《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 17, Alliance Formed


I observed how the Wolfman drew some other animals around himself. He drew a few lines between these, showing how they most likely attacked. He erased these, however, and drew muscles on the wolf. Whaa?...

he drew a few signs over the wolf's head. It said “+Lv” or something. Hmm? So he knows English?

I quickly wrote a little “English?” note on the bottom but he shrugged most likely in confusion.

Sigh, guess there aren't that many ways of communicating with these...

the Wolfman drew an extra pair of arms on the wolf's head.

Hm? hmhm? Hmhmhm???

the Wolfman leaned in to draw something, but I stopped him. A wave of confusion flooded his face, but he soon realized it was my doing.

I quickly drew a bunny in the dirt, right beside another smaller rabbit, as if saying “remember this???”. The Wolfman made a “gasp” sound and drew a line over the larger rabbits neck, as well as crossing its eyes out.

So, you admit to the senseless murder of my pseudo-mother???

I must have accidentally activated Telekinesis or something since the Wolfman quickly got up on his four legs with a frightened/wary look on his face.

Ah, sorry sorry, didn’t mean to do that. Hmm? Aaargh! I erased the drawings! Nooooooooooooo

with the snap of a wrist, everything was back to its prior state. The Wolfman seemed to have calmed down, but he was still a bit wary of me.

It's not like I'll have a try at your life or anything, I'm no murderer.

On another note, I pointed to the smaller rabbit and then pat my chest. The Wolfman got a pale expression. Well, it would be pale if it wasn’t for the fact that I couldn’t see his paling face. Well, im rather sure he was in a bit of a plight. His face was in an “o shi-” state while his body just tried to comprehend what to do.


Well, I'm pretty sure that if you tried you could at least modestly harm me right this second. I mean, come on, I'm literary an innocent little bunny. Anyhow.

I erased the whole thing with a small thought and gestured to the Wolfman to continue.

During the following few hours, the Wolfman drew his entire life up until now, including the battle before.

Hm. it would seem, in conclusion, he just battled a lot, slowly grew stronger, and here we are. I could probably show my entire story, but it's nowhere near as interesting as whatever he showed us. As he seemed done I decided to do a final thing with the dirt-board. I first drew three squa-, ehem, three people, then a little rabbit, and finally the Wolfman. I drew two lines between me and the three Squares and then drew a peace sign. Then I drew a line between the three Squares, Me and the Wolfman. I then drew a peace sign between us and him, as well as a few question marks around it.

The Wolfman looked over it and thought for a second before he drew a definitive peace sign between the three of us.

Hohoho, successsss...

it would seem I have created an alliance.

I hopped onto the Wolfman's shoulder. Mmnn, fluffy... I didn’t realize it myself, but I snuggled down into the fur and fell right on asleep.




Hm? did I fall asleep?...

What a dangerous Wolfman...

I woke up still on the Wolfman, but I was being held abnormally still in two of his hands. The rest of his body was walking beside the horse-drawn cart. Plus, one of his hands was slowly stroking my back.

Hnmmm, this doesn’t feel too bad...


mmmm... mmmm...

he seemed to have noticed my awakening, as he twitched for a second and ceased stroking me.


h-, hey! I liked that!...

With that he slowly handed me to Lönn, who was sitting in the back of the cart, embroidering? Yeah, it looks like that. She was embroiling with colourful wool on a black square of cloth. Hm. The square has turned more circle, eh?

Anyhow, I was quickly handed to her, who sat me down on a large puff of fluff. What kind of fluff? Who knows! Looks like wool or something, but I really have no idea. She continued her embroidering. Hmm. Its fish, isn’t it? Yeah, those are fishes. Pretty cute fishes, actually.

She continued embroiling somehow, even though my attentive gaze was fixated on her. After a short time, I got bored and turned to watch the scenery instead.

Unlike in a car, they didn’t swoosh by, but I instead had time to truly appreciate the green trees, the azure sky, the many many colourful flowerbeds and the warm breeze carrying the sweet scent of the before mentioned flowers.

I took a deep whiff of the air. Flowers, nectar, pollen, gladimnotpollenallergic, blood, the light scent of water, wait, blood? Eh? Where did that come from...

I spiked my ears and tried to scan the surroundings for any sound other than the sound of running water, frivolously flapping leaves, growling, sword fighting and screams.

ok yeah, there's something going on here.

I turned my head trying to catch exactly where it was coming from.

Not from the south, not from the west, not from the east... north?...

yeah, right up ahead, the sound of swords clashing, screams, growling, and the scent of blood hanging like a heavy mist around wherever we were heading. It seems the Wolfman had noticed as well, as his ears were peaked and his gaze was fixated on an unidentifiable point ahead of us.

I quickly lifted my body and practically threw myself into the Wolfman's arms. He caught me, confused, but when I pointed my hand (PEKA MED HELA HANDEN) to the road ahead of us, it seems he understood what I meant.

I thought I heard someone shouting in the strange language, but I couldn’t identify what it was or where it came from. Must have been someone ahead of us.

I tried telling the Wolfman to throw me into the air to give me some way of identifying what was happening, but it seems he didn’t quite understand me, so I had no choice but to do it myself.

With a hard press of Telekinesis, I was thrown into the air.

Right ahead of us, in the dim light of the evening sun, was a village, wrapped in flames. Shrieks rose from it without stop. The scent of blood was heavy, almost suffocating, even at this hight.

The scent of blood was heavy, almost suffocating, even at this hight.

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