《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Dear Source of Fire. He got possessed by a Demon.


"All of you have forgot that I am the most infamous person in Crutal Kingdom right now. We can't go there carrying 100 Ignite Gems without being shot at and looted." Pointed out Eric something that most have overseen.

He didn't say anything until now about this little project towards Crutal Kingdom since this topic started but with this he sealed the conversation.

This topic is fresh, meaning everyone overlooked the fact that you can't just freely go into Crutal Kingdom with one hundred Ignite Gems on your back.

Everyone has been left staggeted because of Eric noticing this flaw first, such level perception does not fit with the previous Eric who was mostly dumb but curious.

"How did we overlook a detail like that? The boy is right." Complimented Stefan the boy's claim while rubbing his temples.

But to leave everyone scratching their head, Eric managed to find a simpler way around this task rather fast. "There are Farms out of the Kingdom's protection. Since Crutal Kingdom is our closest option that we can not use, we might as well just use the Farms near it."

Everyone got struck flustered on how this little boy would think of so many good ideas, basically filtering bad ideas from a plan that adults put together.

Mogranius however, he previewed this intense shift of overall insightfulness as something different. "Dear Source of Fire and everything Ignited. He got possessed by a Demon."

A second after everyone saw the crazy geezer tackle Eric down, using all of his physical strength to keep the golden blood still.

Afterwards proceeding to shout out his thoughts. "Eric can you hear me? Fight the Demon! Fight the Demon!"

While occasionally throwing a couple of slaps to enhance the anti-demon protocol.

Rather funny to watch but Mogranius got dragged away by Alia who grabbed his black robe around the neck collar and seemed to be lifting him above ground with one hand.


Holding him like a gold piece, she cited. "The boy isn't possessed by a Demon. How can I put this into words that even a moron would understand…?"

"Oh please doo." Spoke out Mogranius a second before he was dropped to the ground.

But stood up again in a blink of an eye as if nothing happened and sat above dirt near the rest of the group.

Well informed in this topic although she barely explained anything earlier, she yapped. "First, this Crown is heavily magically enchanted. Apart from the true golden blood, no one can wear it and no one including Eric can remove the Crown from his head."

With the crowd standing silent for once, using the golden opportunity she butchers. "Second, whatever weakness Eric had in his little brain, the Crown greatly improved it. In this case, I'm guessing being insightful."

After finishing her sentence she saw everyone either scratching their head, counting with their fingers or at Mograniuses case, looking at Commander Alia with love and saying. "She is so smart."

Only Stefan seemed to have understood everything and is appreciating the mental power. Imagine someone being powerful and smart, Stefan feels abliss. Glad to see things finally work out for this kid.

"Wonderful explanation." Gave out Stefan a genuine compliment and now with these new ideas he cut to the case. "Eric's idea is our best option. There are several farms out of the Kingdom's protection and I'm guessing they won't snitch for the sake of profit."

At this point Stefan is practically arguing with himself. "But one more issue, Could we possibly carry 100 Ignite Gems alone? It isn't exactly a short walk."

"Yes we can. Because I'm coming with you." Acknowledged Commander Alia with a firm assuring tone then in aims to tease these men she joked. "Someone has to look after you kids."




"Do you see the Beard?"

"I'm actually a kid."

Obviously the group spoke all at once, overwhelming her drowsy sight with unnecessary banter.

"Would that be a good idea? All we need is four people really, we have Black Wind too." Chipped in Eric with his concern.

But in a way he just stated that he too will join this little restocking project.

Insisting, Alia debated Eric's point. "I will come! Woldemir promised to solve this food shortage but we need him to train the Guards. I can't be told apart from an Ignite as long as I cover my head with a hood."

Pulling out a Dagger which was sheathed over her hip, she defended her points. "I have my ways of bargaining."

Seeing that physical strength is the topic right now, Stefan bluffed. "Brains make up for my lack of muscles. If it wasn't for my brain you would be punching your way to death."

But finally talking about a topic everyone wanted to hear, Commander Alia urged. "I'm sure most of you need to fall asleep now, it was a long day. Let me escort you to your rooms and we will talk plans later."

The Gang was sent down a cave not too deep and Eric was sent to his Throne Room which wasn't too far away either.

The Throne Room includes a bedroom too but the bed is made from rocks, so Commander Alia ordered for some animal fur to be sent to his room.

Undoubtedly the rough skinned Calidum Lutum don't need soft beds to sleep in, some sleep on animal fur while most prefer rough stone.

A bit bizarre but the Calidum Lutum has far different features from the Ignites, illustratios or any race for that matter. Making their different choices acceptable.

But due to that, there is no such thing as a lack of animal fur to sleep on. Meaning none of the Gang has to sleep on hard rock.

As good sleep sounds at the moment, Eric experienced countless nightmares.

First he saw his father being beheaded by an illustratio in front of his eyes. After that he saw what he knows as his mother, burning down in ashes and flames.

Soon after he saw the Calidum Lutum Guard being shot down again. Dream after dream each one got worse, clearly bashing many fears or insecurities.

But the last dream that woke him up from the rough nightmare was a scene where Woldemir, Mogranius, Stefan and Commander Alia were looking at Eric.

Each of them expecting him to act like the hero he is supposed to be and shortly after Fire burning all four of them as Eric cowarded out.

King Xakro illustratio lll appearing to finish him off.

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