《Nandemonogatari: The Story of Something Else》Chapter 07 - The Story of Devils


Cerys and Mayumi are off on their own in the park, preparing for the assault. They stand near a bench by the edge of the park with the only light source being a dim lamp post. The two rummage through the duffle bag of items they “acquired” from the Drama club and debate on their costumes for the ambush. While those two are still deciding what to dress as, Akina, Raidou, and Yuudai are in the nearby bushes getting changed.

Cerys holds up two wigs, one short and black, the other long and blonde. She looks between them, then says, “So, you have more demon knowledge than me, tell me what to dress as.”

Mayumi keeps looking through the bag but responds, “Be one of those creepy Wraith ghost things.”

Cerys shakes her head and puts the wigs back. “My hair is too bright for that, and the only black wig we have is too short.” She starts to look through the bag again. “Maybe I'll just be a harpy.”

Mayumi says under her breath, "You're certainly shrill enough for one.”

Raidou yells out from the bushes. “Just you guys wait till you see what I'm cookin.'”

Akina comes out of a different bush in a hannya mask and black robe. She lifts her mask and says plainly, ”You should just dress as your inner demon.”

Raidou emerges from the bushes, sporting a extra pair of arms and wearing what looks like a toga and fancy headgear. He then uses all four of his thumbs to point to himself. “Check me out!” He flexes his top arms, then does the same with his bottom arms.

The three girls give him a blank look. Mayumi can only barely blurt out, “...the fuck?” She regains her composure. “I don’t think you’d make sense even if I was high.”


Cerys tucks the costume she has picked under her arm and turns around. “I’ll be back.” She then heads towards the bush that Akina was behind.

Akina asks in a monotone voice, “Can you punch with those extra arms?”

Raidou responds by throwing a punch with them and saying, “Uhh, yeah, sure.”

“Then it should work,” Akina says as she shrugs. “People will fear even a rabbit if they get beaten to a pulp by it.”

Already in an appropriate outfit for the task, Mayumi does her final preparations in the dim light. She paints her lips blood red, gives herself heavy eyeliner with black tear marks, produces a shockingly large and floppy marital aid from her bag, and hangs it out of her skirt in a mockery of a tail. Raidou goes to ask about the ‘tail’, but thinks better of it.

Yuudai returns, dressed as a red oni complete with a mask and club. “Is…this fine?” He asks to the group, and gets three thumbs up…all from Raidou. Then, Raidou inspects Yuudai, and his eyes widen in surprise. "Hey, you look just like one of my cousins!".

Cerys gets to the bushes the others got changed behind and stops, “I’m not going to change behind a bush like a homeless person, I’m going into the bathroom.” She walks into the bathrooms that’s behind the park bench.

Mayumi finishes up her makeup by adding some scarring to her mouth akin to a Chelsea grin. As she puts the makeup kit back in the bag, she says “I'm gonna need some wings and some horns if I’m supposed to be a succubus.”

Raidou turns back to look at Mayumi, then gives another thumbs up. “You’re perfect as-is! Eastern folklore tends to have them hornless, but the more widely accepted European kind gives them horns.” Raidou catches himself, then looks away. "...Or some shit like that, I dunno."


Yuudai replies, “I don't think these nerds are gonna notice if she has horns or not…” while Mayumi just shrugs and pulls out a cigarette, putting it in her mouth. “Tell me when it's showtime so I can hit this shit.”

Cerys returns with a little red dress on and fake wings covering her entire arms. “I wanted to be a harpy but they wear far too little for my liking.”

Raidou replies, “Huh, you look like a Shuvuu”.

Cerys rolls her eyes and sarcastically says, “Yeah, that was the idea here.”

Raidou smirks and puffs out his chest. "History and folklore are my best subjects!" He then looks around, remembering the mission, and returns to a normal pose. “..Wait, so are we supposed to just wait here for the nerds?” Yuudai nods, so Raidou crosses all of his arms. “Alright, cool.”

Cerys flaps her arms around, trying her costume out. "These are uncomfortable, I can see why these demons killed people.”

Raidou raises his eyebrow and only says, “Yeah…”

Akina breaks her concentration and replies, “You should have gone for something that allows easier movement.”

Raidou looks at Akina with shock, “I almost forgot you were here.”

Akina shrugs. “Good, I was meditating.”

Cerys looks at her arms and says, “Being a girl who died without knowing love suits me better."

Mayumi mockingly says, “I'm sure that'll happen naturally.”

Cerys quietly says to herself, “I’m sure it will as well.”

Yuudai looks at himself. “You know, this red body paint doesn’t itch as much as I thought it would.”

Raidou raises one of his eyebrows. “Red skin, huh? Hold up a sec.” He jumps back behind the bush, then returns a moment later with his skin a deeper red than normal. “Scarier, right?” This causes Akina to only laugh in his direction. Raidou looks somewhat defeated, but just multi-arm shrugs it off. “Whatevs.”

Yuudai says, “Either way, the harder it is to identify us, the better…” He breaks his line of thought as the group hears a loud sound. They all look in the direction of the noise.

Raidou says “...Did you guys hear that? I think it’s the signal.”

Yuudai replies, “I did hear something... could've been anything. Do we even know what the signal is?”

Everyone looks at each other, then shrugs. Raidou speaks up first, asking, “So like… should we hide or something?”

Yuudai thinks it over for a moment. “Yes, we probably should.”

Cerys teleports into the top of a nearby tree, while the rest hide in the shadows. Mayumi remembers that they also have to give a signal in return and makes a very loud moaning noise.

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