《The World Of Divinity》Catching Up With Connor!


Alex paid no mind to what the young woman felt as she bowed ever so slightly to him. He wasn't one too go out his way to purposefully embarrass someone but he felt that she was just plain stupid.

'Thinking your amidst the stars when your yet to leave earth' he sighed to himself.

After that he didn't give the woman a second glance as he changed his clothes to the ones he purchased in the store changing rooms. After that he left the store calmly as gazes were fixated on him. Many single woman in the store couldn't help but notice the change. It was as if he was a total different person.

He entered the store with questioning looks and was greeted with mockery yet he left with a figure of a confident, healthy young master. Anyone would think that he was a rich young man from the higher end of the city.

"Hmm, I suppose now that's out the way I should go meet Connor."



25 minutes later at the other side of the shopping district, Alex approached a food court that went by the name of 'FoodShack'. A common franchise amongst students for gatherings day to day.

Alex saw Connor straight away. Sat at a table next to the sideway, He was giant compared to the people around him with his overbearing physique that came from his passion for working out. He had brown hair and blue eyes and neatly shaved stubble despite his early adult age.

"Oi big bear!" Alex announced his arrival.

"Little chick, you sure do like to keep people waiting." He replied with a cheeky smile.

"My bad, my bad."

"Look at you as well, dressed in some decent clothes for once."

"Wait, don't tell me.. This must be young love.. Who's the lucky girl to make you care about your appearance for once?"


Connor began to ramble about the most popular girls around their age as they conversed back and forth.

Alex had to admit that he felt bad about not staying in touch with Connor and pushing him away when his parents past away. Adding to the fact that he didn't even know how things worked out for him.

He knew from their previous talk that his name in game was 'KingSlayer' which was quite popular around the first year of release but after that it wasn't a name that was ever mentioned again. Which meant only one thing, he either quit or couldn't afford to keep playing.

"So man, how's the game been treating you. Guessing by the new watch you must of sold all your gold or something." Connor guessed with a smirk.

"Humph, you know me. What can't I do!" Alex jokingly bragged. "In seriousness though, I made a decent amount from playing it and selling some things in the auction house."

"What about you? What level are you at now?"

"I'm level 19 right now. I met a bunch of cool guys and we've been hitting the levelling up spots from that guy Zero's guide book. I even got myself decked out in some cool ass amour."

"I don't know if you saw the hype in the auction house from the Bronze grade chest plate that appeared but your boy picked one up." Connor proudly announced while pounding his chest twice.

Alex couldn't helped but laugh at that remark while pushing it off as if Connor was just funny.

'This dummy when he finds out I'm Zero he's going to lose it haha'.

"Anyways, you going to join any guilds or anything?" Alex asked since he knew that he had previously joined Ares guild but he couldn't help but think that perhaps him joining there might have lead to his departure from the game.


"Nah, not yet anyways after all it's better too just level up for now. One of the people in my team right now said that the guilds will value us more if we join as a higher level. You know like an expert!"

"Hmm, your friends quite smart. Your better off just sticking as a mercenary team until later on in the game at least. Especially when guilds haven't even formed yet and you don't receive in game benefits directly for joining them."

Guilds in game couldn't be directly established without getting a guild token and enough Kingdom reputation from either Towns or Cities. This was one of the main reasons why regional dungeons were so hyped up as first clears and clears on higher difficulties had a chance to drop a token.

Guilds that got that would of course start to pull away from their competition.

"What about the the regional dungeon, you got a team?" Connor asked catching Alex off-guard since that was what he was going to end up asking.

"Nah dude, I've been going around solo since I'm a assassin so it's been easy for me to level up solo. Not to mention I was exploring some secondary professions so I haven't had a chance to sort that type of thing out yet."

"Great, join our team we need 10 for the dungeon anyway and we only have 6 between us. One healer, one cursemancer, one mage and one warriors and then me the worlds finest guardian."

"Haha don't mind If I do then!" Alex openly accepted his offer. "All that's left is another healer and a mage and maybe another tank to help you out."

"Looks like you know your stuff." Connor smiled as he raised his drink to Alex's.

"To clearing the dungeon, Cheers!"




Alex spent some more time catching up with Connor and planning when and where they were going to meet in game before leaving him and returning home.

After all, It was better to get some sleep since he knew he was going to over work his body later on.

The Future Tech capsules, although allowed for casual players to sleep and play at the same time was only for every now and then. Continuous playing would take a toll on the body and mind before ultimately causing health problems.

It was even worse for elite players that pushed their bodies in game to the limits.

That said if everything was in moderation it wasn't a problem. Yet Alex didn't like to play by the book. If he could gain an advantage he would.

He was a pro at the end of the day.

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