《ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.》Ignite Gems


After approximately half an hour, all of the Grand Masters were done blasting holes on the left side of the cave.

They reached all their way to the edge of the mile long wall, barely breaking a sweat throughout the way there, expectable from Grand Masters of such a valuable power and melting capability.

Mogranius and Eric on the other hand, made it only halfway through. More precisely they finished the fruit part of the right side which is half the length compared to the vegetables and plantations.

But since these farms are all connected, there is still half a mile of the Cave's right walls that they will need to burn holes through.

It's just that it isn't too noticeable from their point of view, they would need to walk a hundred meters to the left in order to find the rest of the walls that need puncturing.

These two Ignites seemed to have forgotten that particular fact or maybe they just weren't paying enough attention at that specific portion of Commander Alia's explanation, maybe they were distracted by the crops?

So they thought that they were done with their part of the job and sighed in relief, feeling strongly exhausted. "Finally, we are done."

Commander Alia approached the two along with the Grand Masters, glancing at the work they've contributed.

Noticing both of them heavy breathing, she showed gratitude to their work. Holding her hands behind her back, "Why don't the two of you take a break, It seems like you had enough fun."

Before letting any of them talk, she approached Mogranius and gently wiped the mud from his face.

Altacin realised what Alia is intending to do with this form of gratitude, so she gave a forced cough in the background in aims to tease her about it.

To such an act of kindness coming from a woman he fancies, all of a sudden the geezer felt frozen but his heart surely isn't.

It beat as fast as a rabbit's heart and he wished for this moment to never end. His face might have gotten a bit red too.

"The Grand Masters will take it from here, all of you served us more than enough. Please follow me." That's the only way to stop Mogranius from continuing with this ego game I suppose.


Mogranius and Eric stand up and make their way to the exit, but have forgotten that the exit is a half mile away. So they sighed all the way there over and over until they reached it as if it would get them there faster.

When they almost reached the exit, they see Woldemir trying to hold off BlackWind from eating crops furthermore.

I suppose that's what he has been doing until now to kill his time, stopping his horse from reaching 2000 Kilos in weight.

Commander Alia commented to such a sight with a small laugh in her tone. "Why don't you take him out to the forest, he can eat until he collapses there. I will proceed giving the rest of your group a tour here."

After that rather comical scene, the two proceeded to follow Commander Alia as they made their way down the spiral like roadway which you guessed it, took a lot of time just to go around one of the spirals.

Stefan is running after them, trying to catch up since he was stuck exchanging a few words of wisdom with Kazer, however he did slow down when he left the farm due to the Lava underneath him, better safe than sorry.

This time they did not enter a farm but entered what looks like a mine. At the very entrance of the mine, a six foot tall Calidum Lutum is to be seen. Quite unusual to see a Calidum Lutum this short.

Commander Alia decided to make a quick introduction when she noticed how much attention this man got. "This my friends is our town's Blacksmith. Possibly the best Blacksmith in the Continent, able to merge lava and Iron together. He is too quick with his work, abnormal."

The Blacksmith grunted in a way similar to greeting and with a Hammer on his hand he proceeded to hit a boiling hot Iron plate. That's the least he could do after all, since he can't speak their language.

However he was aware of who these Ignites are since the word spreads rather fast in this town of 700.

Behind him appeared to be the most vicious looking Weapons the gang ever had the pleasure of seeing, Woldemir would never leave this place.

Some of the Weapons being warhammers seemingly impossible to lift by an Ignite or Kastarian or at least very difficult.


Some being Swords with hard volcanic rock at the non sharp part of the Sword, they look heavy too. Some Swords having multiple sharp edges, like waves. Giving a victim zero chances of survival if cut by it.

Everything behind this Blacksmith looked like something that could kill anyone in the gang with one strike. With such Weapons to their disposal, it can explain how Lan Zhe is untouched by the illustratian Alliance or any other past Alliance formed by another race for that matter.

Thinking of his Father, Eric requested with a lot of hesitation at first. "It would be great if this Blacksmith made a Sword for my father."

Eric himself knows that his father can be as dangerous as a Fire blaster if he was equipped with a good Sword, Woldemir specializes in Swordsmanship.

Little did the young Electus know, Commander Alia was already on it. Well, the Blacksmith is but you know what I mean. "Oh he already is. The plate he is beating is your father's future Sword."

She specifically rushed this Sword making process since Woldemir guaranteed to fix the food shortage with it, plenty of reasons to not leave this task at the bottom of the to-do list.

A second after, they saw a Miner carrying some sort of glowing gems. Stefan got greatly curious and asked, "What kind of gems are those?"

Covered with dirt, their value and origin wasn't certain so no one recognized them.

Commander Alia replied with a sigh, hating this obstacle that fell upon the Mines. "Gems, we have hit a large deposit of useless Gems. They will all end up down the Volcano like the rest we found. Apart from replacing a Candle, they are pretty much useless."

Since Stefan heard the "Candle" part, he ran and stood in front of the tall Miner carrying the load of Gems on his arms and yelled. "Stop!! Those are Ignite gems! Worth one hundred gold coins, each! This can literally solve your entire food shortage."

To confirm for himself, Mogranius too approached the Guard. After rubbing the dirt off one Gem, he was quick to reply. "Well I be damned, those really are Ignite gems."

Commander Alia does a hand gesture telling the Miner to gently place down the Gems and of course he cooperated right away, gently putting them down without victimizing Stefan with the amount this tall man is carrying.

Holding these Gems, Stefan felt the adrenaline rushing in his heart. They just are too valuable. "These purple Gems are too valuable, one of these fist like Gems are worth four cold hard Iron Ingots. How many did you find?"

Commander Alia doesn't know how to react to this discovery except for hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand. "The Miners have been dropping hundreds of them so far down the Volcano, if I only knew their value. But at least there are more to mine, these Gems stood like a blockade."

Stefan replies with an enthusiastic tone, having a strong tide turning idea on his head he couldn't wait to express. "Well these Gems provide light five meters away from their original position and unlike candles, they don't burn out. We can use them in the farm plus sell a few of course."

Commander Alia yelled out with joy, complimenting Stefan's idea. "Genius! You should be crowned King as soon as possible, your mind works way too much."

Then she turns to the rest of the gang and felt the urge to express. "Friends, you are forever welcome to Lan Zhe from here on forward. I declare you honoured guests."

Being honored Guests is nice and all, but Eric put value into something else, skill. "Thank you. But I was thinking more about someone here to teach me Lava Controlling."

Mogranius complimented Eric's claim. "Indeed. I can teach him everything he needs to know about Fire Blasting. But Lava Controlling is not my territory."

She doesn't intend on disagreeing on such a request. To help the people who helped this town is an honour itself, but to help an Electus? It is honor after honor.

How could she say no? "You are most welcome to come and learn here. But for the moment, you are more than ready to reclaim Gaster Kingdom. That should be your main priority for now."

That's how she can push away this request I suppose? But she has intentions of starting this little revolution, it's time to kick the illustratian Alliance back!

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