《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Downfall of Gaster Kingdom


Guard Commander Chan after being on the road to reach Pameres Kingdom for over a week, he is barely halfway there. His close friend Aaron's estimation of the time it takes to reach Pameres Kingdom wasn't entirely correct.

Well he isn't to blame, neither are the horses come to think of it. They faced several steep hills already and the rain wasn't stopping at all these past 3 days.

If the rain wasn't stopping at all for over 2 hours straight, for the horses and guards safety, they had to stop in an Inn to get warm and wait for the rain to stop, it really isn't a good idea to travel in the rain when other options are available.

Chan however, used the opportunity to read the books he was threatened to read before he started this journey. It mostly contained of illustratian Alliance history.

Explaining the history of the Giant illustratio with scarcely gather up information, well more like theories about him. No one was ever that close to him and lived to tell the story.

A book also explained the illustratain Revolution towards the "Evil Ignites". Mostly lies and propaganda forged by Xakro illustratio l, but who would be able to prove him wrong? Even Guard Commander Chan is believing everything he is reading.

It isn't so stupid to say, that History is how the ones in charge tell it to be written. It is a bit of an unwritten rule no doubt but its impact isn't just in Ignis but worldwide, although the factions and History different.

But one of the books tells of the rise to power of Pameres Kingdom. This domain started being built 16 years after Xakro illustratio l killed Akareas and took her powers.

It isn't really a surprising to see that the past Grand King tried to make new Domains the Alliance can get a profit out off, it felt even better when they made another domain pay for it.


Gaster Kingdom is one of the Kingdoms on the so called "Clear Lands" and it also hosted several mines which were rich in mineral. But where is mineral, there is illustratians who used it to their utmost advantage for an expanse.

Getting to the point, the illustratio favoured such land and mineral lust so after a very long battle that actually lasted 16 years, the illustratios actually managed to invade the most wealthy Kingdom in Occidentis Ignis, Gaster Kingdom.

The Ignites there however, sure put up a fight. Their soldiers were of elite groups, their weaponry was of good quality and they managed to recruit small groups of Ignites one by one and form an army of 5,000.

They stood a chance against Xakro's army in numbers but their downfall was the lack of houses, they had housing for roughly 1000 but there were 5000 soldiers.

People slept on the street, a huge part of the economy was spent in construction which backfired greatly so they had to deconstruct everything at the very end. Clan Conflicts between famous Ignite last names occurred because of a food shortage as well, which was what finally tipped the resistance over.

The natives of Gaster Kingdom wanted upper advantages in the food situation just simply because they were permanent residents to Gaster Kingdom.

While the imported Soldiers started a revolution towards the natives whose ego was taller than their height. Hundreds of soldiers were lost even though the King there tried tremendously to stop such conflict, it is fair to say that the Ignites in this domain practically destroyed their selves instead of being destroyed from an external threat.

Xakro illustratio l however, did not at all fail to get this moronic situation to his advantage. He promised the none native Ignite Soldiers in Gaster Kingdom Permanent Residence if they helped him invade Gaster Kingdom.


With the hatred towards the native Gaster Ignites, the non native soldiers made a mistake to partner with the enemy. The deal at first sounded fine, the imported Soldiers would run Gaster Kingdom, establishing their own community and becoming neutral with the illustratio. What's best? They just had to pay a 35% monthly tax towards the illustratian Alliance.

But it is rather believable that Xakro illustratio l didn't keep his word. The Native Ignites in Gaster Kingdom were slaughtered by the non native Ignites there.

After the battle, the remaining non native Ignites were enslaved to work in the mines and the illustratio established a community there without wasting a Soldier of their own.

The mines at Gaster Kingdom were at top efficiency. Hundreds of non native Ignite Soldiers were put in to use in the mines, and the rest weren't really set free to do as they wish.

To avoid an Ignite Revolution, the illustratian Alliance beheaded Hundreds of Ignites and tossed them on the ocean nearby the Kingdom. It is fair to say that predatory fish fed on these Corpses and the beaches become mostly clean because of it.

Using the very wealthy economy, Xakro illustratio l finally started building Pameres Kingdom. Xakro didn't even tax Gaster Kingdom so the construction of Pameres Kingdom is boosted.

Come to think of it, Gaster Kingdom still isn't taxed even today. Because there isn't anything to tax now in Gaster Kingdom. The mines are long depleted to the max extend, Gaster Kingdom doesn't have any resources to offer anymore. The people there, including the illustratio are struggling to survive.

From being a town that had over 5000 Soldiers to becoming a town of 400 people with half of the houses abandoned, survival is only done by teamwork at Gaster Kingdom now. Greed and ego still exists amongst a few people within this Domain, but it doesn't really make a mass impact now.

The illustratio tolerate the Ignites a whole lot more there thanks to the fact that the Chapel was long abandoned by the officials and destroyed after by the locals.

You would think that the illustratios there would get in trouble for not enslaving Ignites and for treating them almost equally, but Gaster Kingdom is different. Being a Kingdom too poor to tax, Gaster Kingdom isn't under Xakro's support. Meaning, the illustratian Alliance's rules don't apply there.


Reading all of this history felt fun as a illustratio, and Chan could understand how stupid the Ignites were. They've literally let ego and the sense of entitlement ruin them, separate them.

A Guard walked near him and stated, "Commander Chan. The sky has cleared, we should be on our way as we are already late."

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