《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Shire Horses


"We have a deal ma'am. I will talk to some of my friends who have similar businesses." Looking at her sexually attractive form and getting lost in the conversation for a little bit.

He continued to speak when Commander Alia started snapping her fingers. "Ugh right! Where was I? Right right. They might not cut the price in half like I did, but they will still do lower prices."

Of course, him trying to get as much profit out of these people be it for business or pleasure, he informed them of another offer. "I also have 50 barrels of these fruits called "Oranges."

Noticing how Alia is confused about this fruit, Albert described. "They were Imported from [Country] Orientis Ignis recently since it is a winter snack! They are a bit sour but only richer can afford them, which is why I'm offering them to you."

"Tell me the price, I would love to buy them and one more last request Albert. Mmm that's a nice name." Planting seeds of further possible discounts, she added while having a soft grip on his face again. "Don't invite any other ladies tonight. I want to take you all, alone."

Shocked enough to pull his face away from her pillow soft grip, he asked with a firm tone. "Are you sure? There are five men!"

Confident, running her nails through his chin this time, she added. "Trust me, I can handle more than that."

Urging to see what this lady can really do, he has no option but to. "Agreeable, but just for tonight."

Afterwards he became shameless enough to remind. "And as we agreed, you won't be paid and will come for ten nights straight."

Albert grabbed his own crotch, trying to fight the boner and make it less obvious to any passer by and allowing gold to become his lust. "About the Oranges, each Barrel costs 100 Gold Coins. But for you of course, fifty."

Taking it into consideration that these Oranges are food for the richer, she didn't hesitate to ask further questions. "Hmmm. Reasonable price, I'll take all 50 but how much does each barrel weigh?"

Afraid that she might cancel this deal, Albert cited. "Each barrel weighs 10 Kilograms but the fruits last longer due to the proper barrels and they can be stacked easier on a Wagon for long way roads."

Well this is obviously food for the richer considering the price to quantity ratio, but it is still affordable due to the provided discount. "We have a deal. My co-worker will give you 20 more Ignite Gems to pay off everything and I will make my way to Joseph Iron Shoe."


"Sounds reasonable, I will start organizing everything right now." Willing to help more for the sake of being labeled as her favourite, he dared to point out a big issue. "But if you plan to buy more crops, know that 3 Wagons won't be able to fit them all. Buy at least 5 or bigger ones."

"Thank you for your help handsome." She answered with internal disgust and walked towards Eric and Stefan for the aimed future purchase. "You two. I will need those bags you are carrying."

She finished off as she untied her bun and let her long to the elbow pitch black hair roam free.

They look a bit tangled here and there but it's just due to the mass volume in them. Stefan doesn't really care about this scene and is glad to not carry these Gems anymore.

As for Eric he's frozen on his spot and Commander Alia had to pry the sack from his shoulder.

Reaching the walls wasn't really a hassle, but she had to be sure of finding Joseph, other people wouldn't be of use to her.

Seeing a lady in front of the nearby stable, she approached and asked. "Hello ma'am, I'm looking for Joseph Iron Shoe. Do you know where I can find him?"

Seeing that Commander Alia is stunning, staggering in each aspect. The lady started panicking right away. "My husband? What trouble did he get himself into now? Did he chase a woman again? "

Noticing that his wife has already developed partial traumas due to her husband's lust games, Alia tried to calm this nice lady down. "No no ma'am. I'm looking to buy Horses and Wagons."

Answering with, "Oh." And giving out a deep strong sigh of relief after. Josep's wife clarified. "He is behind this door, I only handle the Horses out here. He does the selling and fees."

"Thank you ma'am." Alia felt tad bad for the lady, she sounds so kind and looks beautiful too while her husband spends hard earned Gold Coins on whores.

But yet again, herself feeling bad won't necessarily fix anything.

So she wiped her bad mood off her face and exploded in faked enthusiasm once she closed the door. "The Legendary Joseph Iron Shoe!"

Tip toeing her way near a chair in front of Joseph's desk and taking a firm seat after, she continued. "Albert told me so much about you! He said that you are one of the richest businessmen in Crutal Kingdom. It is truly an honour."


"Greetings miss." He answered to all of that enthusiasm with professionalism surprisingly and with a half smile he continued. "Well he isn't wrong I suppose, what can I offer you?"

"Getting to the point already aye? You just saved me the trouble of flirting with your retarded ass." She thought to herself, the mind is the source of the deepest expressions no doubt.

But she can cut to the point too. "I need Horses and good quality Wagons. Big Wagons and Strong Horses, what can you offer?"

"You are in luck about both actually, 3 Shire Horses have just arrived." Seeing that his customer is holding a puzzled face, perhaps not familiar with what breed Shire Horses are.

He continued to explain the key characteristics and origin too. "They aren't anywhere to be found in Ignis except for the dry lands of Orientis Ignis, they are quite big too!"

Seeing that she still feels unsure, Joseph continued with a further offer. "You want to buy Wagons as well right? For each Horse and Wagon you buy, you get to pay 200 Gold Coins less."

Shifting the topic towards a different direction since the Shire Horses sound expensive, she added. "I love that deal oh great Joseph. Why do they call you Iron Shoe may I ask? Sounds like a name belonging to a great story."

But Joseph continues to remain professional. "It's a long story ma'am. But long story short, I ended up with an Iron foot due to an accident with a Horse. Unfortunate really."

"Oh that sounds like an injury only hard workers would gain." Beckoned Alia after the aims to raise his ego went unexpectedly downhill, the last thing she wants is to give up.

Understanding her charms and her ways of getting things, Joseph kept a blank look on his face and forcing the topic back to business. "Anyway I can get you good quality Wagons, they are big and have strong sturdy woodwork made to carry large deliveries."

Finally moving on to the price he cited. "Along with one horse, each one will cost 1,000 Gold Coins with the discount included."

"1,000 Gold Coins you say?" Well the price is definitely not what she expected or wanted.

She expected for this fool to ask for something quick right here in this bargaining room, but no he won't budge. "I want three of those but I can't invest all my budget on them, I need to buy more crops."

Going towards desperate measures, she marinated her lies. "I wouldn't want to disappoint the King of Pameres Kingdom."

Raising his eyebrow, Joseph asked. "You work for a King you say?"

Glad that this bickering is working to her advantage for a change, her enthusiasm remained high as she answered. "Indeed I do, he sent me here to obtain a ot of crops. I will be pleasing you and the rest of your Farmer friends tonight, I struck a deal with Albert."

His eyebrows jerked up, he jested. "Oh, in that case If you can afford 2,000 Gold Coins, I can happily offer 3 Shire Horses and 3 good Wagons."

A smirk across her face, glad to see his professionalism crumble along with his lust, she snorted. "Sounds like we reached a deal sir Joseph."

Willing to push this even further, she stroked his hair and added. "But I need 4 Wagons. We already have a Horse and all 4 Wagons will likely be packed from bottom to top. I have a big order to fulfill."

Unwilling to let such a bird fly away without getting slammed, he accepted. "I can offer a Big Wagon for 400 Gold Coins, meaning your total will be 2,400 Gold Coins. It's a cheap price for a Wagon of this size and quality."

Placing her leather bag over his desk, Alia explained. "This bag holds 25 Ignite Gems and they sell for 100 Gold Coins in the market, but I'm sure a businessman like you can strike better deals."

"I'm not the biggest fan of illustratio Gems." He corrected since he is an illustratio himself and finally got to the point. "But I can accept this deal, I appreciate the bonus too."

With all these lies told today, what's another? She asserted, "Thank you. I'll be sure to please you the most tonight."

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