《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 12, The Siege on The Village on The Night of The Heroes of The Justices of The World


The village was quiet. It had somehow started to get dark, must be since I took quite the time to try out my powers...

anyhow, the grass tornado didn't level the village as one might have thought but was instead disintegrated into nothing.


Well, as I could see it, a young teen, must have been 14 or 15, hit the tornado with a sword so hard it disappeared.

Geezus! Just like that?? just a “SWOSH” and it's gone??? that was what half of all my powers could create, and you just swoosh it with a friggin SWORD???

erherm, I might be overreacting a bit, but... a-, anyways.

The sky was a bit too clear, so by disintegrating my telekinesis into teeny tiny pieces that were small enough to grab at beads of water in the sky, I made clouds cover the hopeful sky, one by one.

Now, don't go thinking it was easy either! It was hard, really hard you know!?

I mean, small enough to braid grass, sure! But to grasp at water so small it can float on the wind??

now that's an achievement.

Any-anyhow, I don't really know quite why, but it started raining. All that trouble of bringing the clouds for it to just rain down??

might have been because I just had to make a nearly black sky, but whatever.

I made my entrance.

I once again lifted my small body into the air, but this time a bit higher up. Gotta give them a sense of inferiority, yo.

And like that, I floated high above, at around the same level of the houses. The houses weren't too tall, but it was about as high up as two people standing on each other.

Like this, I entered the village.

At first, everybody was looking to the skies in disbelief. Seems the weather forecast was a bit off the mark, huh... hehehe...


the man who reked my tornado with a sword before took a step forward, making his presence known.

Three other young teens took a step forwards as well.

Hm? these all are dressed rather fancy...

the young man from before, who I now noticed had light gray hair and eyes, was wearing some sort of iron suit of armor, but it was mostly leather and... well, it looked strange. However, I am rather sure that it was just for looks.

He seemed kind of excited about my appearance, but he probably wanted to come off as a “cool guy”, since he was trying to hide his excitement.

The three other teens, whereas two girls and one guy, were also dressed somewhat like that.

One of the girls was dressed in a robe with a satisfyingly large hat to boot. She was holding a wooden staff in her hand, and overall just reminded me of the tentacle-guy from before. You know, the guy who also had a staff and robe but no hat? Yeah, that guy.

She was rather cool about this whole thing. My appearance didn't seem to surprise her, but she was gripping that staff quite firmly.

The other girl was dressed in a more... “holy” attire. She was wearing a strange pope-hat on her head and a robe like the other girl, but it was more like a white sort of gray whereas the other girl had a more black or just really dark colored gray. She wasn't holding any wand or staff, but she did have a pair of strangely fancy gloves. They seemed to be glowing, but I can't be sure.

She seemed a bit afraid of me but also ready for anything.

The last one, a guy, was wearing a more practical armor, but it was still mostly for looks. He was holding a large battle-ax in one hand and a massive steel shield in the other. He looked really muscular and had a rugged face. Cool guy, overall.


He seemed to be wary of something. That something was most likely me. Huu...

All seemed to be around 14 or 15, but the last guy seemed a bit older, not by much though.

The young man stepped forwards, catching my attention a bit.

“hello, oh great Jackalope!”

hm? they know English? Well well well, guess my time of communication has com-, wait, wait, wait, up until now, I've been seen as a cold, unfeeling beast that acts passively to whatever they say, right? so... in order to be intimidating, I guess ill have to... not respond...

grrrr, curse you, circumstance!

The young man, at my lack of response, continued his speech. Why in English, though? Wouldn't you pick whatever language you're usually speaking? Argh, who knows, can't ask them...

“I am the hero of the humans, Hunter the Hero of Valor!”

eh? hero? James? he's a hero? Where did that come from? Well, that does still not explain that strange clothing...

he looked over to the cool girl in the dark robe, as if telling her to continue.

“I am Melissa, the Witch of Wisdom.”

she said in a calm, monotone voice, almost as if she's done it a thousand times before.

The girl in white continued.

“i-I'm Jacquelyn, th-, the P-, Priest of Light...”

geez, whats she so nervous about? Well, she seemed really embarrassed, hiding her face in her robe. I couldn't quite see the colors specifically, but she was most likely red as a puddle of blo-, ehem, a tomato.

The rugged man quickly covered her mistakes with a simple:

“and I am John, the “Shield” of Justice.”

the whole sentence was really oozing with sarcasm and despise... geezus, what is up with these?...

the “Hero of Valor” nodded, seemingly content with the whole introduction.

“Not that you needed to know all of that, considering the beast you are... pff”

he tried to keep himself from laughing at a joke. Nobody else even came close to laughing. Not even a giggle.

“hrkk, hrkk, well, we were sent here to subjectuate you, due to the evil acts against Bjerred you have caused. As such, prepare to be defeated, foul beast of evil!”

I'm not even going to correct him on that... well, I guess it's time to be defeated!

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