《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Spearfisher Woman


Walking her way to the fishing area in the port of "Wide River" is 16 year old Lia.

Wide River Kingdom used to have a Grand relation with Gaster Kingdom way before Xakro illustratio l caused the Civil War.

But that of course forced towards change before the illustratios even broke through Gaster Kingdom's defences and claimed their land as their own around 184 years ago.

Xakro figured that since his forces can't break through the impenetrable Gaster Kingdom defences, somehow he had to cut their incomes in order to ascend towards success.

Which is why the illustratian Alliance set a few demands towards Wide River Kingdom, cutting half of Gaster Kingdom's Income which sent them all downhill.

Wide River Kingdom itself is based on the illustratian motherland [Meridionali Ignis], and Xakro's army stretched the biggest in the motherland so we can't blame Wide River Kingdom or its rulers for giving in.

It was either bann Gaster Kingdom from port usage or start new political debates or most likely war, with the whole Alliance who spreads through this Continent's 4 Countries.

Gaster Kingdom resisted for 3 years after but they finally collapsed. People were starving so they had to migrate someplace else, where they met a more brutal end in the search for salvation as illustratian Platoons were constantly on the move.

The port of Gaster Kingdom was halfway through being built when the illustratio invaded.

Such key History facts aside, we can not ignore a key nature characteristic that Wide River Kingdom sees every day, hence the name.

Although different in size here and there, the very entrance of the river connecting to the ocean, is 90-100km wide.

Meaning all the rivers in Ignis aren't exactly rivers since they are inverted and often filled with salt water, making it all the more special.

Getting back to Lia. She is an Ignite girl with unusual strength compared to the rest of her female kind or male kind come to think of it.

While other full grown fishermen struggle to pull out a 100kg fish, she does it with one hand and she can sip tea with the other if she has too for any logical reason.


So considering her massive strength able to be compared with 4 full grown men, she found it reasonable to fish with a spear and rope.

Her family is slightly above the common folk when it comes to the financial status thanks to her.

Her reputation began when she pulled out a 200kg Striped Marlin out of the water, alone.

That's roughly half the weight of a full grown Striped Marlin, but it isn't a task that one man can do without risking his life when it comes to fishing it out of the water with a spear.

When selling such fish, the Gold Coins per kg can rage. So considerably, Lia fished out a salary in her first try of spearfishing.

Due to the risk Fishermen commonly take, they earn above common folk if they sell it themselves instead of selling half to the Castle.

Selling it to the castle of Wide River means selling it for half the price which can be quite more profitable if you think about it as it is quick and easy gold.

The Castle buys any fish right away but if the Fishermen and or Spearfishermen chose to sell their catches on a store or anywhere else, it would take more work and can lead to fish rotting.

The Fishermen can choose if they can sell the other half to the Castle or not, but the other half is mandatory to be sold.

Then the Castle sells the fish to its people for the normal Market price, which of course equals to twice the Income.

It is a way that benefits both the fishermen and the Kingdom, what's excessive is sold elsewhere.

Lia chose to enter deeper waters this time, so considering she earned a reasonable amount of Gold ever since fishing when she was 14, she bought a big boat but not big enough to be considered a ship.

The boat is about 10 meters long, 5 meters wide and is well constructed, it isn't cheaply built and here in this illustratian motherland [Meridionali Ignis] it costs 9,000 Gold Coins.


It is still rare to see a 16 year old handling so much Gold, even her family dislikes how strict she is about Saving Gold Coins.

They feel like the family should buy more expensive things which often aren't necessary but all based on ego and encouraging the term, "I have more gold than you and I will show it off."

While Lia on the other hand, firmly sticks to the expression. "If you want it, start working and get it."

It isn't exactly sane to buy things one doesn't need when someone else is paying, putting in hard work for those Gold Coins and we are talking about adults here doing such nonsense so yes it does sound dumber.

"Are we ready to depart Jim?" Asked Lia as she approached her good quality boat, floating near the docks.

She does want to spear fish but she doesn't want to go there alone, moving a 10 meter long boat across the ocean is something she can manage to do but she would need to take breaks too often.

So she promised each of the 3 crew members, 10% of her earnings if they don't manage to catch anything themselves.

If they do manage to fish something out though, she doesn't have to pay them anything as reaching deeper waters thanks to her boat, compensates any pay.

Actually one of the few happy to see her, Jim cited. "Yes miss Lia, we are all ready to let this fine boat make us some gold."

Jim is an experienced Fishermen Lia met on this domain's shores. She doesn't share a personal connection with him apart from work relation.

So if there was a secret to keep, Jim or the other two, aren't the ones for the job because hey are all in this for the gold after all.

Another note, If these men assist Lia to spear a full grown Striped Marlin or Black Marlin which can be overwhelming in the size and demands more hands on the rope, these men get 25% each of the earnings because it would qualify as "their catch" and not just Lia's.

Fishing a Black Marlin alone is something that even Lia isn't confident about. It's like trying to pull a boat on dry land, a boat that can run backwards that is.

Looking at the other crew members resting their arms on the boat's edges, Lia cited. "I assume we all are aware of the rules when it comes to gold. I don't want to hear a, "but I want more." after we start sailing this Boat."

Speaking for the three of them, Jim expresses. "We all are clear of the plan miss Lia, let's start sailing this beauty."

Normally, one lady getting in a boat with 3 men sailing far from the shore is a bad idea. Any lady can get raped easily if she doesn't cooperate and her body might not be found again.

It's easy to hide such a foul crime, as they will be far off shore after for the bigger catches. They can dumb any lady's body in the water and claim that a big fish pulled her in.

But considering Lia's strength, the chances of her tying them all up and raping them instead, one by one and throw them in the ocean is more possible than these 3 men raping her.

They sailed their way a kilometer from the shore. It's deep enough to find big fish and is close enough to not get lost in the ocean, the Kingdom of Wide Waters is clearly seen although it looks like one single boat from that distance.

Alarming the few, waking them up from the boredom the sun's heat caused, Jim hollered. "Black Marlin in the water!"

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