《Nandemonogatari: The Story of Something Else》Chapter 04 - The Story of a Violent Newcomer


The day after their first meeting as an official club, the Paranormal club makes their way over to the English classroom as class is just about to start. The members of each of the clubs are sitting relatively close to each other.

Yuudai walks into the room, looks around, and notices a row of empty seats. “Hmm, are we missing some students today?”

Katsuki laughs, then says, “It’ll bite them later, I’m sure of it. They won’t be popular with the overseas fanbase if they can't understand them!”

Cerys says something about English not being hard, but other than that the others can’t understand her.

They all look at each other, then Kirika tries her hardest to speak English. “Engrisu ees harto.”

Cerys shakes her head and speaks again, they understand a few individual words but can’t make out any meaning.

Saito scratches his head and speaks up. “Actually I don’t get any of what you guys say when you’re speaking in English. Well, I don’t think many of us plan to go to England anyway.”

Katsuki looks at her clubmates. “We’ll have to see how good this teach is, then.”

They all take their seats, and Cerys says, “I’ll just speak Japanese, so we can understand each other. Your English needs a lot of work.”

Saito sits down at his desk and starts tapping his fingers. “Not like you’re gonna need anything more in Japan anyway.”

Yuuri comes in late and waves to her friends. “Ah, hello there my good friends!”

Kirika shoots her hand into the air and waves at Yuuri. “Haruo, Senpai!”

Yuudai gives them both a weird look and welcomes Yuuri in with, “Good...uh, morning!”

Yuuri sits in a desk next to Kirika, and turns to her with a warm smile, and responds back with broken English of her own. “Haruo dere, Kirika! How awe yuu?”

Kirika smiles back and continues the conversation, “Imu fain!” She notices Mayumi has fallen asleep in the desk in front of her. She pokes her with her pen while continuing the English. “Mayumi-senpai purīzu wueku appu!”

Yuuri clears her throat, and puts on a smug look. “I think my English is pretty good, isn’t it Miss Komori?”

Kirika nods in agreement. “Very good, Senpai!” She then goes back to poking the sleeping Mayumi.

Saito shakes his head “‘s a weird way of talking.”

Mayumi finally rouses, slowly sitting upright with a yawn. "Do you have a dick in your mouth or is that how you normally speak?"

Cerys keeps her eyes forward and responds with a hint of anger “She’s attempting English.”

Yuudai looks over at Mayumi and responds with, “I'm surprised you're actually awake,” prompting a chuckle from Saito.

Saito then adds on, “I’m more surprised that she’s here in the first place, really.” The two continue to chuckle as the teacher finally walks in.

Kirika looks at the teacher and says, “Ah! E-Engrisu Crasso!”

Mayumi stretches. “Huh? Oh, shit, it’s time for Sacchin’s class.”

As the teacher reaches her desk, she speaks up, “Hello class, I’m Sachiko Nakajima. I’ll be your English teacher for the year. Before we begin, we have a transfer student who will be joining us.” She turns to the door and waves her in. “You may come in now, Miss Gedou.”

Suddenly, the door falls to the floor with a loud thud. A girl with long silver hair wearing the boy’s uniform struts in. She stops by the desk and leans back, keeping her hands in her pockets. “I am Akina Gedou. I’m looking for strong opponents to test my skills. Whoever thinks they’re worthy, come fight me after class.”


Mayumi rolls her eyes and starts making a jerk-off motion at the new girl. Katsuki turns to Mayumi and says “Yep, it’s one of these people.” She looks over at Cerys and notices her trying her hardest to not laugh at the new girl.

Yuudai leans over to Saito and whispers to him, “Wow, what a weird introduction.”

Saito whispers back, “Ahhh~ People that wanna fight all the time are so annoying. Eh, as long as she doesn’t join our club, I’m okay with it.”

Yuuri waves at the new girl. “Haruo Dere Ak Ki Nah! How Arr Yuu?”

Akina marches up to Yuuri’s desk and stares her down. “The fuck did you just say to me??”

While Cerys continues to barely hold in her laughter, Yuuri smiles uneasily, "H-Hello there... N-Nice to meet you!"

Akina harumphs, then says, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She then strides to the back of the room and sits at her desk, leaning the chair back and putting her feet up on the table.

Cerys, swallowing most of her laughter, says to herself, “‘Test your skills? Fight after class?’ Her warrior spirit is very outdated, she’s way too late with that crap."

Mayumi puts her head back down on the desk, sighing. “Why the fuck did I even bother waking up?”

Kirika turns to Yuuri and puts her hand on her shoulder. “A-are you okay Senpai!?” Yuuri shakily nods her head.

Saito whispers again to Yuudai, “She is kinda cute, though.”

Yuudai looks over at Akina and then gives Saito a weird look. “Really? I mean if you’re into that kind of stuff…” Saito shrugs and the two turn to the teacher as she tries to regain order in the class.

Sachiko shakes off her disbelief in how the students are acting. She whispers to herself, “I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this…” She raises her voice to normal and says, “Alright, alright, settle down class. Today we're going to start with a quick word puzzle.” She looks at Cerys. “Cerys, why don't you try to answer this one? Which word in the English language is most often pronounced incorrectly?”

Cerys stares at the teacher, then asks “Incorrectly?”

Sachiko smiles “That’s right, Cerys! Very good!”

Cerys sighs, then mutters something in English with some annoyance.

“Hmm, seems that was too easy then.” Sachiko says as she turns to the chalkboard. “Let’s try another.” She begins to write. “Many years ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer. How many speeling errors would modern skolars identify in this paragraph?”

Kirika shoots her hand up to get the teacher’s attention. “Yes, Kirika?” Sachiko points to her. “How does this help us learn how to speak the language of English more fluently, sensei?”

Another girl speaks up. “Yeah, hi, I agree with her. This is dumb as hell and we all know you're just stalling for time until class ends to get your paycheck. Let us get to the part we all care about, snagging the new girl for our clubs.”

Mayumi tilts her head up without lifting it off the desk. “Yeah, the new chick should join the Go the Fuck Home Club. She seems like a good fit.” She sighs and turns her head back to her desk.

Yuuri shoots out of her chair. “Miss Gedou is actually already in our club!” She hops to Akina’s desk and places her hand on Akina’s shoulder. “Isn’t that right?”


Akina shoots her the meanest glare she’s seen in her life. “Get your dirty hands off me.”

Yuuri refuses to sell Akina’s aggression, simply laughing it off. “Ohohoh~! What a witty girl! She’s already cracking jokes with us!”

Akina stands and glares up at Yuuri. “I don’t need a club.” She swats Yuuri’s hand off of her forcefully.

Mayumi leans back and stares Akina down herself. “Sounds like you’re in the Go The Fuck Home Club already, new bitch.”

Cerys and Katsuki stand up and join in. Katsuki reminds Akina, “Have you already forgotten you'll be free game for literally every student in this classroom?”

Akina looks past Yuuri right at Katsuki. “Let them come. I’ll beat them all.”

Yuuri steps back in Akina’s line of sight. “But Akina, you do love spoo~ky and sca~ry ghosties don't you? That is why you joined our club is it not?”

Akina raises her hands, cracking her knuckles. “If you’re that determined, how about this: If you beat me, I’ll join your club.”

Kirika stands up, cups her hands on her cheeks, and says “S-stop! Purizu noh fightingu!”

Akina looks at Kirika for a moment, then simply pushes Yuuri out of the way and starts walking out of the classroom. “Fine, then. Meet me out on the rooftop,” she pauses in the doorway and looks back at Yuuri, “if you’re brave enough.” She then continues into the hallway.

Yuuri's gentle smile turns into a larger smirk, "If it has to be that way…” She begins to saunter after Akina.

Yuudai and Saito get out of their seats and block her path. Yuudai speaks up first.

“Yuuri, are you sure you want to be doing this? “ Saito adds “I’m pretty sure you don’t, actually.”

Yuuri flips her hair, then giggles. “It’s no worry, you two. I can take care of this.” She winks, then makes her way past them.

Kirika joins the other two, and squeakily says, “P-please be safe, Senpai!”

Cerys sits back down, then places her face on the desk. “I just wanted to have a normal day in class, why did this have to happen?”

Yuuri runs out of the classroom and picks up her pace as she gets closer to the delinquent. She leaps into the air with a yell. The two collide and crash onto the floor.

At the sound of crash, those inside the classroom head out to see what the noise was. “Senpai!” Kirika exclaims as she observes the scene from a distance.

“It would be wise,” Yuuri pants as she makes sure Akina is pinned to the ground, “...if you just went ahead and joined OUR club.”

Akina struggles as one of her arms is pinned under her, she manages to spit out, “Get off me, bitch.”

Yuuri grabs Akina’s free arm and begins to twist it. “What do you think? Or would you like to take this further?”

Yuudai mumbles to himself, “Wow, never knew she had it in her.”

Akina yelps in pain as she feels Yuuri’s grip tighten. “Why should I listen to someone who does cheap shots like this?”

Yuuri smirks, “I won’t get up until you accept!”

Akina grunts in pain and whispers out, “...Okay, I’ll join your club.”

Yuuri hears her acceptance but continues to egg the girl on. “Hmmm? What did you say Akina?”

“I already said I would join, geeze.” Akina grunts out louder than before, “Now get the fuck off of me!”

Yuuri slowly gets up and puts her hands on her hips. “Goodie, welcome to the Paranormal club!”, she says as she extends her hand out to Akina, “I’m the vice-president, Yuuri Sayamura!”

Kirika runs over to Yuuri and checks on her. “Senpai! Are you okay?”

Akina stands up to dust herself off, “First things first though…”

Yuuri looks over to the frantic Kirika and gives her an ensuring smile. “Why of course, I’m fine Miss Komori! Don’t worry-”

Before Yuuri can finish her statement, she feels a hard sucker punch connect with her cheek. Akina manages to blind side her so hard that she is launched across the hallway, hitting the wall with a loud thud and falling motionless onto the ground.

Akina walks over to her and squats down to get as close to her face as she can. “Never attack me from behind again, or else I’ll do this again and follow up on it.”

She stands up and steps back as the rest of the Paranormal club rush over to Yuuri’s side. Kirika and Katsuki both quickly try to help her up until Yuudai pulls them away to give her some space.

Saito sits behind the commotion and adjusts his headphones. He looks at Yuuri, who’s out cold. ”See, man, that’s just what I told you. Don’t get in trouble unnecessarily, okay?”

Akina stands aside as well, saying, “She had it coming to her.”

Kirika shoots both Saito and Akina a dirty glare through her teary eyes, then looks back to Yuuri. “Senpai! Please, wake up! Please!” She cries more with every word, her bat squeaking louder with every passing moment.

Yuudai tries to calm Kirika down, putting his arm around her shoulder and reassuring her that Yuuri will be fine. Almost on cue, Yuuri opens her eyes again and sits up slightly. “E-eh? Why are mew crying, Komori-chyan?”

Kirika suddenly dives into Yuuri’s chest and cries into her bosom. Saito has a chuckle, and says, “See, she’s fine. Besides the weird talking, at least.”

Yuuri stares into space for a moment “Talking…?” She then gasps and covers her mouth for a moment, releasing to say "Sorry! I must still be a bit dizzy."

Yuudai smiles. “Well, at least you’re okay!” The smile doesn’t last long, though, as he glances towards Akina. “What are we gonna do with her?” he asks.

Saito’s the first to respond. “That’s easy, nothing. It’s the safest option.”

Cerys ignores Saito’s opinion, instead opting to teleport in front of Akina and saying directly into her face, "For someone who talks about strength as much as you seem to that was very cowardly of you."

Akina begins to glare at the smaller girl in front of her “I only did to her what she did to me.” She then looks over at Yuuri and says, “She could have taken the fair fight instead.”

Cerys immediately responds “And you could have as well, or maybe you are afraid that someone will show you that your strength is nothing?”

Akina places her finger on Cerys’ shoulder, shoves her back, and leans forward to get back in her face. She tilts her head back slightly, glares even more forcefully, and pointedly says, “Huh, you wanna try next?”

Yuudai gets between them and tries to keep them separated. “H-hey, we’re all on the same team now, right? Let's try to not get into any more fights.”

Cerys steps back with a shaky smirk, flips Akina the bird, and quickly says, “I'll l-let the other clubs handle that for me,” and suddenly teleports away.

Kirika is finally able to regain some composure, looking up into Yuuri’s eyes with a passionate look in her own. “Please be more careful from now on, Senpai…”

Yuuri fully sits up and pats Kirika's head, “Don't worry, don't worry. I'm alright.”

Saito scratches his chin. “I wonder why Yuuri was so intent on getting her to join…”

“Oh, right,” Akina says as she moves past Yuudai to talk to Yuuri. “Get me that club application sheet when you get the chance.”

Yuuri rubs her head and replies, “S-Sure, just come drop by the club room when you’re free.”

Akina asks, “Where is the clubroom, anyway?”

“A-are you sure, Senpai?” Kirika asks. Yuuri nods, then motions a request for some assistance getting to her feet. She’s helped up by Kirika and Katsuki.

Yuuri dusts herself off. “Yes, I’m sure.” She turns her attention back to Akina. “The clubroom is in that old classroom that used to be closed off from the rest of the students. You know the one, right?”

Akina gets a look of confusion on her face, “I can find it, you can expect me there later.” She then begins walking past Yuuri.

Yuuri replies, “O-Of course, I hope to see you later… but, where are you heading now?”

Akina says, “The roof, as I said.”

Saito shakes his head and says to nobody in particular, “This is going to be nothing but trouble.”

Yuudai suddenly calls everyone’s attention. “Hey, guys, shouldn’t we all be getting back to class now?” As if on cue, the bells ring, meaning that morning classes have ended. “Well, nevermind,” Yuudai says, almost defeatedly. “I guess it’s time for lunch now.”

The students who ran out to watch the fight return to their seats after the bell rings. Mayumi finally wakes up, grabs a paper bag from under her desk, and walks past the rest of the Paranormies as they walk back into the room. The returning members notice a few of the larger students crowding around the desk of another student. Saito sighs and peels away from the group, opting to eat his lunch at his seat in peace. The other members approach the huddle, easily hearing the person in the middle. “Yeah, my dad works for the company so I got all the books early. You guys can try them out with us later at Tabletop club,” he says.

Yuudai, who is almost in the huddle himself, looks over the shoulders of a shorter member and asks, “Eh, what’s going on here?”

The guy in the middle looks up at Yuudai, “Oh, nothing that would interest people like you. Just the new expansion to Dungeon Quest 5.”

Yuudai realizes he’s not welcome in the huddle and begins to walk away. “Well it’s nice to meet you, see you around.”

“Oh! We’re the Tabletop club and I’m Kobun.” The boy in the huddle says while the rest of his club just kinda stares at Yuudai.

Cerys sits at her desk, looks over to the group with a look of annoyance, and says, “Hey Tabletop dork, why don't you take your dumb games and your stink somewhere that isn't a classroom?”

A few of them look down defeatedly, but a lanky girl retorts, “It's lunchtime anyways, we're not bothering anyone.”

The interjecting girl from before comes across the classroom and gets into the tabletopper girl’s face “Actually, you’re bothering us. There’s no way we could make an unforgettable experience for the first years here with you dorks around. We need it to be perfect for prospective new club members.”

Yuudai walks towards Cerys’ desk to get away from the two sides’ bickering. He says to her, “I think the tabletop club is recruiting, we should do something like them so we don't get more members like that new girl.”

Cerys looks up at him. “I can’t hear you over them yelling at each other.” She sets her lunch down and stomps her way over to the two girls then points to the doorway. “Why don’t you both leave?” The loud girl turns to Cerys and says, “Butt out, little girl. This is between me and whatever she is.”

The three clubs let out a collective sigh, then resume going about their business as the three girls continue their pointless argument.

Kirika is still fawning over Yuuri, who’s sitting at her desk and holding her head. “A-Are you sure you dont feel dizzy? No signs of concussion? I think we should go to the nurse’s office to be safe, senpai.”

Yuuri rubs her temples. “I can't just skip class. I can go after if I still feel dizzy.”

Kirika moves to the front of Yuuri’s desk and stares directly into her eyes. “B-But senpai, it's lunch time? I could get your lunch and we could eat it after you see the nurse.”

Yuuri looks around the classroom and realizes she’s right. “O-oh, if you insist. Let’s go then.” She puts her hand on Kirika’s shoulder and stabilizes herself as they walk to the nurse’s room.

As Kirika walks Yuuri to the nurses office, they pass by Mayumi as she walks up the stairs to the roof. She opens the door and sees Akina standing near the fence, staring out into the distance. Mayumi sits against the fence on the other side of the roof, drinking from her paper bag. “So, new bitch. You watch too much anime as a kid, or do you really think you’re a bad bitch?”

Akina looks down at her hands, then balls them into fists. “There is a demonic strength in these fists. I haven’t found a worthy opponent yet, one who can match my power.”

“Too much anime, got it.” Mayumi takes another sip. “Well, no shit. Worthiness is a funny thing. It's not something you ever really find, it's just chasin' the dragon. And 'sides, if you just get gangbanged by everybody, you'll be a meat toilet before you even find the right one, y'know?"

Akina turns her eyes towards Mayumi. “I don’t share your opinion.”

Mayumi chuckles, taking another pull from her bag. “I don’t give a shit. I’m just being real.”

Akina doesn’t say anything in response. Instead she climbs up the small cubicle that houses the stairs to the rooftop. Mayumi heckles her while she climbs. “You gonna jump or something? Attempted suicide doesn't make you hard.” Akina sits down at the top once she makes it there.

Mayumi reaches into her cleavage and flings a unmarked soda can at Akina’s head. Akina catches it, looks at it, then sets the can down by her side. “You talk too much.”

Mayumi pulls out and cracks open a can for herself. "If you think I talk a lot, your fucking ears are gonna melt around here."

Akina glares at Mayumi. “Even the loudest person becomes silent once knocked out.” She looks Mayumi directly into her eyes. “Smart people learn after a beatdown. What about you?”

Mayumi takes a pill out of her purse, puts it under her tongue, then washes it down with another drink. “If you were, you would realise that everyone here is fucking insane.”

Akina replies, “Are you insane?

Mayumi smirks. “Why don’t you try and find out?”

Akina jumps down. “You want to challenge me to fight?”

Mayumi lets out a laugh. “Nah, I'm just seeing if you're dumb enough to start one from obvious goading.” Mayumi swallows another load of cola. “Although, if you’re dumb enough, I’m down for whatever.

Akina holds her stare, then looks away. “I don't think you'd make a good opponent. And I don't feel that you really want to fight me. Besides, can you even fight with how drugged up you are?”

Mayumi climbs to her feet, dusting her butt off. “You never know.” she says with a smirk. “I'd expect a walking kung-fu knockoff like you'd know about Drunken Fist and shit like that.” She finishes her cola, looking into the can to make sure, then crushes the can against her head before tossing it aside. “And I think you're making excuses because you don't want to get your ass kicked by a druggie. But that’s no hair off my snatch.”

Akina turns and moves to the edge of the roof away from Mayumi, indicating that she didn’t care to hear any more. Mayumi shrugs and goes back to crash in the clubroom.

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