《The World Of Divinity》Bet!


'So these types of people really do exist. Just plain imbeciles'.

Alex still maintained what he was doing in a casual and unhurried manner. Despite the questioning gazes he was now receiving thanks to the young attendee.

Time went by and Alex had browsed many of the items in the shop suited to his tastes.

Once Alex started to pick up an expensive pair of jogging wears and a plain T to go alongside it, people began to whisper.

Which as you might have guessed it. Drew even more attention. It was safe to say that by this point not many in the store didn't recognise Alex's presence.

The store sold a wide range of clothes and accessories for both men and women. This of course caused a lot of rich higher class women to shop here for casual wear, instead of dresses. After all, a lot of young women paid attention to their figures nowadays and that caused demand for gym wear that could make them look pretty while working out.

Once the group of noble women from a higher class, browsing the more expensive items in the store started to paying attention to Alex and gossiping. The young attendee made her move smiling viciously as she approached the main desk.

Alex of course saw this from the corner of his eye. From before his return he had spent a lot of time at social gatherings when he needed the partnership of investors and the sort. This wasn't the first time someone had choose to openly scheme against him.

Towards the young attendee's behaviour he could only inwardly sigh.

'These people really are walking headache machines. Naïve and fearless. It's a dangerous combination.' Alex thought as he approached the main desk with clothes in hand.

Now the manager on the front desk was aware of Alex and was monitoring his behaviour thanks to the young attendee's pre-emptive warning.


After the customer in front of Alex finished his purchase, It was Alex's turn. Placing his items on the desk he pulled out his worn down wallet that was scratched from placing keys alongside it in his pockets.

Unable to hold back, the young attendee voice her disdain "Sir, perhaps you might be shopping in the wrong store. Unfortunately, here at Luxury Wears we don't give out payment plans." She said not bothering to withhold the volume and mockery in her voice.

Alex paused for a moment before staring deeply at her. The young women immediately gulped as she felt an overbearing pressure surround her. As if something was going to attack her right her and right now.

"You.. you.." She muttered as she staggered back a few steps in panic and confusion.

Alex of course maintained his unmoved appearance as his face showed no signs of aggression or any emotions for that matter.

He stopped for a moment before voicing "I will pay upfront for these items and as for you." He said as he looked at the attendee for a moment. "As for you, I wish to make a complaint."

"For lack of manners and overstepping her boundaries. Making customers uncomfortable and purposefully trying to withhold customers from purchasing items." He calming announced.

The manager was somewhat shocked by the turn of events happening in front of her. The young man standing in front of her, that seemed to be a youth playing a prank when he was bored, had such a overbearing side to him. 'As if he is a rich young master..' She thought.

"As you wish young sir." The manager said warmly before turning to the young attendee and glaring deeply at her.

The young attendee seemed shocked before embarrassed then that embarrassment turned to angry as she looked at the customers mainly the group of women from before. She saw as they were whispering and giggling.


Her eyes widened as she was overcome by the anger. "You what right do you have to file a complaint against someone like me. Your just some clown playing the act. I bet you can't even afford your items."

Alex just smirked coldly before gazing at her and then pointing to a glass display a few meters away from the desk. "Hmm, very well then. If that's the case, If I can buy that new gen Future Tech smart watch on display, you will accept the complaint and openly apologise for your out of place behaviour in front of everyone."

"And if you can't?" She replied will she was inwardly taken back by his confidence as thoughts of doubt crept into her mind.

"Then I will kneel before you apologise and the store can ban my re-entry for deeds of interrupting business."

'Huh he's just some common trash' she thought.

"Deal!" She said with newfound confidence after looking at his clothes once more.

The watch was brought out from display and place before Alex as he tried it on and sized it to his wrist.

"Sir, all together that will be 110 thousand CP." She said as if unsure if he really could afford it.

Unfazed he remained as he placed his car on the card reader and typed in his details.

A couple of seconds past and silence filled the store waiting for the result to show itself.

The manager felt the many gazes in the store fall upon her as she was now feeling nervous for some reason.

Her demeanour was tense before she saw what popped up on the desk screen.

'Payment Verified!'

"Thank you for your purchase sir!" She said after gulping deeply. Staring at the man with curiosity and newfound interest.

Alex however just nodded towards he before turning his head towards the attendee who was now in standing staring at the desk screen in disbelief.

'How could this be. He just common trash. What is this? Not even I could have paid for that watch.'

Interrupting her thoughts. Alex simply said "Apologise!"

The woman seemed to be overcome with shame as she seemed like she was going to cry. Her eyes started to puff up ever so slightly only to be masked by her huge amounts of make up.

"I'm sorry!" She reluctantly said as she bowed her head towards Alex. Gritting her teeth at this embarrassment. 'I will return this 100 fold.' She thought.

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