《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 10, the Tenth One




w-, where.. am I?...

it's dark... very, very dark...

argh, my head... it feels like the room is spinning or something...

what happened? Oh, right, I was...

I bumped a can of beans over...

must have been the national treasure or something, the way they went after me...

Hrmmg, my head hurts...

can I use telekinesis?

doesn't seem that way...

hrmg, the whole place is eerily silent, and it's just... completely dark...

did I die again?

No, I doubt that this place is unfamiliar, in contrast to the place where I met Bro...

I tried to extend my arm into the darkness, only to be met with an invisible wall.

I did the same with my other limbs only to be met with the same resistance.

It would seem that I have been put in a box...

a rather small one, but still, a box.

Hrm. This isn't too fun, you know?

Lets just try...

I sat up and tried touching whatever was above me, which I found to be a bit closer than id like.

Well, if im going to escape this box, I'd better try all that I've got.

I strained my legs slightly before lunging my head up and into the wall, horns first.

With a loud “THUNK”, pain reverberated through my horns and into my head.


that was stupid of me, I know...

I don't know why or how, but it feels as though all this time a dussin eyes have been observing my every move.

It's really freaking me out...

I tried checking what happened to the ceiling, only to be pleasantly surprised by a crack having formed.

Huhuhu, exit found...

I once again got up in a sitting stance and bashed my head into the ceiling.


ohoho, owowow, I like the sound of that...

something must have happened since a ray of light penetrated a crack that I formed.

Alright alright! Third time's the charm!

And with a final bash, I heard the walls crack and eventually collapse on themselves.




what is thissssss???

before me stood a rather old man, who seemed flustered to the point of extreme fear.


He was holding a rather strange cane, which looked like something a wizard would carry around.

He was dressed in a gray robe, but disappointingly, he had no hat.

What a mo-fo.

Behind him sat three people huddled up in a corner.

First up, the girl I rolled into and who stalled me as I was most likely knocked out.

In her arms, she held two girls, who looked... very similar to her...

in fact, im pretty sure that's the girl I rolled into and now...

wait, then who is the third one...

geezus, why are they so alike???

im unsure, are these triplets or something or am I imagining things?...

whatever they were, they looked terrified.

Hm? me? Haha, can't be! Im just a little bunny!

The room I was in was cramped and had no windows. There were shelves, but strangely nothing on them...

ah, that must be since the stuff was for some reason on the ground. Weird.

I was seated on a rather high table, and around me were the shards of the cage I was in-, no, wait, they disappeared. The shards just disintegrated into thin air.

Im just going to assume magic and move on.

With a slight turn of the head, I looked behind me.

behind me, I could see around 8 or ten fully grown, adult, powerhouses of a human, men.

And they did not look scared, at least not as scared as the old man and the three clones...

in fact... they looked rather... pissed?...

is this the time to bail?

Yeah probably...

but the door to leave this manhole is behind those beefcakes...

at the sound of “ehem”, I turned around to face to the old man once more.

He didn't seem as flustered as before, but he still looked pretty freaked.

“Hälsningar, jag är Peter. Det är jag som är den lokala Trollkarlen.”

he made sounds but the only thing I could pick up was when he raised his voice, patted himself and said Peter. Is that his name? Possibly?

I would say “Hello Peter” or whatever, but I doubt I can make such sounds.


“dessa tre unga jäntor bakom mig, samt hela Borgebyn bad mig att fånga dig I en motvänd spegelslåda. När de gav mig dig, en Jackalope, så kunde jag knappt tro det. Å andra sidan så lever vi I en fantastisk värld. Hur som helst så ser byborna er som en fara för byn.”

he spoke on for a long time before he shrugged and pointed at me. What does that mean? Was he talking to me or about me?

“därmed så måste jag be er att antingen lämna byn eller ta konsekvenserna.”

he suddenly gripped the staff in front of himself, muttering some strange words while he did.

h-, he isn't gonna fire off some crazy magic or something, right?...

and with that, he sprouted tentacles from under his robe.

g-, geezus... what in the name of heck did he do?!

The tentacles moved frighteningly fast, surrounding me in an instant.

“jag ger dig ett val. Fly och kom aldrig tillbaka, eller dö.”

he said, in a very serious and monotone voice. Not that his voice wasn't normally serious and monotone.

And with that, I had no choice but to escape.

With a most likely awesome backflip, I flew through the room, over the men of muscle and into the door. Well, into and out the other side, I would say as I did, in fact, break it down.

I fell down on all four and sprinted as fast as I could, through rooms and hallways, most likely leaving destruction behind me.

Why would I leave destruction in my wake? Well, firstly, there are a whole bunch'o tentacles and musclemen following me so I've got to create a diversion somehow, right? And secondly, my telekinesis has apparently been on for quite a while, stuff is just falling all around me and floating and stuff.

Really weird.

I didn't have the time to stop and check my surroundings, but im rather sure that wherever I was it was strangely modern.

Slick, white walls with paintings of all kinds mounted upon it. In every hallway, there was a rather fine looking couch, and beside the couch was a small table filled with books and magazines.

What it was I could only describe as a... modern hospital.

It was silent, everything was white and there were doors into rooms couldn't enter.

I didn't have time to check since I seemed to have found an exit. I hadn't seen a single window so I couldn't escape that way, but now, before me, I saw it. A rather large door and above it was an illuminated green glass something with a picture of a man running into a door painted on it.

This must be it!

I burst through the door, which led to a staircase, which I followed to another door, and when I opened that, I was out. When I looked back I could see a hatch which was just stuck in the middle of the endless hills, which must be where I was at that moment.

Before something else emerged from the hatch, I quickly got on my stomach and rolled away.

I soon bumped into the hut which I quickly entered.

Phanting heavily, I slumped down in the pile of hay. Only now as I relaxed did my telekinesis stop and some of the hay around me ceased floating.

I sighed.

Have I become... the villain?

But I did nothing wrong...

was my whiskey-theft that bad? But he gave it to me?

If he had refused I wouldn't have chased or anything, im not a barbarian, but...

do they, perhaps, NEED, a villain? You know, in order to spice life up a bit...

should I take that role?...

I've already messed up somehow, so, why not sacrifice myself to save them?

Not from some other threat, but from the constant pummelling life presents them?

Would that be the right thing to do?

I dont deem the Whiskey thing to be that big of a deal, but perheaps what they need really is for someone to take the place of antagonist?


if that is what I must do to bring peace in place of the chaos they believe me to have caused, then, isn’t it justice?

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