《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Say Hello to my mentor for me.


As soon as she started speaking, it was confirmed that Eric is face to face with a dead Electus. But that gave out the thought that she is dead?

Well apart from the obvious spooky sudden appearance, her voice gave it out.

Her voice is so life filled, ironic. Strong that it's comprehended like three women talking at once in perfect harmony.

Her tone isn't loud yet Eric can feel the earth beneath his fists trembling, anyone alive can't sound like that.

Not a big fan of his weak self esteem, the lady started off what she felt with rough efforts. "You're an Electus, rise. Do not let fear stop you from succeeding."

Afterwards trying to use reason to prove her own point, she stated. "I didn't keep perfect balance to this Continent by hiding behind the comfort of my Kingdom's walls. I stood in front of the problem and choked it. Just ask Mogranius."

Although this woman had strong points, Eric had reasons to stand with his points of view as well. "But the obstacles in front of me are too great, I'm facing against one Continent."

Taking a peek of the situation from the outside, Stefan quizzed. "Who is he talking to?"

"Akareas." Answered Mogranius as a tear fell from his eye, it feels blissful to see her again even though from a distance.

"You can see her?" Asked Woldemir once he noticed that rather unique feature in the middle of this important task.

"Yes yes, long story. Now shush." Added Mogranius, not separating his eyes from the two in the Throne Room, watching like a fan.

"Eric. You will meet many people who want to oppose the evil in front of them but cowardice in fear as they think they are opposing the masses alone. Throughout your Journey you will meet thousands who share your vision but where in the shade, you aren't alone." Reaching out her hand towards him, to help him up with meaningful motivation to her aid.

She afterwards let out a request, shareable from one Electus to the other. "This war started because of the underestimation I made towards Xakro illustratio l. This war started because I failed to protect my people. Stand up and help me redeem myself, end Xakro's Bloodline!"


As Eric grabbed her hand comfortably and stood on his feet, Akareas asked for yet another request, this one however sounds quite doable. "I don't have much time, say Hello to my mentor for me."

The amount of emotion put on that one sentence shouldn't be underestimated.

Who knows how bad she felt when she teleported Mogranius, from her point of view, out of existence

She obviously didn't know that he was forced through time travel, she thought her mentor as dead! And to find his presence here near the new Electus? Her heart must have felt at ease after all these years.

After grabbing her hand, he noticed great tension on his black veins. A sharp pain on one edge of them too!

For a second it felt like a dagger struck through his arm, but the pain didn't last long, it vanished right away.

He raised his arm and noticed that the black veins became half a foot longer, spread all over the old normal veins on his lower arm.

This was likely the source of the pain, maybe Akareas granted her some kind of power?

He witnessed Akareas disappear in mid air after he stood up, leaving his hand reached out as the aftermath.

He turned around, faced the throne and this time with no hesitation at all he went ahead and grabbed the crown.

Him grabbing it, unleashes a bright eye burning shine throughout the room and through what the doorway at the other end of this room could hold.

The shine was so strong that it even almost blinded the rest of the gang twenty meters away.

The Crown is nearly two feet wide in size, it's base with gold and it's pyramid like points filled with shattered pieces of Ignite Gems, those little pieces caused all of this light.

But with a fist like Ignite gem giving light only five meters away, how can shattered ones provide a radius of thirty and possibly more meters away?

The crown shrunk down to Eric's fitting size while it was on his hand, and the long reaching shine it unleashed, faded in a matter of seconds.

He lifted the crown and placed it on his head carrying more confidence than he ever had, Akareas sure helped for him to reach this point.


Subconsciously he found it reasonable to sit on the throne now as a part of finishing this rather different crowning ceremony.

As he sat on the throne, the crown unleashed another bright light which again didn't last long and only had half of the blinding effects, but the few Ignite Gems in the cave faced a change today as well thanks to that second glow.

The Gems unleashed a stronger ray of purple light. Like the crown, the Ignite Gem's light reached out to thirty or possibly fifty meters, illuminating the entire Hallway.

But the light isn't blinding this time, instead the purple light is gentle on the eyes and yet it's distance reached far, astonishing.

Mogranius who was basically leaning against the invisible barrier which kept anyone from entering the King's Hallway, fell down face first on the mud as the barrier vanished.

He stood up in a blink of an eye and under a calm but yet embarrassed tone he expressed. "I meant to do that."

Right after, everyone else rushed in and ran towards Eric, feeling content. They are happy that the young man got the Crown and the underground Town didn't get wiped out in the process, it's a win win.

"Damn Kid you have much power in you." Swiftly talked Mogranius without sarcasm for once, but in a proud enthusiastic tone in his voice instead.

His main motive now, was to grant the request he found the easiest. "Yes. Also, Akareas told me to pass down a Hello to you."

At this point Eric felt a bit cocky that he accomplished such a unique task, but from his face it is clear to see that this situation tired him out.

"That was incredible! And I only peed my pants just a tiny bit in the process. Still your achievement is incredible." Congratulated Stefan with apparently no shame but rather noticeable confidence.

After a few strong Congratulations, and telling him that she knew he could do it, she decided to show gratitude on another topic. "Eric. Your claim of the crown made the farm situation easier, I have never seen these gems glow this much. At first I was afraid the gems wouldn't be enough for the entire cave but now it is a guarantee."

With a wide genuine smile on her face, she expressed. "Again, I am the most honoured to call you my King."


Meanwhile, back at Crutal Kingdom and all the rest of the four Capital Domains in Ignis across the four Countries, the Ignite Gems on their crowns also gave out a short lasting beam of light.

"So, the Golden Blood has returned." Thought Xakro illustratio lll, with for once a smirk on his face.

Of course these Kings aren't Golden Bloods, and the gem pattern on their crowns are much different. But still there are Ignite Gems on their crowns.

Only they fancy such luxury, but it is also a political gimmick. They even call these gems, "illustratio Gems" instead. It's a way of showing who is dominant here in Ignis.

But now it explains why their crowns have glown, the Grand King Xakro illustratio lll and the three Capital Kings who might have had the chance to notice this glow this early in the morning, knew what this meant.

Every other Ignite Gem in possession of any person gave out that shine, superior arrival clear although most won't understand what's happening.

As if it had senses, the Ignite Gems continues to illuminate if there's no other light source in the area and if the area is well illuminated, the Gem only gave out it's usual five meter wide glow.

This effect seemed to have reached to every Ignite gem Ignis has to offer and the effects don't wear off and likely won't until Eric dies.

As for now, the rules of which the illustratian Alliance spread wide throughout most of Ignis, will be forcefully shifted towards change.

The Golden Blood, the Electus has accepted his destiny furthermore.

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