《The World Of Divinity》Breaking The News!


"AHHH!" Alex screamed out in victory as he slumped to the floor not minding the mess of blood and mutilated guts. He was all to used to it by now.

"What a fight huh."

After overcoming the initial exhaustion, Alex was urged into action by a system notification.

[World Announcement! Due to 20 players reaching LvL 20. The system will now undergo patch 1.2!]

[Estimated downtime 14 hours!]

[Downtime starts in 5 minutes!]

"Huh? I really am behind the curve right now. Then again I would have been one of the first If I didn't find a lucky chance."

"Ah well, I was hoping to catch up before this patch came but what can I do." He muttered to himself as he tiredly picked himself of the floor.

"Now then! The Item chest."

Walking over to the rock in the centre of the parting. He was finally able to take in the magically scenery without being cautious of attackers.

The chest was drizzled in a perfect golden hue.

Now that I mention it, treasure chest or item chests were divided into different grades. From the standard beginner chests with chances of getting bronze and silver grade items, like the one in [The Creek], were regarded as common grade. As for this chest spitting out golden light. This was a notch above, an elite chest. Then comes epic realising red hue. Then the legendary chest which Alex himself had only seen a handful. Which released a varied amount of colours.

"I wonder if I'll get anything worthwhile along with the cloak." He laughed thinking himself greedy.

"Here goes!"

Tapping on the chest the lid opened releasing holy aura bathing 15 meters of the perimeter in golden brilliance. Feeling slightly warm Alex shut his eyes for a second from the bright light before peering into the chest.


[You have gained 'Merlin's Cape' unique.]

[You have gained skill book 'Parry'.]

[You have gained 12 gold.]

[You have gained x12 Mythril ore.]

"AHAHA! I really am the reincarnation of the golden Buddha." He shouted out as he had seen the addition of the skill book 'Parry' among the loot.

"I was meaning to buy this before the regional dungeon in the auction house."

Parry wasn't a crazy rare skill in fact it could be classed as common. However, towards the start of the game It was sold for a lot because it was a skill universal to every class in the game. Heck even healers could use it.

So you could see the importance of the skill so when someone got it they would instantly learn it. Causing the skill to be somewhat rare until people levelled up.

"Ahh well then with that bit of good news over. It's about time I log off. I have many things to do in the real world. One being sleep for a little."




-Real World, Alex's Bedroom-

Opening up the capsule a skinny toned young man hopped out. He looked and felt like he had just been through a major work out as the colour in his face was pale and devoid of energy.

"Ah, seriously I need to sort out my body conditioning. Preforming Void Steps is just way too taxing on my mind and body right now."

Looking through the window he looked for the sun in the sky but seeing that it was just past sunrise he decided to get some shut eye for now to refresh himself.

Just like that 6 too 7 hours passed.

Waking up, the originally pale young man, now had his colour back restoring his handsome facial features to full. In fact he had a look of excitement of sort as a child would on Christmas morning.


Sat atop his bed he was in contemplation as he looked at his phone screen.

"Hmm, how should I tell Mum and Dad about the bulk of money I have. I don't want them to worry about me doing sketchy things. Ah screw it I'll just try my best to talk them through it."

Walking downstairs he was on cloud nine. It hadn't been long since his return and this was a regret that he couldn't change. It was finally time to let this burden go.

Walking into the living room he was greeted by his Mother's smile. "Oh so you've finally decided to join us today." She teased.

"Ah sorry about that I was tried." Alex replied as he scratch the back of his neck before looking for a cup and pouring a glass of water for himself in the kitchen.

"It's all those games your playing now that your classes are over." His father chimed in as he looked at his newspaper Sudoku in interest.

"Oh about that, you guys I have something to talk to you about. It's actually important so I'd like to have you full attention."

Both Mother and Father turned and looked at his nervous face with surprise. He was never one to bring up important conversations. In fact he was the type to avoid them unless absolutely necessary. He preferred to do his own thing whether that was study or what not.

'I guess 10 years changes you' he thought to himself.

"It's about the new game than just came out. I'm going to make it my full time Job from now on. I'm going to go pro." He announced as his Mother sat herself down.

A second or two past before his father wore a questioning gaze. His Mother however remained with her neutral appearance seemingly taking him serious for once.

"A professional? What about your University degree? All your hard work through the years, all the money we've spent to send you there. Your going to give that up?" His father asked as he continuously got a little bit louder as he tried his best to remain calm.

"Yes!" Alex calming replied as he looked directly at his father in the eyes.

Taken back by his determined gaze his father settled down for a moment deciding to here him out.

"In fact you guys, I am grateful. Incredibly grateful of you both raising me and sending me to get a perfect education. However, this is the road I'm destined to take. I would be happy to have your blessing and support."

Hs mother looked moved by his short speech as she was staring at him. "Alex, your already an adult now so you can make your own choices but you have to understand that your setting out into an area me and your father know nothing about. We won't be able to help you. Ok?"

Alex smiled at his Mother's response before cheerfully replying.

"Don't worry from today onwards I'm going to be the one helping both off you. Look!" He said as he flashed his phone in front of both his Mother and Father.

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