《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 14, The Three Squares


Sigh, I cant see the village anymore... Bjerred, was it? Argh, who knows and who cares... well, I guess I both know and care, so, that answers that...

aa, im getting tired of constantly floating. It's kind of nauseating now that I think about it.

With a slight thud, I landed gently in a clearing in the middle of a lush forest. As it had started to get rather dark, the sounds of the forest were constant and quite alarming. However, I no longer feared most creatures of the forest due to my powers.

Still, with the silver streaks of moonlight illuminating the forest, I could also see what was happening.

With a few cautious whiffs of the air and some silent listening, I concluded there to be nothing to fear in a close proximity to myself, but I also smelt a rather delicious smell.

Was someone cooking nearby?

It smelled that way, and when I truly peaked my ears, I could hear faint whispering.

Well, im not one to say no to some company this late into the night. Gotta have a place to sleep anyways.

As I got closer to whatever was emitting that delicious smell, the whispers turned into faint conversations. I could pick up what they were saying, but still, one cant learn a language simply by hearing it, so I couldn't understand what they were saying.

“är maten klar snart eller måste jag slå dig till döds”

“håll käft, ja jobbar på 're”

“sluta gräla era jävla babianer”

or something along those lines.

Really, who knows what they were talking about.

I just kept slowly hopping in their direction. From their voices, I could hear two men and a woman. The men had really dark voices while the girl had... also, a really deep voice. Wasnt there that thing called puberty or am I imagining things?

Anyhow, I soon reached their camp.

Yup, as I kind of imagined, two guys and a girl. Which was which? That's...

All three of them were covered in muscle and dressed rather light, but beside them, I could see a pile of armor and swords.

They were sitting each on a single log and the three logs were arranged around a fire with a cauldron hanging above it. One of the... humans... was stirring the cauldron while the two other humans were sitting beside it. One of the humans sitting down was making an “I am complaining” voice while the other was making an “I am the leader” voice. How do these sound like? Well, come over here and ill make an impression!


It seems the one stirring the pot was in fact male, as he had a stubble. Now that I look at the others, one of the others also had a stubble. None of them had long hair, revealing cloth or anything like that, so... yeah. If I had to describe them with geometric shapes, they would all be squares.

Pretty unusual seeing a female square, females are usually circles or triangles... then again, who knows, there might just be a male circle here somewhere!

I shivered at my own thought.

As I did so, it seems whatever the man was stirring was done, as he snatched a bowl from the one I presume to be male. He sloshed some sort of liquid brownish thing with some slightly more solid things into the wooden bowl and gave it back to the presumed man, who immediately brought the concoction to his face, drinking it. Without a spoon. Grr.

Erherm, the one I presume to be of the female species presented the bowl to the man, who sloshed some of the presumed stew into the bowl without taking it. She drank it like the other man. Also without a spoon. Grrr.

And finally, the last man poured stew into his own and drank it like the two others. Grrrr... do they not have any spoons?

While they were all encapsulated in drinking soup/stew, I extracted a piece of hopefully meat from the stew and made it float over to me with surprising speed.

Nobody noticed Alright, alright!

I immediately chowed down on whatever I caught with somewhat glee.

Nom nom nom... hm?

It's... surprisingly delicious!

Hey, square! Aren’t you more of a triangle or circle then? Hehe...

in a matter of seconds, the piece of what was confirmed to be meat was gone. Phuuu, delish. I want more.

But theyve already gone on to seconds, so... seconds, please!

When I thought nobody was looking I tried stealing another piece of meat. Float float float, plop, nom nom nom.


hoho, the rest are still eating... I guess... just one more?...

as I lifted a piece from the stew, I felt like someone was observing me. Well, not me, the piece of stew. Before I had time to confirm or deny this, however, I had already set my imaginary fangs into the meat. Im pretty sure I actually swallowed it whole, but I'm unsure.


“hörni, såg ni det?”


“det såg ut som att en bit kött från grytan flög iväg...”

“haha, nu e du allt full, drack du upp vår Whiskey eller? Haha”

“håll käft, mina ögon lurar inte mig. Jag vet inte vart den tog vägen, men något är här tillsammans med oss”

“ja, men om det nu enbart vill ha lite kött så är väll det okej?”

“ja, visst, men ändå. Denna varelse har då en störig kraft...”

and with that, they stopped talking. How weird...

one of the men seemed to grab a guitar from... nowhere. I have no idea where that guitar was.

The moon stood high in the sky, the stars glittering like diamonds with the moon as its crown jewel.

The man played a little on the guitar as the woman let her lips part and let her voice dance in the night.

“Uti vår hage där växa blåbär, kom hjärtans fröjd~”

the men were singing the same but in a darker tone, meaning... a choir! Whoaaaattt...

hm? wait a sec, I know this one! Uh, then...

“Vill du mig någe', så har du mig här!”

“Vill du mig någe', så har du mig här!”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Fagra små blommor där bjuda till dans, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Fagra små blommor där bjuda till dans, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Vill du så binder jag åt dig en krans!”

“Vill du så binder jag åt dig en krans!”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Kransen den sätter jag sen I ditt hår, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Kransen den sätter jag sen I ditt hår, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Solen den dalar men hoppet uppgår!”

“Solen den dalar men hoppet uppgår!”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Uti vår hage finns blommor och bär, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Uti vår hade finns blommor och bär, kom hjärtans fröjd”

“Men utav alla du kärast mig är!”

“Men utav alla du kärast mig är!”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och salvia,”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

“Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans fröjd!”

ah, geez, that went on, way longer, then I, expected...

“jag viste inte att ni kunde sjunga I tenor!”

the woman said, with a surprised expression forming her rugged, manly face. The other two looked at each other surprised before one of them said:

“var det inte du?”

all three fell silent. The woman rose from her seat.

“vi måste åka. Lämna Whiskyflaskan. Vi får sova någon annanstans.”


“inga men. Detta är en Jackalope vi talar om. Om vi vill överleva natten som måste vi lämna den något så att den inte förföljer oss.”

as she said that, the two others seemed both frightened and sad. One of them looked as if he wanted to retort her, but he couldn't bring himself to. How strange.

The woman started equipping the armour and stuffing their stuff back in a horse wagon I forgot to mention.

Soon enough they were all sitting on the wagon, ready to go. The woman raised her voice slightly and shouted to one of the others:

“sätt nu ner Whiskyn! Vi måste åka innnan det blir för sent!”

“jaja, ja ska!”

hm? is that... Whiskey?... whys he setting it down there?...

is it for me?

Naaahhhhh, that cant be.

Well, soon after he set the Whiskey down, he jumped on the wagon and off they went, leaving the Whiskey behind.

well, I mean, finders keepers, right?

The Whiskey bottle gently floated into the air, where I let if float gently beside me.

Welp, I've got nowhere in particular to be. Why not hitch-hike? Hehehe...

I quickly floated myself on top of the wagon and huddled myself into a pile of cloth.

I soon fell asleep, bottle resting comfortably in my arms.





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