《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 20, Happy Hallows!


I think we may be one too many...

the Girl in question was looking just as confused and puzzled as I was.

The three Squares seem to have been knocked out or something, as they didn't move. But since they were, in fact, laying on top of the Girl, she couldn't move.

More effective then shackles and chains, buy your very own passed-out-buff-dudes today, for only nineninetynine!

Ehem. She made a few strange sounds, which I could only translate to “why are you doing this to me?” or “are you kidnapping me?”. Well, on another note, I've gotta admire the Wolfman's stamina, he's really running quite fast! And by quite fast, I mean he's running at about the same speed as a car.

I am really quite happy he's not my enemy. I would be dead...

soon enough the burning village was out of sight and not even the smoke could be seen. I gently bopped the Wolfmans shoulder, letting him know it was alright now.

His stare was like that of a snake, eying its prey right before striking. His eyes were like fireballs, burning and seething with rage. His sharp, needle-like teeth were showing themselves as if teasing, prodding at me, telling me “soon”.

Whoa what the fuck

the sight of such a terrible gaze forced my ears to peak and my hair to rise in unison. Never had I ever found myself face to face with such unhidden loathe. Yet, within his burning eyes, I found something, something staring back, something so deeply distressed I had no doubts it could only be his soul.

However, I couldn't take my time to figure it out. With merely a fling, I was no longer on him, but instead on the cart. I didn't know what to do, but I had to stop him somehow. His legs were moving too fast, all too fast.


With a powerful swipe, the handles the Wolfman was holding were no longer in his grasp. The cart, at the sudden loss of a motor, rolled to a halt. The Wolfman didn't notice the sudden lightness at first and continued sprinting, however, this soon changed.

He turned around, once again showing his rage-possessed face. His four arms were stretched wide, claws like knives, ready to be brought down on whatever came in his path. That was not the Wolfman. It could not be. I may not have known him for long, but even so, I knew he was in possession of reason. He was human. This was not a human.

This was a beast.

A low, ominous growl rose from deep within the Wolfman's throat, setting my teeth on edge. The Girl was behind me. It would seem she had escaped from below the pile of buff dudes, however, her stare was blank. Al-though she was looking at the incarnation of wrath itself, she did not look frightened. Not even a flinch in the face of such utter rage.

I might have said I admired her, had you asked me in that moment, but now, as I look back on this moment, I simply pity her.

Her arms hung loosely by the side of her body like long pieces of meat on cold, metal hooks. Her lips were ever-so-slightly parted, and from her mouth, a thick, black liquid seeped and dripped to the ground. The liquid seemed to have the consistency of blood, but it was black like the night.


the Wolfman screeched. I would say howled, but that was not a howl. It was indeed screech, a screech from the damned souls suffering in hell. I could do nothing but stand still in the face of such unyielding hate.


The Girl mumbled some incoherent lines. However, I doubt this is the same language as they usually speak. It was more elegant, light and the words seemed to flow together into a harmonious melody, in great contrast to the so usually hard and pessimistic language they usually speak.

Her dry eyes were deeply fixated on those of the Wolfman. They seemed to be staring into each other's souls, evaluating each-other as if studying bacteria with a microscope. And like that, they stood for several moments until the Girl once again chanted something with such elegance it might as well have been music.

Suddenly, as if having realized what was happening, the Wolfman fell to the ground, coughing. He tried to take deep breaths, but all that could be heard was rasping and rattling. He coughed up something. A thick, red liquid fell to the ground in large blobs, splattering over the grassy grass grass.

Oh, oh my... is, is he alright?...

no answer. Of course not, al-though she might have seemed like it, the Girl wasn't in her right mind either. With every breath the took and every word that fled her mouth, a trickle of a thick, black liquid fell down her eyes like tears. Soon enough her mouth was seeping with the stuff and her eyes had taken a black hue due to all the liquid that was escaping it.

I didn't notice it at the time. I was preoccupied with the Wolfman, still puking and coughing and suffering.

The Wolfman stared at me. His eyes filled with rage were soon switched with a pair of eyes filled with guilt and regret. He may not have done anything, but he did threaten this whole operation. I slowly inched closer. He flinched at my movements but made no attempt at escape or attack.

His gaze was interlocked with mine, but for one reason or another, it wandered over to my side and fixated itself on the Girl. Noticing this, I looked behind me as well.

Her body had turned dark as the night. Her hair, eyes, body, everything was black. She was covered head to toe in a black liquid. The liquid coiled itself around her body like snakes, but as if not even noticing this, the Girl stood still. On her lips surfaced a slight smile.

Who was she?...

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