《The World Of Divinity》Meeting The Boss!


With Alex turning his damage output to a whole another level. It wasn't long before the situation reversed itself. Most of the [Hellhounds] and [Flaming Sprites] were dealt with by Iced Cola and Big Papa.

Occasionally, Alex would help out but after he managed to relieve the needed slaughter and the tanks could do their jobs without accumulating much damage. He decided to focus on using this chance to rack up experience points.

Once the horde of mobs was reduced to 400 or so. The team decided to push their abilities to the max. Relying on Mad Dog's CC skills once more.

What followed was a wonderful sight to behold.

A team of 10 that initially was forced into a corner like rats. Started to cause the remaining 400 mobs to retreat every so slightly. With the berserker as the vanguard, using his job class skills they burst out and threw everything they had at them.

Alex was finally able to spread his wings a little as he wasn't restricted by distance. He was constantly activating [Flash Steps] and appearing in the middle of small packs of mobs. Slaughtering them brutally by throwing out [Chop] and [Backslash].

Unfortunately, his precious skill [Bleed] didn't work on elemental type creatures as they didn't technically have a corporal body to physically harm. That said, his dagger [Nature's Wrath] wasn't bound by these petty rules. It was an EPIC tier weapon.

As Alex would say, 'Put some respect on its name.'

In the span of a minute and a half, the full team was laying down on the floor panting for breath. Heck, even Alex felt like he had just completed a workout. Continuous usage of skills was heavily taxing mentally. Without taking the time to actually rest, players would just flat out die.


"Ahhhhhh seriously I need my bed!" Faith moaned as she flat out, lay on the ground not bothering about anybody else.

"I feel like I just ran up the stairs in my house." Big Papa complained.

"Alright everyone recharge before we carry on. Most likely it's just the BOSS battle that's left." Connor announced.

"At least I hope so anyway."



-Outside The Dungeon-

"Did you hear, all the squads from Shadow guild and BlueMoon guild got wiped in the dungeon."

"Haha, that's what they get for trying to rush through it."

"I heard they didn't even get to meet the BOSS yet."

"Seriously? I guess they aren't as strong as they were in [Fantasy Online]."



-Inside The Dungeon-

"Good job everyone! Scarlet pass out some [Mana Potions] and [Stamina Potions]. We rest for 5 minutes and carry on." Wilted Rose announced as she pulled her sword from a body of a [Hellhound].

Continuing her speech as she turned and faced the other 9 in her team. "Ares guild will be the first to conquer the dungeon. Solidifying our name in TWOD history!" Ending the speech with a bewitching smile. She looked like the goddess of war, draped in blue and gold streak swordsman armour.





-Alex's POV-

After collecting the dropped loot, everyone split the loot fairly. Not that there was much to split. The creatures in the dungeon only seemed to drop fiery crystals and coins. All of which was thrown to the back of their inventory's until they could be sold off later.

"Let's continue on!"

The team walked for a couple of minutes in the only direction the tunnel went to. Forward. However, what they did notice was that the tunnel grew increasingly more narrow.


"Hey guys, where did all of those magical creatures come from." Big Papa asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, they had to come from here but how did 800 sprinting creatures fit without a problem in this small ass tunnel?" Faith added to Big Papa's concern.

As if right on cue. The team walked to a dead-end in the tunnel. At least that's what it looked like before they saw the strange inscriptions and patterns marked across it.

Written in some strange ancient gothic language that was unreadable. Large circles and lettered symbols were set up into a complex locking system.

To everyone other than Alex this was just straight up confusing.

'Hehe, I finally get to flex some of my knowledge of the demonic language.'


In his past life, towards the start of the game, Alex, who struggled for rent and sometimes food would join dungeon teams for extra cash. Of course, he was last to pick on loot draws. And most of the time couldn't upgrade his gear for the actual level of the dungeon, putting himself in constant danger. Yet, he was always able to be picked out of the rest of the people filling teams. Why? Simple he could unlock the doors that lead to the BOSS room.


When everyone was confused and staring blankly at the towering tunnel wall. Alex couldn't take it anymore.

"Guys, I think this is a door to the BOSS room. After all, the creatures had to come from somewhere and the BOSS must have sent them out after we kill his guards. Aka the first wave of creatures."

Iced Cola was following his theory and nodded, "Yes, I think so too but my only problem is, how do we open the door?"

"These symbols look like letters. Is it some kind of puzzle we have to solve? Do we need to break it?" He continued to ramble to himself, getting lost in thought.

Alex just instead walked to the door and place his hand on the door. Muttering underneath his breath. "Myzashuk.." Which meant open sesame in Demon tongue.

Everyone was a bit confused about what he was doing but then the door started to created sounds. Sounds of bolts being moved and unlocked. Then came a rumbling as the floor shook like a minor earthquake was passing by.

Dust was flung in the air as the doors started to part. Then came a wave of heat that caused everyone behind Alex to struggle to breathe.

That wasn't the only thing that was shocking because what followed shook them to their core.


The very roar that happened early repeated but this time it packed a dense killing intent. A killing intent that locked onto all 10 of Alex's team. Someone had stepped on his territory.

Gazing at the creature that could possibly make such a threatening noise.

All they saw was a towering entity bigger than an entire building. A mixture of molten rock and lava itself. Taking the pose of a golem creature. Red crystal eyes that stared deeply at the invading enemies.

[HellFire Golem]

[LVL 35]

[HP 1,000,000]

[Description - Born from 7 volcano cores, it was a creature not meant to exist. After being stranded in the darkness of flames at the bottom of a tremendous amount of lava. It grew an affinity with the HellFire from the Demonic Realm.]


[HellFire Wall, Great Combustion, Black Flame.]

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