《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 19, Escape from the Village


hm. hmm. Who is who...

welp, only real way to distinguish is to ask, right? But since I cant either speak or understand what they say, I suppose...

with a little twitch of the ear, both the villagers, whoever were attacking them and the three Squares weapons were floating in the air above them, out of reach.

Hnng, what is, with, this, wight...!!


before my mind gave out under the pressure, I quickly stabbed the weapons, which really was only swords, into the rooftops.

Huu, huu, huu... man that was... ah! Now, let's see... wait, what

at first, all of them were, as one could have imagined, confused. But soon everyone just kinda lunged at the three... this, uh...

where are the villagers? Are none of these villagers?? then why were they battling???

perhaps... ah, wait, I don't have time to think, the three Squares are being pummelled to heck and back!

I took a glance at the Wolfman, who looked exactly as confused as I was.

ok, my offensive abilities are crap, so, go! Wolfman!!

I pointed my paw (PEKA MED HELA HANDEN) at the group of villagers pretty much kicking the three Squares while they're down. Hm. Kinda feels like I heard something familiar again... eh, must be nothing.

The Wolfman must have at least kind of understanding, as he walked towards the group of villagers.

hm. now that I take a look, the villagers who I previously thought were hiding are actually holding... bows, uh... Safety hazard, I'm taking those!

The bows almost flew out of their hands and landed, according to my amazing expertise, on the rooftops. Hohoho. Soon enough, I'm pretty sure everyone was disarmed. Thanks to me. Hehehe.

Someone might just have noticed I might have been the one doing it, or something, since, well, someone charged at me. They were completely silent, an excellent sneak attack! However, one shouldn't underestimate my excellent sense of hearing! Hohoho, I could hear you a mile coming!


A wall of dirt quickly rose to defend both me and possibly the Wolfman. He looked rather surprised, didn't he also hear the attacker? hm. He should have at least smelled it, come on.

A “gasp” kind of sound came from beyond the wall. Hey, if I can throw sword all around, wouldn't you think I could at least do something like this? Well, this wall of dirt isn't actually that thicc, it just looks really strong. Hohoho.

Soon after the gasp, a knife stabbed its way through the wall. Welp.

Before whoever was holding the knife could have time to dislodge it, as it hit neither me nor the Wolfman, I grabbed it with, you guessed it, telekinesis. Man, I rely far too much on that, don't I... aaah, I'm not really a stoic, so I suppose I don't really have to practise their... ideals and theories... do I? Hrm. Ill just take that as a hard “NO”.

Anyhow, since whoever was beyond the Wall had no weapon and I had a knife + Werewolfcentaur, I suppose its safe to tear down the wall!

Is there anybody out there? The wall quickly disintegrated into a little pile of dirt at the feet of... the Girl from earlier... hm... curious... while I was distracted by merely realizing this fact, she tried to run away. I would have tried to catch her with the dirt, but the Wolfman had already grabbed her with his frankly terrifyingly muscular arms.

The Wolfman made some... uh, “wolf-y noises”. Possibly trying to say something along the lines of “where are you going, little girl?”. Man, if only he actually had a rugged-man-voice...

the Girl looked completely and utterly confused. Just like me.

“S-, släpp mig”


so... the Girl said something, probably like “you'll never get me ali-,”, ehem, “Release me, foul beast!” or something, and, it would seem... the Wolfman tried, once again, to speak. Who knows what he said? I can't even guess... then again, seeing his amazing efforts to be able to speak just like a normal person, it kinda inspired me to try as well...


“Hupp hupp one two one two”

that sounded like, uh... normal speak...

the Girl looked even more confused... in fact, I'm pretty sure she looks terrified. so... I probably didn't make any sort of comprehensible English, did I?

hmm, could it be, that to me, it just sounds like it sounds like that? Kind of like when you hear your recorded voice and it sounds completely terrible compared to how it sounds in your head? But... isn't that too far-fetched?

hmmm, in that case, perhaps the Wolfman just thinks he's speaking... whatever Asian language he speaks.

How strange... anyhow, we have a situation on our hands. Well, more like in our hands, well, more like in a hand, well, more like in his hand. We have a situation in his hand. That does not sound as good as my radial thinking led me to believe...

anyhow, we should probably save the three Squares, before they get beaten to death.

Once again, I (PEKA MED HELA HANDEN)-... p-, pointed my paw at the three Squares... I swear, every time I do that I hear something... but its far away and barely audible... weird...

the Wolfman seemed to have noticed this, as he flung the girl to his back and held her in place with two of his four arms. Gosh, he has many arms... but, I guess he'll need them all...

I threw myself on top of his shoulder and secured myself with some top-notch telekinesis. At some point, I will get to level two...

the Wolfman took a light step and basickly threw himself into the mix of villagers pummelling the three Squares, the villagers flying left and right. w-, whoa.

I didn’t realize you were amazing, Wolfman! Well, I mean, I did kind of battle you, but... the past is the past, all that truly matters is the present, so why bother? Ah, this is no time to think! Im pretty sure we could defeat all these villagers if we tried, I mean, we have the Wolfman... but killing is always wrong, even if it means we'll allow them to continue... whatever theyre doing.

Without any seeming thought, the Wolfman threw the three on his back and sprinted for the cart. Huh. Its empty. Did they... I think I might just know what this is. Perhaps, this whole village... gets travellers to help them”defeat” the attackers, and while they're busy, they steal their cargo? Nnnnnnnn

Aaaahhh, that cant be. No way. Its probably just... its probably just that, huh.

Anyhow, seemingly not minding the loss of our cargo, as well as our horses, the Wolfman threw everyone on the cart, took the reins that were supposed to be holding the horses, and ran, carrying us out of the village, around the village, and beyond.

It would seem... that we survived yet another day...

is everyone here?

Me, the Wolfman, Lönn, Bok, Ek, the Girl, wait, what

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