《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 18, Village Battle Whoo


I had somehow suspected this from the moment I heard the screams, however, never did I suspect it to be this bad.

Most of the houses were burning and those that weren’t had already collapsed into a pile of charred ash. It felt almost like a scene from a movie. It was simply so... poetic.

However, that sensation lasted merely a second as I let myself plummet to the ground and into The Wolfmans awaiting arms.

His eyes quickly caught mine and I nodded in confirmation of what he had in mind.

His eyes widened for a second before settling down again.

With a “Skutt” he increased his speed slightly, to the three Squares slight surprise. Well, as I could conclude, they've been staring us down ever since I was flung into the air.

I knew there was no way in heck I could use some sort of interlingual signs to tell them “Right ahead is village burning help?”, so I've got no choice but to show them.

Well, not quite I, but...

The Wolfman took advantage of their interest and ran in close to the cart, waving in a “follow me!” kind of sense. hm. Didn't think of that.

Just as before, he sped up, me still in his hands and ran in front of the cart. Well, he ran in far ahead enough so as to not scare the living daylights out of the horses. Good guy? Possibly.

I couldn't see it since I was still being held by the Wolfman in a position so I could not see behind me, but I'm pretty sure the three Squares sped up accordingly.

Soon enough we got up a hill, and past that, was the village. Just as in flames as usual and with just as many screams echoing through the night.


hm. something must have done this. A village doesn't just set itself on flames, does it? Plus, some people here are fighting, that's for sure! I can hear swords clashing way more often then screams!

I looked up at the Wolfman and heard a low “Grrrrr...” emanating from his nearly closed mouth. Well, he was showing off some really sharp teeth as well, so im guessing... he's more wolf than man?? welp, who knows.

the body of a wolf, the mind of a man, how will this werewolf love story play out???

sorry sorry, that was a bit too far.

The cart, including the three Squares, soon rolled up beside us. All three of the Squares were in shock and awe at the sight.

It would seem someone noticed us, as a young girl ran up to us. Her clothes were dyed in red with blood and her face was almost petrified with fear.

“S-, Snälla! Ni måste hjälpa oss!”

I looked at the Wolfman, and we mentally sighed at the same time.

The Girl seemed to have noticed us as she made a “Hii” sound and staggered backwards. Aw gee, I'm just a Jackalope and this is just a werewolf centaur, whats the big deal??

“Oroa dig inte, dessa är våra vänner.”

Lönn said something almost the second The Girl and I met eyes. Mrm. Kinda wish I could understand what they said, but, then again, languages are hard to learn. That'd take years! Ah, anyhow.

“Så, kan ni hjälpa oss?...”

“Jadå, Jadå, såklart. Vad behöver ni?”

Oh my, it would seem the Girl and Lönn have sparked a conversation here! Welp, guess I'm not needed here...

just as I was about to fly myself away, the Wolfman put a hand on my head, and then pulled it slowly back down my back.


no, I cannot leave, I must stay to hear this groundbreaking conversation!

However, as much as I wanted to hear the conversation, the sound of being stroked was kind of overpowering and I had no choice but to almost fall asleep right there and then.

However, at some point or another, it seems Lönn awakened the both of us from our stroke-induced slumber by kind of flicking our heads at the same time. Man, I was that close to accidentally crushing her hand... and it would seem the Wolfman almost ripped her hand clean off!... we're a dangerous lot, aren’t we?

“Åh! Innan ni, går?”


“Snälla, döda ingen, vi vill ju att de ska få sitt rätta straff, och döden är aldrig ett straff!”

Lönn winked and nodded to the Girl's request. I think it was a request... possibly. Who knows.

And so, we slowly advanced into the village. However, we left the cart and the horses behind. I'm sure that won't bite us in the arse later on.

The village was still in flames, and the first thing we laid eyes on was four or five grown men battling with swords. They were all drenched in blood and they looked rugged as heck. The three Squares quickly intervened by throwing themselves into the mix.

wait just a second.

Which ones are the enemy?

They all look like regular villagers...

who do we battle?

Aaa, those three ran in far too quickly.

The Wolfman might just have had the same thought as I, since when our eyes met, we once again, without fail, mentally sighed at the same time. Wow, we should get an award for all of these!

Ho-hum, however, even though we both mentally sighed at the same time, we do still have the matter of “The three Squares juped into battle head first without knowing who their enemy was” to deal with. hm. What to do...

well, if I was stronger, id make them all float into the air simultaneously. But I'm not strong enough. Yet...

so the only real solution I can see Is to do like I did in the battle with this werewolfcentaur. Steal all their weapons. Om not going to attack someone with them, of course not! The sensation of cutting someone with a spear... hearing their pain... huuuu... never again.

Anyhow, I suppose, it is now that the battle truly starts. Or something.

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