deal with such demons although he didn't realise it. No one in existence can be more accurate than him now, regarding this particular Inner demon.

"What can we do about it? I'm completely lost, you're telling me that my son will go crazy." Woldemir stated, this was indeed a topic that demands a professional.

"You have been through a lot in your life Woldemir. If anyone knows how to be patient, it's you." Comforted Stefan in the conversation, made a point really.

Staggered by the situation which led to a lack of understanding, Woldemir sighed and rubbed his temples. "Patience won't help here my friend, my son will go crazy."

Smart enough to have everything observed, Stefan insisted. "You don't understand, I think the opposite of rage is balance, patience. You're perfect at that, so Eric can learn from you."

That fact encouraged, Mogranius weighed in a theory. "I have no clue how Inner demon levels work, but Eric might be dealing with a level 4 one considering his power. So Stefan is right unfortunately, only you can help Eric."

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