《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 11, Experimentation with Near-Omnipotance


And with that, I fell asleep right on the spot.



when I awoke, I was back in the hut. A quick thought led me to the assumption that Bro helped me out for once.

the horns on that deer... once again, they seem to have grown. Not only that, but they seem to have split. Well, in fact, it's more like two horns are growing on either side of my head. One longer, and a smaller one right behind it at the base. That would mean my telekinesis has become stronger.

what action could have caused that? Who knows...

well, im feeling rather down, aren’t I? Well, nothing I can do but accept what I must do...

I left the hut, feeling a bit mol about the whole thing.

So, in conclusion, what I must do is... find someone, let them defeat me and leave this place, never to return again.

The question that seems to linger is... well, who, how and what then?

Who should defeat me? It should be... well, a respected, charismatic someone who will not abuse the reputation gained from defeating a... Jackalope.

How should they defeat me and how do I look intimidating? I can only imagine... my defense is most likely not too high, so, how do I get defeated without actually being killed or captured? Well, I'll probably have to ad-lib that, but I can hypothesize that I will need to seem strong and then seem defeated, only to run away in the last second. On that note, I need to truly look defeated, otherwise, they will just think ill return.

Intimidation, intimidation... how to intimidate... I dont think I was too much of an intimidator when I was human, but... I sort of remember how to. Its just about appearing strong and willing to do pain for the pleasure of oneself, right? Ill have to do that, then... thing is, most likely, ill have to use telekinesis in a more creative manner then previously.


I turned my thoughtfull gaze to some grass growing peacefully on the ground.

With the wim of will alone, the grass easily split into three pieces which soon braided themselves.

As I thought. Telekinesis is a weaker form of omnipotence.

Sigh, I suppose I should have used it like this instead of simply making stuff float.

Well, this might actually just have developed recently... before this, everything I used it on had the feeling of wanting to just float, not... stuff like this...

now that I think about it, whats the range of this thing?

Looking up to the grey sky, I spotted a cluster of white.

Focusing my power on it, I imagined it soaring throught the cloat and over to me.

Lo and behold, it did! The cloud easily floated down. Well, as it did, it seems I have a tendancy of condensing stuff, so what came to me was a baseball sized ball of water.

Great discovery nonetheless.

On another hand, I want to try a little thing.

How about distrubuting the power equally to the suurroundings? It would make the amount a single strand of grass could move lesser and make it slower as well, but if I did it to a lot, I imagine it could make quite an impressi-, I mean, intimidation.

With this in mind, I tried making all the grassy grass grass around me release itself from the ground and float up.

It strained my mind to its brink, but the grassy grass grass left the earth and floated.

As imagined, I could barely move them, but they did in fact float. Actually, with about a ten meter radius around me, a cirkle of floating grassy grass grass.

hm... what if I...

the radius didnt decrease, but about fifty percent of the grass fell to the ground as I used the power left from that to make the whole thing spin.


Spin spin spin spin...

the grassy grass grass started spinning... faster, and faster, and faster, until its speed let it go around almost as fast as a very small tornado. Of grassy grass grass.

I kind of wish I had power left to make myself float in the eye of it, but sadly, I could not.

I dont know why, but ive never been able to get myself to float.

then again, ive never tried, sooo...


with a slight slip of will, I let the grass tornado slip from my grasp and down on the village. Gotta make them scared, yo.

Nobody got hurt tough since it was like the weakest tornado in history.

Focusing all my power of will/telekinesis/weak-aß-omnipotance, I started to feel... weird...

its like the gravitational pull on my body ceases functioning, but instead of drifing away as one would if they stopped being affected by gravity since the earth is constantly moving, it was as if something was tugging on my body, forcing me to simply hover in place. It was... cold...

it felt like a... large, cold hand was resting on my body and pulling me.

Ermm, gotta pull myself together...

I tried making myself float a bit higher in the air, which I did. It was rather hard, since I was definitely the biggest object ive ever lifted. Hurr...

I was about three times my height up in the air, by which I mean I can now reach to about the same height as the crotch of a normal human being. Hooray.

I didnt really want to, but I forced one of my paws to move slightly.

I felt a smaller hand, just a little bit bigger then my own touch my hand and drag it out. But no matter how small the hand was, it was still as cold as death.

I would call it terrifying, but due to my gross fachination with it, the power rush I felt and the adrenaline that had now taken the place of my blood in coarsing through my veins, it was instead thrilling.

I guess I know what to do now.

And with that, I made my way over to the village.

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