《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 16, Another Amazing Battle?




Mmmmm, it would seem I fell asleep, as I awoke to an unfamiliar scent, location, and sound. Well, perhaps less of an unfamiliar sound as more of a sound I've never heard in person.

I recognize the sound from many movies and television series I must have seen sometimes when I was still human. It was first an “AAAAAAA” sound, followed by a “BOsH” followed in turn by a final “ARKK”.

My eyes blinked open and allowed me to take a look at what was actually happening.

Around ten meters away from me I could see what was making the sound.

The three squ-, ehem, Lönn, Bok, and Ek were battling a, uh, well. A monster. Most clearly a monster. What it is, I don’t know. All I know is that it is, in fact, a monster. Hm.

Wait, a sec, I think, I know what this thing is.

You remember that armed wolf when I was birthed?

Well, you know how I've slowly been getting larger horns, onthatnoteishouldcheckhowtheyturnedoutmyheadfeelsheavy, yeah?

I think this monster is the armed wolf but evolved. Kind of like me or something...

it was far larger than before, its fur having a light purple-ish metallic look.

It was kind of like a centaur, with a wolf's body as lower half, but the rest was also... wolf... it was like an anthropomorphic wolf, on a wolf, but the anthropomorphic wolf had four arms... really quite weird...

he was holding four different weapons in his hands, a shield in one of them, a sword in a second, a blue orb in the third and finally a spear in the last.

If one of the Squares tried to hit him from behind, some sort of magic prevented them, if they attacked from the front, the shield stopped them and the sword countered, if they tried to throw stuff, he countered with magic.

Eh? Eh? Is he? Perfect?

Cant be, cant be.

The problem laid in the three Squares, not him. They tried desperately to attack and overpower the armed Wolfman, but unless they had some support from the back, I doub-, they need me don’t they.


Well, I suppose, if we are going to be on the same team, I should help them, no?

Hrm. I've never used my Telekinesis for combat before, so... let's try!

As I was thinking Lönn had fallen to the ground and was being threatened by the spear hovering right above her.

O shi-,

I quickly grabbed the spear byways of telekinesis.

The Wolfman seemed rather surprised by this, trying his best to move it. Until now he had been in a state of “Takin' it cool, nuthin' to be afraid of here.” while he pummelled my newfound friends, but he kind of lost that vibe and was currently in a state of unfocused confusion.

With a silence one would not expect from a square, Bok jumped out, holding his war hammer high above his head from behind the Wolfman and struck him, hopefully, hard on the back. he was probably going for the Wolfman's head, but as luck goes, the Wolfman turned his head at just the right moment for the hammer to miss.

I mean, I would expect a square to make an “AAAAA” sound while jumping out like that, but I guess they are a bit smarter than that? A sneak attack is supposed to be sneaky, after all.

Anyway, the Wolfman released the spear, letting it float in the air while he jumped out of harm's way.


Weapon... acquired!

I let the spear swoosh around a little before holding it like a spear hopefully should be held.

The Wolfman had no time to observe the situation as Lönn got up to her feet and lunged at him with her Battleaxe raised high. He tried to defend with his shield and attack with his sword, but in this matter it seems she was slightly stronger and successfully deflected the sword and shield, the shield falling to the ground.

Hm? haha, chance! I lunged the spear into him and watched as it pierced the skin and lodged itself into his side.


the Wolfman shouted as he tried to remove the spear, which it easily did and fell to the ground.


oh. oh god. That was... im not doing that again, that was...

I felt like puking.

The three Squares, on the other hand, saw this as a chance and attacked him as well.

I-, I cant... that scream was just, far, far, too human...

I don’t know why we are fighting, but...

I quickly grabbed the shield and threw it between Lönn and the Wolfman, deflecting her Battleaxe, to her and the Wolfmans great surprise.

Seeing these fight... no, I will not let this continue.

I snatched the remaining two weapons from the Wolfman, as well as the three squares' weapons.

I let them all float into the sky in a ball, and while the four creatures were distracted, I let my body float gently toward them.

The Wolfman noticed me first, and soon the rest turned both their attention and gazes to me.

I didn’t want to do like I did before and curl into a ball since I did, in fact, want to see what their reactions were.

With the weapons still floating, I used my telekinesis on some grass below me. Well, I let all the grass in a one-meter radius float into the air.

Then I made them into the form of a hand.

Then, I stuck out the fingurrs.

The Wolfman had his unyielding gaze turned to the grass peace sign.

The three squares seemed to all sigh at the same time as they raised their hand and showed the Wolfman a peace sign.


The Wolfman groaned slightly as he raised his hand to his face, and hesitantly made a peace sign as well.


As the Wolfman's wound that I accidentally made was still bleeding, I quickly sealed his would with telekinesis by letting the blood he lost flow right in and keeping it in there.

This all was a huge strain on my mind, so I let the weapons fall a few meters away from all the people present.

Hoooo, hope this Wolfman actually could imagine peace.

He made a few strange movements with his mouth, as if trying to speak. Hrm.

I quickly noticed a patch of ungrassy dirt and moved his attention thereby making a tiny whirlwind form.

As he seemed rather surprised I drew a smiley in the dirt. Using telekinesis, of course. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty darn reliant on that, aren’t I?

Well, doesn’t really matter at the moment.

The Wolfman seemed to understand what I meant and sat down by the dirt.

His fingurr moved slowly along the ground, making various signs.

I... have no idea what that means...

is it chine-, ehem, mandarin? Japanese? Korean? I dunno, something like that...

whatever it is, I don’t understand it. Neither do the three Squares who now have helped form a ring around the path of dirt.

With easy movements, I made a “?” sign.

The Wolfman drew a “...” and erased the whole thing with a sweep of his hand.

It would seem nobody here understands one another, except the three squares, that is.

The Wolfman drew a little stickman on the ground and pointed at it before pointing at himself.

Then he drew a square, made a line between the square and stickman, and then erased the stickman except his head, where he drew X's over the stickman's eyes. He made two of his other hands make a ball and then made the ball “explode” while making a “Fwoosh” sound.

He then erased everything except the head and gave the head normal eyes.

He seemed to think for a little while before drawing those weird signs again all around the head.

Then he erased everything but the head yet again and drew some trees and gave the head a body. However, the body was on all fours and had a tail, he also gave the head a pair of ears. Eh?

Wait, whoat??

was he also...


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