《Nandemonogatari: The Story of Something Else》Chapter 17 - The Story of Nightmares


“Look who’s finally awake, my dear Yuuyuu~.” Yuudai hears. His vision is still a bit foggy but from what he can make out he knows that the area doesn’t seem familiar. He can make out what seems like a cellar staircase leading up into darkness in front of him. Not much else can be seen by him in the damp brick cellar besides a lone boiler, the table he’s tied to, and a box labeled ‘Toys’. Before he can say anything a slender female form struts down the stairs from the darkness, the sound of high heels echoing with each step. The pale girl is wearing nothing but a set of black lingerie, juxtaposed by the slightly messy jet black hair covering her face. Perhaps the most off putting thing about this isn’t the room or the situation he was in but the smile spread across her face; wide enough to look fake but twisted enough to not be.

“W-What the hell is this?! What’s going on?!” Yuudai shouts. He tries to get up only to be foiled by the rope keeping his hands and feet bound to the table. What was once frustration turns into panic as the girl finally descends the stairs and came face to face with him. She bends over giving Yuudai a very close look into her cleavage.

“Oh Yuuyuu…” she coos as she rubs his face with one of her hands. One second later, she quickly pulls a scalpel out from her cleavage to deliver a clean slice above Yuudai’s heart in one continuous motion. She stands upright again, grinning at him. “You should really be more grateful to see your girlfriend all dressed up for you.”

Yuudai cries out in pain at the strike to his chest. Tears begin to flow. “Why…” Yuudai manages to croak out in between the cries. “Why are you doing this?!”

“‘Why?’ you ask? Tch.” The girl clicks her tongue. “It seems you need some more convincing that you and I are just meant to be! I followed you home from school every day to make sure you’d be okay. I made you lunches seasoned with my own juices so there would always be part of me inside you. I even took care of that ugly hussy that kept talking to you to try and lead you away from me!” The hatred in her voice increases in intensity with each thing she lists before finally throwing her scalpel at the brick floor. The metal clang echoes throughout the room.

“They… they didn’t do anything!” Yuudai manages to cry out again.

The girl throws her head back and laugh at Yuudai’s response. “Didn’t do anything? Yuuyuu, they put thoughts in your head you shouldn’t be having! Why, those thoughts are the reason you’re here right now. A little… couples therapy if you will.” She then walks over to the box labeled ‘Toys’ and carries it over, digging through it. From what Yuudai can see from the dull light he can see the reflection from multiple knives and many other devices kept away inside this box. The girl casually grins as she continues shifting through her box before finally pulling out a big carving knife. “Don’t worry Yuuyuu, I’ll help make the bad thoughts go away. We can do this as long as we have to until you finally confess your love to me!” she says with a giggle.

Anxiety and fear begins to overwhelm Yuudai even more. It feels as if the weight of the air is crushing him as he continues to look on the scene before him. He begins breathing in and out, looking hysterical in fear. “D-Do you really think you can get away with this?! Once I get out I’ll… I’ll contact the authorities! I won’t let you get away with this!”


The girl pauses for a moment before cackling with laughter. “Oh Yuuyuu you poor fool! Just look at you! Society would never be on your side! Who in their right mind would believe a big scary looking kid such as yourself over someone small and petite girl like me, not to mention the daughter of the chief of police?” Her laughter dies down as she then suddenly blushes, fidgeting slightly. Her voice becomes soft, “Well I mean of course I know you’re not a big scary guy.” However, the innocent facade once again reveals into a true side of insanity and sadism. “Which is why I know this therapy is going to work on you!” her voice cracks.

As she walks closer to Yuudai he continues to struggle. His eyes have gone red from crying and there are no more tears to be had. His last desperation move is a cry for help. “S-SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP! I’M DOWN HERE!” The girl slashes at his leg with her big knife, which leads to another loud cry of pain. “Cry all you want,” the girl says in a serious tone. “No one is going to hear you. No one will ever hear you except for me. By the time we’re done, I’ll be sure you only need to rely on me.”

The girl straddles herself on top of Yuudai before giving him a deep kiss. Once she releases Yuudai begins feeling funny. He can no longer struggle, or even move for the most part. He can’t even make a sound. All he can do is look, stare, and feel the girl on him. “I’ve been working on this sedative for quite a while,” she says. “You know how the Puffer Fish has a tetrodotoxin that targets the nerves and can cause paralysis? Well, when I kiss you you’ll go numb, but you’ll still be able to feel through the paralysis! Doesn’t that sound fun!” She grinds her hips against his, letting out a weak moan. She cuts the ropes off Yuudai’s hands and guides the motionless arms towards her like a human doll. She then positions them to feel as if they are holding her in his arms. She sinks her body into Yuudai’s chest, leading into a whisper of both seduction and fear. “This is out of love, okay Yuuyuu? All the pain you endure will be for the sake of us. Now let’s begin the healing, shall we?”

Yuudai shoots up in his sleeping bag soaked in sweat. He looks around and only the dim light coming from outside and the snoring of his new friends greets him. As he takes deep breaths to calm himself down he feels another body in the bag with him.

“Why the fuck are you in my sleeping bag?!” Yuudai’s cry rings out through Katsuki’s house, waking up everyone else in the room.

“What, I was cold.” Mayumi ignores Yuudai and turns on her side away from him.

“I don’t care, get the hell out!”

Cerys speaks up. “Can you two get a room, preferably not this one?”

“I’d rather they not do this in any of my rooms.” Katsuki enters the room yawning. “What time is it anyways?”

Yuuri checks her phone. “Around noon, Kats. We should probably pack up and get back to school, we do have class tomorrow after all.”

Saito walks from down the stairs “What with all of the racket this early?”

Yuudai stands up and starts to gather all of his things not even bothering to look at Mayumi once.


“Too good for a kiss good morning?” Akina snickers. Both Yuudai and Mayumi glare at her in response.

“...let’s just pack and get out of here before Katsuki has to explain property damage to her parents.” Yuuri starts putting her things in her bag, then slings it over her shoulder.

The rest of the club follows suit, making sure to tidy up after themselves. Fully loaded, the Paranormies head to the nearby train station for a ride back.

After another short train ride and stop by the dorms to get dressed in some fresh clothes the paranormal club regroups outside of the clubroom door. Katsuki opens it, revealing a seemly random group of girls within.

Mayumi groans. “Oh for fuck’s sake.”

Saito waves at the intruders. “Oh hey.”

A petite girl with dyed blond hair stands up from her seat. “Heyyyyyyyyyyyy bitches. Welcome to the start of today's video to show that the Video Games Club is better than the Paranormal Club,” She says with a smug grin on her face.

“Oh wow, when did you get the key for the video game clubroom, Katsuki?” Yuuri asks. Katsuki looks at her funny, making her realize with an exclamation, “Oh! I guess this is our room…”

Cerys balks at this. “Oh my fuck are we about to do something stupid again? How long have you morons been sitting here?”

“Ah man really?” Saito ruffles his hair and begins to reach for his backpack, “Can’t this wait a year or something?”

“You know this is pretty much a home invasion. What are you guys doing in here?” Yuuri looks towards the girl that introduced herself.

Mayumi stands behind Yuuri, cracking her knuckles. "You've got thirty seconds before I rush your shit down, nerd. Say your piece and get the fuck out."

Saito pulls out his scythe as well, looking to the rest of the group. “Looks like you guys are with me on this.”

Another girl stands up and speaks over the first girl, “What the President is trying to say, is that we want to beat you all at video games to overtake you in fame. You guys don't do anything, while we're working our asses off streaming, speedrunning, and making videos.” She then points at Saito wide eyed, “Is that a scythe, what the hell?”

Saito relaxes his stance “Oh. That’s not as bad as I thought.” He returns his scythe to it’s minimal form.

Cerys teleports over to the girl that’s sitting in her favorite seat and grabs a handheld game out of her hands, “Video games? Fuck that.” Before she can throw it on the ground, a foreign girl with the video games club grabs the console out of Cerys’ hands. She moves in between the seated girl and Cerys.

Yuuri is more receptive, though still curious. “V-video games? I-I’m not very good at those...”

Mayumi relaxes her scowl, but is still overly aggressive “You work your asses off doing stupid nerd shit. We deal with the irrationality of existence.” A moment passes, then she sighs. “But sure, we'll throw down in some video games. Wouldn't want to make it so you ruin your thirsty nerd marketing strategy.”

Saito is already heading towards one of the chairs with a controller on it. “Yo, you nerds better put up some dukes for this. I ain’t gonna waste time on a shitty FPS.”

Yuudai begins to walk into the room as well, scanning the room with his eyes. He stops in his tracks as he glances at a familiar face. He quickly tries to look away but is too slow. She looks up and notices him looking when a look of recognition flashes across her eyes, a mischievous smile begins to creep on her face. “Heyyyyy Yuuyuu,” she says.

Mayumi snickers a bit, “Yuuyuu? She talking to you, Gachi? Or was I right about Vice Prez being into sushi?”

Yuudai barely even hears Mayumi’s teasing, his face grows from one of anger to extreme nervousness. His mouth is frozen where he his words are failing to come out. “H-hi” he finally stammers out.

The thin girl with messy black hair approaches Yuudai with a hop in her step and leans forward, before looking up to meet his eyes. "Oh Yuuyuu, what a surprise to see you here! I bet you thought you got away from me?~” She stares deeper into his eyes as if she was searching for something.

Yuuri quizzically asks, “Oh, do you two know each other?”

Yuudai's expression turns worse for a split moment, however it turns into one of joy, although to most would seem obviously fake. ”Y-yeah, we do.”

The girl answers both Yuuri and Mayumi by saying “Oh...that might be right. Last time I saw this cutie I may have to gone too far, but it was purely out of love!” She laughs after she says that. “I locked him in a room,and wouldn’t let him out until he married me.” Her smile brighten as she recalls what happened.

Mayumi smirks. "If you wanted him to marry you, you shoulda let him knock you up."

Miyu’s laughter stops and her smile goes away as she looks over to Mayumi, “Oh I never thought of that.” She says in a deadpan, matter of fact voice. Then her smile returns as she turns back to Yuudai

Yuuri nervously giggles and says “I don't think that's a normal thing to do in a relationship.”

Yuudai strains his fake smile even more before saying “Heh... w-what are you talking about? It's... it's fine! Yup everything is fine!” in a wary voice.

The rest of the video games club is bemused by Miyu's behavior. “Where did you find this girl, Hailey? She’s hilarious,” a lanky girl asks to the president.

Finally, the president decides to end this, choosing instead to stand up and talk directly to Yuuri and Katsuki. “A-as I was saying...what was I saying? OH RIGHT. We want to challenge all of you to a grand tournament. Speedruns, fighting games, streaming, the works.”

Cerys asks, “Does that include this girl raping our poor gay boy as well?” Yuudai winces in response to this.

Saito responds “Look, he’s cuddling with a girl. He’s not gay.”

Mayumi laughs “Look at how he’s shaking. She might as well be made of acid.” She and Cerys share a look before simultaneously saying, “Totally gay.”

Saito shrugs, then turns back to the challengers. “Lay the damage, girl. Don’t expect me to take you up on this crap if you’re staying super vague about it. Is this a team battle or what? What games? I bet you suckers don’t even own arcade hardware.”

The foreign girl speaks up in surprisingly fine Japanese. “I’ll be starting, fighting games are my specialty. I’m Alice by the way.”

A pink-haired girl stands up. “I’m Beato, but you can call me Maribel. This is Hanako, she goes by Hailey,” she says as she gestures towards the petite false blond president next to her. “We’re going to face two of you in a co-op beat-em-up speedrun.”

A tall girl waves from her seat. “Yo, I’m the vice-pres Chikyu, please call me Terra. I’ll be going up head to head in a first person shooter.”

Yuuri looks from side to side and starts backing away. “A-ah...I’ll be right back…!” She quickly jogs out into the hallway towards the bathrooms.

Miyu slides up besides Yuudai, rubbing her finger around his chest. “I’m Megan and me and the hunk here will be doing a couple’s stream. Won’t that be fun~?”

Mayumi is taken aback by this. “Is this bitch high?”

Yuudai stammers out, “O-okay! Yeah...fun…”

Cerys scoffs. “What, you guys hate your names enough to go by something else?”

Hanako speaks up. “Well no, those are just the names we go by in games. Not everything we play supports hiragana.”

Cerys waves her off. “Yeah whatever.”

Saito goes over the competition out loud. “So we have a fighter, speedrunning, FPS, and a crazy bitch. Looks like I’m sittin’ this one out. For a video game club, you guys sure have pretty crap taste.”

As if on cue, the door bursts open. “DID SOMEONE SAY VIDEO GAMES?” A girl who looks strikingly like Yuuri saunters in, wearing a ball cap decorated with various arcade game pins.

“No get out,” Cerys sighs.

The Yuuri look-alike nudges Cerys. “Yo, I’m Y2K, the best gamer around.” She points directly upwards. “You might recognize me from the top of the leaderboards at the arcades in town. My friend Yuuri said you all needed some expert help, so I came runnin’ here to help out.”

Ignoring the girl’s “radical” pose, Cerys turns to the game club. “I’ll do the speedrunning.”

Katsuki slides to Cerys’ side, saying “Mind if I join you? I love those kinds of games.”

Cerys shrugs, then says “Sure, but if we lose I’m blaming you.”

Akina brings up a point “Why do we have to play them in their stuff when they challenge us? Shouldn't they fight us in what we are doing?”

Alice moves in front of Akina, “What, you afraid you’ll all lose if you have to do something besides think up conspiracy theories?”

Akina sneers at Alice. “I don’t want to waste my time on this children’s shit. I’d rather have a real fight.”

“Then how about we have a virtual fight? We have a setup back in our clubroom. At least make it fair for me.” She flexes her arm to show off the lack of muscle in it.

Akina scoffs, but relents. “Fine, at least it’s some kind of fight.”

Mayumi says, “Imma keep Gachi from getting locked up again and take the weird bitch on.” She turns and moves so she’s in between Yuudai and Miyu. “Yo, weird bitch. I don't trust you. This is my hunk, so if you're gonna make a move, you gotta go through me.” Mayumi smiles while saying this causing Miyu to step closer to her

Yuudai tries to instantly de-escalate the situation by stepping back in front of Mayumi. “Hahaha, s-she's funny!” he says with a fake laugh. “What a... a jokester... heh…”

Kirika asks “Y-You're going out with Yuudai-san, Mayumi-senpai?”

Mayumi scowls and quietly says to Yuudai. “Look. This bitch might be crazy, so I'm trying to do you a solid here and redirect her crazy from you to me."

Yuudai continues to try and play it off “S-She isn't! Hah... she's just... joking around!” He looks nervously at Miyu, trying to study her reaction to see if she is about to go off.

Miyu’s smile never leaves her face but as she looks at Mayumi her left eye twitches, “Tch. Whatever, you dumb bitch. I'll play your game. We’re going to play a 10 turn game in Bubba’s Trick.”

Mayumi laughs “Ooh, someone's got a fuckin' mouth on her. You got dicksuckin' lips, too. But you’re not gettin’ this one. Let’s roll, you yandere.”

As the sparks fly between the two, Y2K tries to divert attention back to the rest of the competition. “Since, Mayu- er, the tanned skank is doing whatever those two have planned, I'll take the FPS challenge!” She leans over to Kirika and whispers in her ear, "Okay Komori-chan, I don't know if you can tell, but it's me Yuuri."

Kirika looks shocked, then whispers back “It can’t be, Senpai isn’t a n-nerd…”

Y2K pouts, but then whispers back “A-Anyway, I need you to cheer me on. FPS are not my strong suit, but I think if my kouhai cheers for me I can do a lot better." She then pats Kirika on the head.

“So, what are we doing first?” Cerys asks nobody in particular.

Mayumi undoes her bra under her shirt, pulls it out, and holds it up like a championship belt. “We’ll go. I’m ready to play.” She throws it to Kirika. “Catch, kid.” As Kirika catches it, she undoes the buttons on her shirt, fully ready to entice the audience.

Kirika misses the catch, but quickly yet awkwardly picks up the bra. “T-thanks!”

Y2K covers her mouth, then yells, “Mayumi!” She then grabs the bra away from Kirika. “This isn’t a proper gift for a girl like you!”

Kirika pouts, but Cerys is the next to point out a problem. “I’m pretty sure that’ll get their channel banned.”

“As long as I'm not showing nipple it's good, lolibitch.” Mayumi responds. “How do you think those streamers make so much money?”

Hailey interrupts this by standing up and saying, “Alright everyone you can bark all you want but the biting is in our clubroom. Let’s get over there.”

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