《Nandemonogatari: The Story of Something Else》Chapter 15 - The Story of Coastal Hijinks


After meeting with the principal, the Paranormal Club headed down to the local beach. It is around 1 PM, and the sun is shining brightly on the club. They find a mostly isolated part of the beach where they can have fun and not worry about anyone disrupting them.

“Ohohoho, I’m glad I got you all to agree with my plan!” Yuuri twirls an umbrella in happiness as she leads her friends onto the beach.

Kirika looks at Yuuri with barely contained excitement. “Of course we would agree to your idea, Senpai!”

Saito rubs the back of his neck. “Man, it’s been forever since I’ve been to the beach.”

Yuuri happily says, “Well we have plenty of time to kill, so let’s find a spot.”

Mayumi adjusts her bikini top to make sure none of her bits are showing, then does a quick fist bump. “Fuck yeah! The beach!” She then adjusts her top again. “For once, I’m happy I went with your plan, Vice Pres.”

Yuuri finds a place and plants her umbrella. She takes off her towel and begins to lay it out under the umbrella. Mayumi slinks behind Yuuri and loudly says, “Lookin’ good, Vice Pres. I can see why people want to oogle you.”

Yuuri blushes as she quickly grabs her towel and wraps it back around herself. “W-what? It’s the only swimsuit I have that still fits!”

“Jeez, is that really what you girls talk about?” Yuudai asks while deliberately looking away from the girls.

Mayumi perks up and grins at Yuudai. “Yep, though I thought you'd be more interested. A bunch of bikini-clad girls talking about how hot they are… Oh! Maybe you’re trying to perv on Saito instead?” She cackles.

Saito spots the situation Yuudai has put himself in and slaps Yuudai on the chest. “I hope you’re a good swimmer, I need someone to race me.”

Yuudai smiles at the chance to get out of this. “Yeah, I’m always down for a good race!”

Mayumi snickers at the two but is broken up by Cerys sitting next to her and Yuuri under the umbrella while complaining. “Ah, it’s so much hotter here than in Britain.” She pulls at the collar of her British-flag themed one-piece. She then turns to the girls under the umbrella with her and, with irritation on her face, shouts “And you two should cover those things up better! They give off more shade than the umbrella!” She’s only met with Mayumi grinning and adjusting her top again to Cerys’ chagrin.

Yuuri however blushes then quickly finishes wrapping the towel around herself again. “Can we please stop talking about my breasts now?”

Saito and Yuudai just walk towards the water leaving the titty talk behind. “Man, I hope I’m still in swimming shape. I used to be really fast, but I haven’t kept up my exercise for a while.”

Yuudai laughs and flexes his arm. “All this muscle ain’t just from luck. You sure you still wanna race?”

“I may be out of practice but I’m sure I’m still faster than you.” Saito then lowers his voice. “I only did this to save you from those girls they were about to tear you apart.”

As the two boys make their way towards the water, Katsuki finds Akina sitting away from everyone else, staring out over the ocean. The red bikini girl moves to her side and tries to break the ice in a friendly manner. “Sooooooo, what do you feel like doing?”


Akina breaks her stare out towards the ocean to look at Katsuki with her usual scowl. “I am unsure whether to beat up the druggy or not. She surely would deserve it after all.” After she finishes her thought she then looks towards the other of girls just in time to see Mayumi trying to wrestle away Yuuri’s towel.

Katsuki has a look of worry flash across her face before she puts on an awkward smile and tries to change Akina’s mind. “Why not play a game of volleyball, instead of spilling blood on the sand.”

Yuuri suddenly runs in and hides behind Katsuki. “Please help me! She is trying to steal my towel. Oh no, please stop her~.” Mayumi comes in running after her, holding herself to make sure nothing pops out, she tries to work her way around Katsuki to grab Yuuri’s towel laughing as she fails to grab it.

Akina watches this happen with visible anger on her face. “Spilling blood will be better.” She says, standing up.

Mayumi hears this and stops playing around with Yuuri to turn towards Akina. “Huh? You wanna fight, you man-jawed bitch?” She steps towards Akina with a grin.

Kirika runs over to everyone after she hears the raised voices “P-please, no fighting. We could go to jail if we fight here.”

“Yeah Mayumi, she’s right. I doubt that bikini will last in fight,” Cerys says as she walks up after Kirika

Yuudai and Saito look back at the group of girls, quickly recognizing the tension getting high. “Man, I’m glad we’re not over there right now.”

Yuudai lets out a laugh, “Yeah, thanks for getting me out of there before… that began.”

Akina moves towards Mayumi, standing chest to chest with the taller gyaru girl. She stares into Mayumi’s eyes and says calmly “I'll give you the first attack, as I don't plan to give you one more after mine.”

“How kind of you, Edgelord!” Mayumi smirks and steps back. “Prepare yourself!” she yells as she rears back, letting her fist fly towards Akina’s face full-force.

She augments the punch with her telekinetic power to try to propel Akina into the ocean. Unfortunately for her, Akina’s reflexes are too fast. She brings her hand up and grabs Mayumi’s fist just before it hits her face. She uses Mayumi’s momentum against her and easily flips the larger girl over her shoulder and into the sand, kicking up a large cloud that gets into the faces of all the onlookers.

Mayumi quickly rolls out of the crater of sand back towards her blanket, rummaging through her purse, eventually pulling out a small clothing repair kit. She pulls out a few sewing needles and yells “You think I’m done? Screw that, LET’S DANCE TINY BANCHOU BITCH!” The sand around her begins to whip into a frenzy as Mayumi uses her psychic powers to shoot the needles at Akina.

Akina stares Mayumi down, the needles whizzing by her except one catching her in the shoulder. She glances at it for a moment, then looks back at Mayumi with disgust. “I didn’t even attack you, and yet you’re already going to weapons. Pathetic.”

The sand swirls around Mayumi even harder as she gets to her feet, preventing anyone from running in and calming the situation down. Yuuri is the only one not enthralled by this to yell over the sand, “Hey, you two, you’re ruining our vacation! Stop fighting and calm down!” Mayumi ignores Yuuri’s shouting and rushes Akina like a drunk.


Akina gets into her fighting stance, staring down the rushing Mayumi. “My turn, bitch.” She waits until Mayumi gets close enough, times it, and thrusts her fist forward in a quick strike. Much to Akina’s surprise, Mayumi ducks below the punch, taking the chance to lunge at Akina and grab her up. She locks her arms around the smaller Akina, lifts her up, and uses her entire body weight to slam Akina into the ground. A grin spreads across Mayumi’s face as she straddles the dazed Akina.

In Mayumi’s crazed state, she starts staring at Akina deeply. Akina tries to punch Mayumi back, so Mayumi leans forward until they’re face to face, leaving Akina no room to attack anymore. Akina hears Mayumi give a slight lusty laugh, then suddenly feels the sensation of Mayumi’s lips on hers.

Saito and Yuudai look on to the action from afar. Once the kiss happens Saito lets out a whistle. “Looks like their fight just got interesting.” He turns to Yuudai and catches him looking away. “We were never going to get them to not fight anyway, might as well enjoy the action.” Yuudai resigns to this, dropping his shoulders and turning back around.

Akina’s eyes shoot open due to the sudden action bewildering her. Her mind races to the first thing her instincts call for, which is to headbutt Mayumi. She continues following her first reaction by grabbing the needle out of her shoulder and stabbing it into Mayumi’s eye.

“FUCK! MY EYE! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE LEFT EYE!” Mayumi yells as she quickly pulls the needle out and clutches her eye. The sand around the two dissipates as Mayumi rolls off of Akina and writhes in pain on her back. Kirika runs to Mayumi’s side and tends to her. “Senpai, are you alright?!” she asks. Kirika tries to check Mayumi’s eye but is unable to pull away Mayumi’s hands

Saito and Yuudai come running to the group after hearing the screams. Yuudai sees Mayumi in her current state and then turns to the others and yells, “What the hell happened here?!”

Akina slides away from Mayumi and then sits up “The fucking druggy had it coming to her.”

Yuuri looks down to Akina who is sitting next to her and calmly says, “Miss Gedou wh…” Yuuri looks at Mayumi and back to Akina “WHAT THE HELL?! WHY CAN'T WE JUST RELAX AT THE BEACH?!” Yuuri screeches in anguish.

Kirika finally succeeds in removing one of Mayumi’s hands from her eye while Mayumi is reduced to pained whimpering. Kirika sees what was underneath and puts the hand back, then starts shouting for help. Katsuki is able to see enough to know that things are serious. She runs to get help, almost knocking over Saito and then turns to him. “Saito, hurry, we need first aid!” she yells as she drags him along. “Sure, but do you even know where to go?” he yells as he struggles to keep pace with her.

Yuuri falls to her knees while muttering “OhGodpleasenothiscan’tbehappening.” She curls up and begins rocking back and forth frantically. “She’s never gonna see again, the cops are coming, we’re all gonna go away for eye murder, our parents can’t pay the bail, oh God…” She looks back at Mayumi and gags a bit. “Oh God it’s probably all mushed or something I don’t know how eyeballs work… why why why why.”

Yuudai rushes up to Yuuri and slaps her shoulder to try and bring her back.“Hey, stop spazzing out! We need to get her a doctor as soon as possible!”

Yuuri shoots up immediately “Oh, right, no yes, a doctor! Not a beach medic, a real doctor!” She immediately runs off in some non-water direction in search of a real doctor.

Cerys walks over to Mayumi and tries to get a look at her eye. “Well Mayumi at least I'm sure you'll look good in an eyepatch”. She avoids the glares of everyone surrounding Mayumi. “I’m just trying to lighten the mood.” The only thing she can hear is the quiet unintelligible whimpering of Mayumi. Akina looks on grimly.

“It’ll be okay Senpai,” Kirika says while stroking Mayumi’s hair to calm her down. “Just a little longer and someone will be back to help you.” Mayumi starts to cry openly, shuddering each time a tear flows from her left eye. Kirika keeps trying to calm her down but the sounds of Mayumi crying makes her start crying too. Kirika begins to shake as her tears begin to pool around Mayumi.

Yuuri comes back wearing a t-shirt over her bikini panting hard. “I ran everywhere and I just couldn’t get service out here to call someone!”

Katsuki and Saito return as well. “We couldn’t find anyone here that could help us. Everyone was busy dealing with something on the other side of the beach,” Katsuki says as she walks up. “How is she doing, Kirika?”

Saito adds on, “Dunno what it was mang, but it sounded like someone was drowning over there.”

Kirika doesn’t answer back still crying and shaking over Mayumi. The amount of water surrounding the two is significantly high now.

Cerys looks on with confusion. “Are they both going to die?” Seemingly in response to what Cerys said, from the pools of Kirika's tears rises a water elemental. The party can only stare in awe as the elemental caresses Mayumi’s face. There is a bright light coming from his hand, and the stress of this happening causes Kirika to pass out.

After the elemental removes it’s hand from Mayumi’s face, she sits up with a start “What the hell?” She sees the elemental in front of her and and blinks her good eye a few times and wonders out loud “Did I die, is this what hell is like?” She tries to touch the elemental but it moves before she can touch it.

The rest of the party looks on to the scene with a shared expression of shock. As the elemental gets closer to the water the party hears “be well my child” coming from nowhere. The elemental returns to the sea leaving the group dumbstuck.

Katsuki is the first to break the silence. “What the fuck was that?”

“Just, typical club things, Katsuki. We are the Paranormal Club after all!” Yuuri stammers out, clearly trying to get her grasp on reality back. She then runs over to Mayumi and hugs her. “I’m so glad you’re alright!” She pulls back to check Mayumi’s eye, “You are alright, right?”

Mayumi still has one hand covering the eye. “I can't see out of my fucking left eye, but other than that, I'm fucking peachy,” Mayumi puts the other hand back to the eye.

“Well, maybe after...whatever the heck that was, you should try now?” Yuuri tries to get a better look at the eye. “I mean, it looked like it did something.”

Mayumi slowly opens her left eye. She blinks a few times, and everything seems to be normal to her. “Well shit things are little hazy it looks like it works.”

Cerys kicks Kirika a little. “Yeah that’s fine and all but now this one is passed out.”

Yuuri hugs Mayumi tighter causing her to blush. “N-not good with affection Vice Prez.”

Yuuri steps back “I’m sorry I was just really scared for you and I’m so happy to see you’re fine!”

Mayumi tries to save her shattered cool. “S'whatever. I know you and the kid get too handsy.” She then looks over to the passed out Kirika. “Aw fuck now the kid’s out.”

Yuuri runs over to the passed out Kirika and shakes her lightly. “Kirika Kirika! Are you feeling okay!?” Kirika mumbles something that Yuuri can’t understand.

Katsuki walks over to Yuuri and puts her hand on her shoulder “Come on let’s get her to my house for tonight. We can take care of her there. Yuudai, do you mind carrying her?” Yuudai nods and proceeds to pick up Kirika.

Saito steps in front of everyone. “So now that things have settled down, can we all agree to not make this kind of crap a habit? It’s a pain in the fucking ass.”

Yuuri nods. “Right, but for the time being, do you want to come with, Miss Gedou?”

Akina grunts in the affirmative and starts to pack up her things. The rest of the club follows suit, cleaning up the beach and making their way to the train station to start their journey to the Kusaka residence.

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