《The World Of Divinity》Meeting The Team!


As soon as Alex started to look for Connor and his team, Alex immediately found that the environment was naturally hotter than anywhere he had been since his return.

That was natural, considering that right next to him were 7 towering mountain peaks of all different shapes and sizes, yet everyone of them had an amount of volcanic lava that was hot enough to cause death.

Groups of guilds had already arrived, BlueMoon guild and Shadow guild were among the groups that were currently here. They seemed to be creating publicity to try and recruit players to join their guild.

Alex moved around for a couple of minutes until he found Connor. Standing among 5 other people he seemed to tower over. Much like his actual look outside the game, he was over 6ft, brown hair and a messy bead but well trimmed. He looked exactly what one would picture when the word 'tank' was used.

His amour was surprisingly among the best you could get right now, which of course Alex picked up on. Rocking the thorn piercing Chestplate and common grade metal gear for the rest of his amour.

The rest of his team seemed to be just as strong as him as they tried to not draw any attention to themselves, but yet still oozed a vibe of above average players. Most of them didn't have bronze rated gear but their starter gear was good enough for the dungeon run.

"KingSlayerrrrrrr!" Alex over pronounced as he drew near to Connor who had his back to him.

Connor seemed to instantly recognize the voice as he already started replying while turning around to meet the voice. "Little chick!"

"Haha, good to see you." Alex greeted as they were now bro fisting to say hello.

These guys are real bro's was the impression that everyone around them got.


"Hahaha, look at you with your cool ass cape and oh what's this.. Your copying my amour layout.. Hmm well I don't really mind having a die hard fan." Connor joked as he checked Alex out.

This was the first time that they were meeting in game and Connor was by no means a regular player. He played the game to level up and get stronger like many above average players did. So naturally he had the ability to roughly gage someone's skill level.

Surprisingly, he found Alex gave the impression of what some people in his group did.

An elite player.

'My brother Alex isn't normal, this is great' is what he probably thought.

"Anyway join the party."

[KingSlayer has invited you to join his party! Would you like to accept Y/N!]

Clicking 'Yes' he join a party for the first time since his return.

Truthfully, he did have thoughts about the betrayal from his best friend Damien and had thought about playing the game solo. That way he wouldn't be open to the same situation. Yet, he decided not to give Damien that type of control over him.

Especially now that he had a second chance. His late 20's mental age had allowed him to rationalise the situation properly. Otherwise, we'd be looking a different Alex. One where he went around exacting vengeance on everyone that did something bad to him.

Connor waking him from his thoughts explained to him who the other 5 were.

"We have Faith as our healer. The churches mightiest priestess"

She seemed like a bubbly character. Somewhat small that was a beauty in her own regard. She had blond hair that fell past her shoulders and wore a priestess outfit that was pure white and had golden crosses.

"Hiyahh" She greeted enthusiastically with a warm smile.


Connor continued "Rex is our main damage dealer. A swordsman with lethal skills. He doesn't talk much though."

Rex seemed like a gentle soul that just limited himself to greet Alex with a nod. He wore gear that wasn't very flashy, matching his personality, yet his sword seemed to be quite the item as it was clearly a rare grade. As for his appearance he had black hair and blue eyes.

"Next is Mad Dog, A top of the line cursemancer."

He wore all blacked out armour with streaks of red. Almost demonic feelings came from him. He looked at Alex with a slight contempt and he actively tried to pry whether or not he was any good at the game.

'He looks like a headache' Alex thought as he met his eyes for a moment until Mad dog humhped and turned away.

"Next the wonder duo, the two mages, Big papa and Iced Cola. As you can see their actually twins but have completely different personalities."

Big papa had an aura of flames that settled around him. He seemed overly energetic, the type of person who couldn't keep his mouth shut for 2 minutes straight. As for his brother Iced Cola, he radiated calmness and intelligence. Although in game you didn't need glasses to perfectly see. Alex felt like he would wear them outside the game.

As for their looks they both had azure brown hair and green eyes. Iced cola had stubble on his face yet Big papa had a clean, well looked after, childlike face.

After everyone was introduced it was Alex's turn.

"Everyone can just call me Alex, I'm Connor's classmate. I'm somewhat decent at games so look after me well." He said while giving the group a smile.

Straight away faith seemed to have a good impression of him as she stood out from the group and started bombarding him with questions about Connor. Yet what Alex couldn't understand was why she openly referred herself as his "Big sister."

"If you need this big sister's help later in the dungeon, just tell shout for me and you can expect a heal." She said as if she was relishing in the chance to get to be called 'big sis'.

"Big sister? You look younger than me? Call this big brother if you need me to block any mobs."

She straight away pouted at Alex in a cute way as if saying 'Call me big sis! Call me big sis!'

"Alright time to find some random's to follow our party into the dungeon." Connor interrupted their small talk.

Iced Cola spoke up first, "Let me handle it. I'll be back with 3 people." Confidently walking away without waiting for a response.

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