《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Bloodline's Cure


Meanwhile in Crutal Kingdom, Guard Commander Chan walked in Xakro's Throne room.

Carrying the dead Calidum Lutum's heart on his right hand and holding his right shoulder with his left hand so it doesn't burst out more blood.

The wound is dried out, there is no blood streaming down. But the traumatic experience remained, he doesn't want to lose more blood.

"You've returned... alive. Perhaps I didn't make the wrong… choice when I picked you to kill The Electus." Expressed Xakro illustratio lll in his cold deep voice, gasping for breath a few times throughout his sentences.

With his self esteem low thanks to the recent event, Chan doesn't even have the energy to sugar coat his fate with the Calidum Lutum. "I'm only alive thanks to a Source Bear interrupting my execution."

Afterwards aiming to express the fact of which the King might not like at all, Chan uttered. "The rest of the men didn't make it."

With a gaggle of hesitation, he took a few more steps forward until he reached the Throne. Dropping to his knees, gazing ay the ground, offering the enemy's Heart to The King.

"You did well….Chan. What about the… Gauntlet?" Asked Xakro as he grabbed Chan's forehead, healing his wounds completely in a matter of seconds.

It was just a little scar with a hint of forceful skin penetration. Likely random due to the Source Bear's interference.

Glad to finally find relief on his shoulder pain, he focused less on gratitude and more on answering the King's question. "Odd enough, the language of the phrase wasn't written in their language but in Ignite! The word itself wasn't in Ignite but the letters were."

Memorization is definitely not his personality perk, but the situation forced him to learn. I suppose seeing the Elite Archers burn alive, helped him memorize this word in some way.

Raising his voice in unmistakable anger, Xakro scolded. "All you know... is to flee. Yet you are somehow still... alive. Have you ever won a battle? Stand your ground next time or I will kill... you instead. Tell me the... phrase."

"Azrapetos, it was Azrapetos. I managed to read it and escape a moment before I felt an earthquake and before The Electus almost burned me in to a crisp." Excuses are Chan's best way of escaping from being burned alive.

"Interesting phrase… Let's hope it works when you use it against the… Ghost tree. The Electus… I suppose you didn't take him as a target… Understandable." I suppose excuses worked, Chan was at least smart enough to talk his way out of danger here.

I suppose everyone can become smart when one's life is at stake.


While stroking his chin, taking a moment to think, Xakro came into conclusion. "So… the Electus himself made a run for it... towards Lan Zhe. How could a small minded... fool know they even existed."

Giving insider information which might lend a bargain to not be shot dead today, Chan stated. "Fool's luck Sire. The stench of burned Lava contaminated the Cave. The Calidum Lutum clearly attacked them first but somehow the Electus managed to bargain."

Since it's confirmed that the Electus is at Lan Zhe, Xakro's conclusion became more of a half fact. "The reward... for killing that child became a whole lot bigger. My Crown shone for the... first time since I claimed... the Throne. Meaning, the Golden Blood has returned."

The thought that an Electus might prove a bit more lucky with gaining such power, aided such a conclusion. So Xakro cited, "If that Child… Is the Golden Blood, and I eat his heart… That civilization has no option but to obey… me. His Golden Blood would be transferred to my bloodstream, possibly ending... purifying the Bloodline's Curse."

"End the Bloodline's Curse? Is that even possible Sire? Wouldn't you risk losing your powers entirely or possibly dying?" Even Guard Commander Chan has a point this time.

He isn't the best with this advanced type of... I'd like to call it Magic? But even a buffon can notice that this can be ridiculously risky.

Stupidly, the King is proving Chan's words right. "I have no solid... evidence about it. Because of the lack... of information towards this subject."

"All...I know is that the Golden Blood… was used by an illustratio… one of our own, to break a heavy curse of his own." This just proves more uncertainty, the King is proving as a dumb fuck.

Because wherever he found such information. Be it a Rumour, an illustratian history book or tales passed down for generations. It screams towards the harsh base of uncertainty, which can cause hesitations.

Focusing towards another direction topic-wise, Chan quizzed. "But Sire you still confuse me. The Electus, the Golden Blood is at Lan Zhe. You are more powerful than me or him. If you at least capture him alive, I can kill him for you and you can proceed with your plans."

Quite frankly, Chan doesn't want to face the Electus or any of his friends ever again. The wound he just had on his shoulder convinced him so!

Slowly but surely, having it tad more difficult to breathe this time, Xakro specified. "I could... but I would be quite possibly risking the entire… illustratian revolution. See… due to the Curse it is quite a difficult task to pass... down the powers to a child of my own."


Narrowing down explanation, sweet coating everything, Xakro continued. "I gave life to four and none... are wielding my power. Marching down towards... an entire civilization of Lava Controllers… and kill them all alone or with an army is… no easy task. If I get killed, my powers go with... me."

Chan's focused on the part where The King actually has four Children! Four! Where are they? Why are most of his kids unknown? Never spoken off?

Clumsy, Chan spoke what he isn't supposed to. "Well that added another big piece to this mystery. Its a bigger mystery on why you never mentioned anything about your spawns, I only know Zar."

Seeing that the King isn't nearly ready to talk about his children, or he simply doesn't want too.

Chan shifted the topic to something of which the King surely wanted to hear about. "But if I manage to kill The Electus…?"

"My Levels of Magic would... have the ability to reach Level 12. No Witch or Wizard reached that... before, not even an Electus." For once, a smirk appearing on the King's face even after considering his own insecurities.

The King deviously added. "Breaking the curse could possibly... let me have several kids who are able to reach those same levels. Without... them carrying the same wound marks."

The simple thought of several overly powerful people roaming Ignis, is terrifying itself especially after considering which side they would stand on.

And Chan is well aware, so he hyped the idea. "If you have one it is like giving birth to two Electuses. If you have five it is like giving birth to ten of them."

Noticing that Chan acknowledged his concept and plans, the King decided to move on towards something different.

Best described, a problem. "Indeed. But that's... for the future. But now we have a situation... on our hands. The Electus brought quite... some havoc on his last visit here. He killed... too many of our own, we need more Guards."

Able to catch on for once, Guard Commander Chan had the urge to ask. "Do you need me to go to our Motherland [Meridionali Ignis] Sire? In your name I can recruit a couple thousand. They have no choice but to obey."

"Being at a shortage, that would... greatly harm their economy. A Kingdom isn't a Kingdom without workers... Taking more people from our motherland will only... harm our revolution." Obviously, the King fancies his motherland more, doesn't nearly want to risk weakening it.

Continuing as Chan has no option but to listen, Xakro muttered. "But one Kingdom here in this Country, is ran... by my son! It is almost on the edge of the... Continent but it is worth the travel. It has people to spare."

Finally revealing what Chan wanted to hear so far, the King clarified. "You need to go to Pameres Kingdom and make a request from... King Zar."

King Zar at least, Chan knew who that spawn is. But what about the rest of the four? This remains a strong mystery, for Chan at least.

"We should have killed less Ignite slaves and made those Demons work." Chan expressed, hate captivating.

Imagine being filled with hate enough to the point where Slavery feels normal to force upon a race!

Ignoring Chan's thoughts, the King cut to the case right away. "Start making your way to Pameres Kingdom first thing tomorrow... morning. Now you rest, you walked quite a journey and lost my Elite Archers too. Do you know... how hard it is to get them?"

For a moment there, Chan felt like the King actually showed a small form of sympathy. But no that isn't the case, at least the King is convinced enough to not end Chan's pathetic existence.

Becoming oddly specific, the King listed his demands. "Tomorrow make your way to Pameres Kingdom. When you... reach there, you are to get me:

100 Blacksmiths,

40 Miners,

60 Farmers,

10 business managers,

40 Building constructors,

30 Who can do the jobs of less importance,

And most importantly 150 Guards."

Luckily he took a breath each time he listed a request, otherwise he would for sure collapse. "Let 40 of them... be Archers, 30 Spearmen, and let the rest be Guards who... carry Melee Weapons. Are you able to memorize them... all Chan?"

Ignoring the King's first comment about losing the Elite Archers, Chan focused more on the question he was asked. "I might have to write those down somewhere. I only memorized the first four you asked."

Making the oddest order a King can make, Xakro hollered. "Chan. Your... mind is so empty. I will give... you 10 books to read, understand… and memorize on your way there and back from Pameres... Kingdom. If you don't, I will... behead you."

I'd wish to say that the King isn't serious, but that would just be telling a lie! "Now go! I will have someone… write everything down."

Rushing out of the Throne room, at a bliss that he didn't get shot down, Chan shouted across the hallway. "As you wish Sire. Thank you for your understanding."

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