《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Whale Bear


Uncertain how to comprehend this, Mogranius can't help but to shout. "What the hell is that abomination?"

Letting silence stretch, saying one word but not knowing how to fill a sentence, the Geezer finally answers. "I don't know, I… I never saw anything like it."

The Creature of which arose from the water seemed to be like a mix of a Whale with a Bear, insane combination when you think about it just for a second.

It looks like as if a Bear matted with a Whale and they had a big ugly child.

Just imagine seeing a huge whale standing on its feet, yes feet!

The abnormal features on the abomination includes having Bear like legs instead of fins.

Apart from those features, size is most definitely to its advantage considering that it's a Humpback Whale! The creature isn't even entirely out of the water and yet it's already standing 8 meters tall.

The physical characteristics are hard to comprehend alone but another surprise echoed across the Cave.

As the Whale Bear gave out a shout, piercing to the ear but yet not high pitched, loud most definitely.

Thanks to that call, another wave of Demons rushed out of the waters at the edge of the Cave, the amounts far too difficult for these men to handle.

There isn't much space to run and shoot either which all develops into one big mess.

Of course the Fire Blaster didn't stand still here, the first Demon that arose from the Water had its pupils overwhelmed with what blew its head off.

A few shots later, noticing that this isn't working. His father taps Mogranius on the shoulder and advises, "You know how you released the Atomic Fire move a bit earlier?"

"Yes?" Answers Mogranius, knowing where this is going as he set a blaze a bundle of Demons with the continues wave of Fire that's echoing through his palms.


With a shout enough for the Demons to hear in the midst of their crazed screams, the geezer demands. "By the mother of all Sources unleash it again!"

With a few seconds bought, especially since for some reason the enemies are circling around the Whale Bear instead of attacking, Mogranius turns around and points out. "If I do that again, I will end up with no stamina. No stamina means no more Fire!"

Nodding his head upwards, the old man points. "Tell that to the Whale Bear."

Unwilling to risk possible death but understanding that options are limited, Mogranius requests. "Alright, buy me a few seconds."

"That's easy, tihihihihi." His father answers, grabbing more fist like rocks after and proceeding with his key attack.

With the aid of the Demonic bone, or we can call it a leg, that he is always carrying. Bonding between rock and bone became inevitable, both teams forming a projectile attack.

Hovering across the air, hitting Demons usually under the chin or through the eye.

He is surprisingly agile with this… abnormal skill, not even missing once yet.

Probably because the Demons are coming in groups, but as mentioned he is hitting them on the head.

Every second dropping another Demon dead. Yes dead!

That's how much of a heavy impact a 300 year crazy old man can offer.

As his father bought him some time, Mogranius has already gone through the set of moves and is all ready to unleash another Atomic Fire sphere.

The major issue here is that he might not have the Stamina to pull out a Fire Shield right after, this Atomic Fireball has been charged even further considering the extra seconds given so in all way this can lead to flying in his grave.

That possibility considered, he chose to not throw the Fire against the ground this time which slows the entire sphere down and limits its travel.


Instead, he decided to throw the fire directly towards the Whale Bear!

Or is it a Whale Bear?

They didn't see any fur yet, just fins that seemed to have evolved into fins with claws and a roar that strictly symbolizes a wild animal.

Shooting the Atomic Fire towards the Whale Bear, under a blink of an eye it reached the howling enemy and caused a foot wide hole through its belly before the sphere even expanded.

Although the hole small, it's impact is far greater than common logic would expect.

The sphere pierced through the air so fast that it actually sliced what seemed to be a 12 meter tall goddamn Whale in half.

Once the sphere exploded, that's when the real heart rumble began.

The blast pushed Mogranius and his father off of their feet and tossed them against the ground but luckily the blast was far enough to not cause any fatal injuries.

Just a few bumps and bruises forced upon the two individuals once they met the ground.

But the Cave! Well, half of what we can call the entrance, collapsed right after the explosion struck its walls.

Flesh wasn't a boundary strong enough to slow down the Fire's speed, neither would be dirt but a compressed sphere of Fire can only go so long without erupting itself.

Most of the area where there was water, has been overwhelmed by dirt and rock.

And a quarter where there was dry land, it too has been struck with the same fate from the ceiling of the Cave almost hitting Mogranius and his father. Such impact could sure crush the life out of them.

"You did it, u blasted those goddamn demons back to hell!" Yelled his father and after as he saw Mogranius knocked out cold, his tone changed fairly a lot towards the negative. "Son?"

"Aa you are finally awake." Spoke his father as he noticed Mogranius waking up in a rather tense mood.

"Damn. What happened." Asks Mogranius as he witnessed his father cooking something.

"Where the hell did he get the wood and how did he start a fire?" Mogranius thinks, but decides that it would be safer not to ask.

"You took a bit of a nasty spill." The geezer answers as he ran a bone across the pot, making the meat move around so it doesn't stick at the bottom of the pot.

A bit concerned about the people he left behind back on the surface, Mogranius queries. "How long was I asleep?"

With a firm assuring face, the old man answers. "200 Years."

"What?" The Fire Blaster shouts, afterwards adding. "Not again!"

Breaking into laughter, admiring the look on his son's face, the geezer afterwards assures. "Just kidding, you slept only about 2 days and I haven't seen any Demons ever since but enough about that, have some meat. It will help you back on your feet."

A bit hesitant to eat what his father hands out although starving, Mogranius asks what's bothering him. "It isn't Demon meat, right?"

Somehow pissed, spotted all in his tone, the crazy old man adds. "No, it's just Whale meat. I was so happy about getting to taste Bear meat again but no."

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