《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Kingdom of Maleemia


"King Tamzar sir. We chased away what was left of the illustratian army and captured 48 of their men. What are your orders?" Asked Lareem, a Guard Commander in the Kingdom of Maleemia, the Capital Kingdom of Septemtrions Ignis.

"Offer them these two options. They can either work for me or be executed." Butchered Tamzar straight to the point with absolutely no aim to beat around the bush or at this case around the chunks of ice.

Tamzar is the leader of the whole Snow Ignite revolution, self proclaimed King of Septemtrionis Ignis although the rest of the Continent don't accept his ruling although they should soon as well since he has invaded and bested the Capital [Maleemia]!

It isn't a small and easy task to bash in and best the Capital of a whole Country [Septemtrionis Ignis].

He is the mastermind of the main attack who led the Snow Ignites to a groundbreaking victory and an unbreakable defense form too. He is the man who caused the worst army shortage the Continent of Ignis ever faced.

A Grand fact, he attacked the Kingdom of Maleemia with 300 Snow Ignites gathered after years and years of work, ⅓ of those Snow Ignites don't have Freezing Magic!

Winning a battle against 1,000 Soldiers, Tamzar stood victorious against the illustratian occupants, claimed Maleemia as his own and you know the base fact from that point, he along with his small army caused the worst military shortage throughout the whole History of Ignis.

But however getting back to the conversation, Lareem the Guard commander asked. "What use can we make of those Soldiers My King? We have enough of our own. Losing 140 in our invasion, we stood strong after attaining occupation and didn't lose a single Soldier after."

Appearance-wise, Tamzar is quite handsome. He carries a shortly trimmed white beard, well developed jawbone and big plumpy lips along with silky medium length hair. Quite a catch.


Pointing out the most concerning part at last, the perceptive Guard commander cited. "Would it be wise to arm them from inside the Kingdom?"

Respecting the man's paranoia, Tamzar felt it deathly necessary to correct. "No no my friend, they won't be working as Guards or Soldiers.

Raising his forefinger, the self proclaimed King also has to add. "If they have any skills of value, they work for us and food will be their pay."

Continuing to decipher his own plan, Tamzar weighed in. "After 3 years of work they can decide if they want to leave the Kingdom or continue to work here. If they decide to continue to work here, they will be offered a house to live in and pay taxes too."

Not liking how the King is giving these slaves a chance of life, Lareem tried to contradict although acting agreeable. "Meaning they will earn a Salary?"

Trying to sound as nice as a Slaver can be, the King answered firmly. "They will have a normal life instead of just risking their neck for their power hungry overlords."

Finally deciding to go against this decision, although still kissing boots, the Guard commander cited. "This is an offer too good for Soldiers who just tried to kill our people Sire. You would be considered the most generous if you spared their lives and made them slaves!"

Having a view that struck Lareem's views and made it for him hard to comprehend, the King pitched. "The illustratian alliance overworked these Soldiers due to the shortage they are having for almost 200 years now."

Explaining the rest of his thoughts that delivered the most impact, the King continued. "To live here with reasonable working hours and a warm free house to stay in, they will be seduced of the peace."


Covering it with a rough fact at last, he uttered. "The illustratian Alliance were above us for 2 Centuries but peace was never on their side even though they've won up until this point."

Still having doubts, although his conscious shifted to the point of hurling out his dinner, Lareem expressed. "I'm not sure how this will play out but I don't expect a miracle my King. I'm not going to lie to you! I think they will try to reclaim Maleemia."

But complimenting the King's idea, he also offered. "Should I give them a short interview Sire? I'm more than willing to do it!"

Not wishing to burden a Guard commander with a task that doesn't befit his levels of expertise, the King demanded. "No, have my assistant arrange everything. Just pass down the word to her, tell her to make this her main priority."

Having one string of sympathy for the illustratios because what the King just visualized, Lareem queries."Of course Sire but what if one doesn't want to die but has no valuable skill?"

Short and direct, sympathy far to reach for the unskilled, Tamzar ordered. "Send them to the mines."

[Taking a moment to state a few facts about the Snow Ignites. Even in such cold conditions, they don't have trouble working in a mine or carrying a cart through the snow either.

Their skin is as white as snow itself, literally. That's why they are called snow Ignites. They used to be typical Ignites but they evolved to be Snow Ignites due to their bizarre living conditions which was usually on top of the cold mountains.

Their bodies evolved so well that freezing cold temperatures would feel like a light summer breeze to them as their average body temperature is hotter, to put up with the cold.

They have the ability to swim through freezing cold waters for a kilometer and survive, if they don't get dragged down by a fish that is.

Their feet evolved in such a way that they can walk through snow barefoot without slipping or getting frostbite, superior for a Human come to think of it.

Their Hands are more like claws, proper for mountain climbing. Living scattered in caves and ruins after the illustratios invaded about 200 years ago, such attribute has been enhanced furthermore.

If an illustratio or typical Ignite was to work in the mines however, he has to be properly equipped.]

Asking one last question about today's task, the Guard commander puzzled. "And if they don't wish to work in the mines?"

Having absolutely no remorse if it gets to this point, the King answered. "Feed them to the Bears."

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