《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 13, How to Intimidate 101


Alright, alright.

Step one, intimidation.

By spreading the remaining telekinesis around me on random objects like rocks and sand, I made a rather intimidating “sigh of anger”. Im rather sure it was intimidating since the rugged dude shielded himself, the priest girl made “hii” sound, the witch girl was cool as usual but a bit more serious while the “hero” of the bunch readied his sword.

As a final procedure before my “intimidation heck” breaks loose, I made sure there were no villagers around.

Yup, yup, nobody here, let's go!

I started by making the random pebbles and stuff orbit around me. Then, they soon picked up speed and in a matter of seconds, I had created another whirlwind.

Oh wee, geez, let's hope no certain hero butts in and stops this whirly dirly tornado here

the hero, as expected, pointed his sword to the skies, mumbled some weird shiet, and brought it down on my tornado.

Yup yup, all is well.

The tornado was cleaved in half, and just in time, I “faltered” backward, making myself look as f to say “h-, how! That was my greatest, hrng, grrrrr! I'll get you for that” or something.

And with that, I quickly picked the rubble up again, but this time, instead of simply making a tornado, I did a little trick ive always wanted to try. I released the rubble, but before it even had the chance to fall, I used the leftover telekinetic force to shoot the rocks and rubble at fast enough speeds to at least hit with moderate force instead of just falling down.

The priest girl let out a “Hiii!” again before turning her head, probably in fear or something, and bringing up her hands.

As I expected, these hands did, in fact, have a pair of gloves on them. These gloves released some sort of light gray-ish glow, and just as the rubble got close to them, they were disintegrated. Well, not quite. More like... they ran into a wall.


The rocks made ripples in whatever they hit, revealing a light gray-ish dome covering the whole party.

Hey! That's cheating! Keep it up!

I moved my body as if I was surprised, and the hero took no time to let me rest but instead jumped up towards me, sword raised high.

If I get hit by a sword, I will die.

And like that, I easily dodged to the right as he cleaved the air I was just standing on in half.

Whoa, whoa. That could have been me. Geezus.

But right as I was contemplating the mortality of the moment, the hero exploded.

Eh? w-, what?


like that, my gaze returned to the witch who until now had been static.

Her staff was raised high, pointing at where the hero was currently falling to the ground, charred black.

I-, is he alive?

“M-, Melissa! Wh-, why'd you do that??”

the priest girl said, the witch turned to her with an annoyed look painted on her frankly beautiful face.

“the Jackalope dodged.”

eh? eh eh eh? so... uh, that magic was... behind me... and since I dodged... it hit the hero...

h-, hey! Are you trying to kill your teammates or what!? If you wanted to hit me, then you should have waited until you were sure where I would be!

Good thing I dodged and didn’t block or something...

the Priest girl looked rather annoyed as she left the other two and ran over to the hero. She let her hands rest on his chest before also mumbling some weird stuff. A bright glow encapsulated the two of them, and after a little while of this light show, the hero was completely healed.

Well, his burned clothes weren’t, but... good enough, I s'pose.

With a rageful look in his eyes, he turned to me.


“so you can use fire magic, huh... should have known evil beasts like you wouldn't have any regard for a life at all, huh!” he said, a flame of hatred having been ignited in his eyes.

im not even going to point out his hypocrisy. He'll have to live with that.

The rugged dude sighed and stepped forwards, holding his shield right in front of me.

What? You want me to have that?

Oh, how nice of you.


I tried lifting it, which seemed to alert the rugged dude as he let the shield go. I took this chance to release it from my grip, only to then hit it as hard as I could, sending it swooshing through the air into the side of a barn.

Huh, huh, huh... that was... way too heavy...

apparently, my tired looks were conveyed to the rugged man as he quickly ran up to me and tried to hit me with his large battle ax, but in a tired struggle, I forgot to dodge and instead blocked it, something which I should have learned from the exploding hero was a bad idea.

Something hard hit my back, and simultaneously, I failed to block the battle ax, so I was sent swirling through the air and into the side of a house.

Oh, oh geez... that was... erherm...

the witch was pointing her staff at something in the air while having an annoyingly triumphant look on her face, as if taunting not me but the priest girl.

Hey hey, im your enemy here!

Just as I tried to lift my tired, heavy body off the ground the rugged dude once again emerged, his shield in his hand high above his head.

Where did he get that didn’t I-, BOOFAH

he just slammed me with the shield.

Just... not even a weapon.

His friggin shield did it.

I knew it was time.

I let a pained scream release from my tattered body before I used all my telekinesis to lift myself into the air and lounge me far off, never to again see that village I thought of as peaceful.

Behind me I could see the rugged man following my path, looking either disappointed or apathetic.

Some villagers as well as the other “heroes” ran up to the rugged man and hugged him.

I would have shed a tear or two, but I had no feelings for this village nor its inhabitants.

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