《The World Of Divinity》Into The Dungeon!


10 minutes later, Iced Cola returned with another tank. A Berserker this time which was a different path from Connor's traditional guardian route. As for the other two members, he brought along an Archer and another cleric to provide support alongside Faith.

Truthfully, Alex didn't think that any of them was anything amazing. At least they weren't standing out in any special regard. Still, they didn't need to be as long as they did their job roles, the team wouldn't have a problem.

Alex was interrupted from his thoughts as the group of over 100 people arrived, drawing everyone's attention.

"OMFG, Look is that Ares Guild?"

"It is, look there's Wilted Rose and Scarlet the 'Fire Queen'."

"So beautiful!"


"Dude, WTF?!"

Ares Guild gave the impression of coming prepared. After all, they were a guild close to officially solidifying themselves as a First-rate guild. With a rich experience from their core team and management after transferring their assets over from previously most popular game [Fantasy Online].

'They do say that the hero makes the last-minute entrances.' As if on queue, when the time hit the hour mark in-game. The 7 volcanic peaks all trembled. The Mountain shook and even some rocks fell.

This was an in-game Earthquake.

Many players panicked thinking the volcanoes were going to start spewing out molten lava at any moment. Yet these thoughts were soon interrupted as the dust started to settle.

A golden brilliance of light spread throughout the crowd and after the light grew dim enough to see what happened. Players soon realised.

"Holy Sh*t! There's the dungeon entrance!"

"That was amazing! 10/10 would recommend to a friend!"

Every major guild around the seemed to act professionally as they started to send out their teams to try and achieve first clear. Yet they couldn't mask the aura of excitement that enveloped every player.


This was the first-ever Regional Dungeon!

As for Alex's team, they all seemed to look at each other with the same thought in mind, 'Let's do this!'

"Guys what are we waiting for, hurry up already. Especially you Rex, stop just walking, RUN!" Big Papa said as he tried to get everyone to throw away their dignities and enter the dungeon-like children.

[Molten Mess LVL 30 Regional Dungeon!]

[Would you like to enter? Y/N]

[Please select a difficulty mode, Normal, Hard, Hell!]

After Connor, the party leader selected yes and then Normal mode, the full party was sent into the dungeon. Disappearing from the earth, as their bodies turned into white particles one after another.



The first thing Alex and his party saw was how large the dungeon was. Molten lava spread all around them and the temperature was 100x hotter than outside. In front of them were many different tunnels. All of which seemed to go to different places.

It was to be expected they were underneath 7 volcanoes.

"Ah, It's so hot. My dress is going to stick to me. Like seriously where is the system AC setting." Faith complained openly.

"We don't mind if your dress sticks to you Faith." Big Papa said unfazed.

"Big Pervert!" Faith replied while delivering a kick to his shin. Not holding back one bit.

"Ow Ow Ow, AHAHA that hurt Faith. Seriously, I've told you to stop doing that."

"Alright, guys stop, focus up we have many tunnels to explore. This dungeon looks like it's going to be a maze type." Connor said while settling down the team.

Iced Cola continued, "We should start making a map for the route. Just in case it changes or we're forced to retreat."

Alex knew the route from the top of his head. He didn't want to draw attention to himself by going. 'He guys follow me. I've already finished the dungeon before. I'm actually a time traveller.'


Yet at the same time, he wasn't going to wait for them to notice the small details about how to complete the dungeon efficiently.

"Hey, look guys do you not think some of the tunnels are giving out a higher temperature?" He said as he placed a look of curiosity on his face.

Iced Cola was the first to pick up on his remark, "Are you sure they are? Which ones?"

"The fourth tunnel from the right," Alex replied sharply while pointing out the tunnel.

As the rest of the party gazed at the tunnel they all then looked back at Alex like he was stupid. Mad dog was the first to openly complain. "Dude are you stupid, how is that tunnel hotter than the rest. It's just the same."

Of course, Alex knew that to people with their senses slightly lower than the likes of Alex, this would go unnoticed. Despite this detail being hard to notice it existed as a way for players to always pick the right path.

The World Of Divinity was a game that rewarded being strong.

Alex wasn't going to let it pass that easily, especially when exploring the rest of the tunnels was a waste of time. However, what surprised Alex was before he could express his thoughts Rex spoke for the first time since Alex's arrival.

"Alex is right, that tunnel is slightly hotter than the rest. Most likely it's the path to take if we want to explore deep enough to find the dungeon Boss."

"Well then, that's settled tunnel 4 is the first tunnel we'll explore," Connor interjected while Iced Cola gave a reaffirming nod.

'That Rex dude might just show me some interesting things along the way.' Alex thought as he now raised Rex's talent and ability level in his mind.

"Yaaaaay, Let's go." Faith shouted out while she hopped alongside Big Papa as they moved towards the tunnel.

As for Mad Dog, he looked towards Alex with a cold gaze, making a small Tch" sound before going on his way.

'What is that guy's problem.' Alex thought as he smiled at Mad dog's open hostility.

The team walked for 10 minutes as the environment changed, they were now spread out into a default formation. 2 healers at the back alongside the 2 mages. Just in front of them was the Cursemancer and the archer. Before Alex and Rex a little more in front. Then finally came the two tanks ready to block incoming attacks.

They didn't have to wait for long before their first enemies showed themselves.

A total of 400 [Flame Sprites] glared at the team viciously.

[Flame Sprites]

[HP 500/500]

[Spell - Fireball]

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