《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 15, A Battle to Remember




uuuuuuuu, hrnnnnnggg, that was a nice slumber. Really refreshing.

When I opened my eyes, as expected, I was pummelled by powerful rays of light, as well as a few shadows.

Morsning korsning hur mår frugan?

As my eyes adjusted to the newfound light, I noticed them. The three stooges. Hewey Dewey and Lewey. Tripp trapp trull.

The three squares were hanging right above me, like three grapes or something. But square. Square grapes.

Man, id like to just eat those square grapes...

hey, wait a minute...

there are no square grapes!

And with that, I shredded the veil of ignorance clouding my eyes, revealing the square grapes to be...

aha! The three people who I stole stew from, gave me whiskey and sang a song! I knew those grapes were but feeble distractions of the mind!

“den vaknade, v-, vad gör vi??”

“tyst, idiot, vänta på att den gör något först.”

whoaap. Talking.

I wonder what they're saying, I mean... this is all foreign to me.

The three were almost unmovable, probably waiting for me to move. But alas, Im way too tired to move.

I'd say “five more minutes” but that joke is way too overused.

I let one of my paw reach out, and when I almost came into contact with one of the amazed-yet-cautious squares...

I hit it.

Well, rather, I slapped it away.

Hm? why?


I hit...



git it?

Cuz, uh, you hit the one that wakes you, but, uh, this time, it was a human, so, I hit the human.


Hilarious, am I rite?

The three squared moved a bit. Well, it looked more like they reached back and grabbed something.

That something turned out to be a hammer and a sickle, a war hammer and a battle axe.


Whoa whoa whoa I meant no harm don't harm me I may have amazing powers of a level 2 (if you're wondering what the hell he's talking about, just ask me or whatever, I reply to pm's ;^)) telekinetic but I'm still a rabbit I mean no harm

Their weapons lowered slightly. I must have been... uh, just too cute to kill? Who knows?

Well, it seems their guard is down!

Im getting outta here!

With surprisingly agile moves, I got up on my hind leg and pushed away from the cart.

The Whiskey? What do you think, of course I brought it along!

With my telekinetic powers, I successfully caught myself in the air.

The three squared stared at me, probably rather surprised.

I may be a Jackalope or whatever, but I'm rather strong! Hehehehe, that felt good...

“Fanken! Vi måste fånga den! Vem vet vad det kan göra om vi låter den gå?!”

one of the squares shouted at the other two. Wait, it cant be, do none of these have any long range attacks or something? Naaahh, that cant be... I mean, they seem pretty successful, how could they fail in that important part? Well, then again, I have no idea what enemies these people might face.

There was that armed wolf, and theses that snake, and then theres me. These are all monsters. So, consequentially, there must be even more, frighteningly powerful monsters. Sut then again, have these three never met a flying or long range enemy? Hrm, most likely not.

When they battle they probably jus-,


That square just threw his sickle at me!

Not cool, man!

The square that was shouting at them earlier kicked the square who now only had a hammer so hard he fell.

Ouch. Well, I suppose, if you decided to give me this sickle...


the sickle floated gently into the air beside me.

Huhuhu, prepare to face... my wrath!

The square that was probably the leader put her battleaxe down and raised both her hands.



“ssshh, din idiot! Följ mig!”

the rest of the squared followed suit, lowering weapons and raising hands.

whats this about.

I let the sickle float down with a slight thud.

Peace or something?


the leader square let one of her hands form a ball, and then stuck out the middle and pointy fingurr.

I-, it cant be...


I tried to form my paw into a peace sign, but, uh, failure.

How in the heck-, oh! Haha, I know!

While the three looked on in most likely disbelief, I curled my body into a ball, letting into my large ears stick out.

Hope this is being conveyed well, this is rather bad for my back... hrggg...

I peeked out between by arms and legs to view their response. All three were waving peace. Aw yis.

I slowly uncurled and floated down towards them. Slowly, of course. I need to make an impression, don't I?

I slowly reached out my front paw. The leader did the same. As our hands met, she gently grasped mine. I don’t know why, but I wanted telekinesis in on this, so I let telekinesis gently grasp as well, making out hands bob up and down in a handshake.

Too much? Too little? Argh, who knows.

After a short time the handshake got a bit awkward, so I canceled it and floated around before landing on the leaders shoulder. It was surprisingly easy to sit there, must be due to her having ginormous shoulders worthy of a true square.

She seemed a bit surprised, but also relieved.

“L-, Lönn??”

hm? that was directed to this leader here, right? so... hohoho... thats her name...

Lönn. Hrm. Reminds me of something something but I dunno what.

Probobly, yeah.

Anyways, Lönn brought her fingurr to her mouth, making a “shush” sound or something.

“Bok, Ek, lugna er.”

whowee, what a soft voice. Well, kind of, its still deep as an opera singer's anal cavity, but it was rather soft.

hm. was that pauses I heard? Might this be an indication of names?

I turned my head to Lönn. She looked back at me. Jeezus she does not look like a she but still, she might have understood my thoughts, telepathic bastard, and started pointing at the other two.

She pointed at one and said:


and then the other.


oh, I see, so...

that's Bok, and Thats Ek... wait, uh, who was who again? You are all too alike! Less square and more triangle, and as for you young lady... uh, who knows, more triangle and circle? Who knows?

Lönn started trying to walk a bit. Ah, no worries Lönn, I will never fall. The plot has been twisted I fell. Haha, jokes on you, I didn’t fall. Im not a Level 2 telekinetic for nothing!

She seemed a bit relaxed that I was pretty darn secure on her shoulder, so she walked over to the cart and sat down in the back while the two others sat themselves in the front, by the horses.

And off we where.


Who knows.

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