《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Consider this dropped


Alrighty, alrighty. as I no longer find writing this to be a fun little project but instead something I HAVE to do, I shall promptly drop it.

Sorry to those who actually liked this thing, it's just not fun anymore.



Now as I try to release this, it would seem that a chapter must have more than 500 characters. how strange. no matter, i shall just do a quick brainstorm. who knows, I might just get an idea you may like. when god closes a door, he opens a window, was it? well, if I was in this metaphor I would most likely hop out the window. or is it into? its rather hard with these kinds of things... anyhow, no matter. let's do three.

What about a collection of short spooky stories updated irregularly? I do have some talent when it comes to spooky, despite how shitty the last chapter was.

What about another isekai story, focused on some other strange invertion? what this invertion should be I don't know. just something or another would be fine, such as many souls one body or summoned heroes. urk.

What about a story about someone constantly committing a taboo, focused on their inner thoughts and how others react when they realize they were, in fact, commiting the taboos. what kind of taboo? might be anything. might be a god eating food and acting as a human, might be some dude going about killing, might be a girl strolling around with rape in mind and body. who knows.

And that should do that. ill just pot in a poll here in case someone was interested.


Have a nice day, and once again,


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