《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 9, Bean Bending - a New Element to Master




as I have for a few days now, I woke up with a


the whole hut shook violently as something hit it at frightening speeds.

In a fit of pure fright, I somehow made a bunch of hay float and cover me.

However, my body decided to dig itself down into the hay.

Both subconscious actions had the same result.

I could just barely make out what seemed to be a “ajajaj...” sound through the constant rustle of hay.

In the next moment, the door swung open, revealing the girl from before.

She was covered in grassy grass grass from head to toe, and her dark hair was in a very cartoonish styling. It was standing straight in the air and in it, there were several sticks.

Did she... roll on the “endless hills”?...

does this mean that just about anybody can find this place??

as these thoughts were running through my mind, the girl slowly peeked inside, slowly entering the hut.

She noticed the trophy first, giving a near-silent whistle. Soon she went inside completely, most likely deep in wonder about how this place came here or whatever.


it wasn't long until she noticed the Whiskey.

h-, hey! That's mine!

She quickly went over to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle from its shelf.

With a “gotcha now, biach!” jump out of the hay, she turned around, pale as the moon.

What, didja see a gho-,

she dropped the Whiskey bottle.


With a relieved sigh, I caught the bottle with telekinesis and brought it over to me.

Hey! Stop snooping! Izz mine!

With a slight release, the Whiskey gently floated to the ground beside me.

She waved her hands as if saying “it's not what it looks like!” but soon, her face turned from fear to pleasant surprise.

“Kaninen! E de du?”

she ran up to me, completely different to when I caught her probing my stuff, and caught me in her arms.


Her arms enveloped me in an embrace, her face filled with life, a bright smile adorning her.


Well, she was still as grey as everything else, but... she looked genuinely happy.

“Mor å Far pratade igår om en läskig behornad hare som skrämde Björn, och jag kunde inte tro det! Var det du??”

I have no idea what she was saying, but she sounded as she was in disbelief, of something.


she was staring deeply into my eyes, searching for an answer to whatever she had asked.

However, I had no answer to give, as I could not understand the question.

Her eyes suddenly moved slightly higher than my eyes, losing the contact.

Her hands moved up and touched my slightly larger horns.

With a deep, sorrowful sigh she sat me down. Was that tears in her eyes?

She waved goodbye and left the hut. I didn't have time to wave back before she turned her back on me, leaving me to my Whiskey.

My ears drooped as I left the hut as well, not before returning the Whiskey to its rightful place on the shelf, however.

Strangely enough, when I left, it was dark.

Night had fallen like a cold blanket upon the world, the glimmering stars shining brightly above like glittering diamonds.

I hopped up on one of the larger hills and looked out over the village.

There were no shining lights, but I could see a faint glimmer of a flame in a single, rather fancy looking house. Well, compared to the other houses, it was rather fancy. It was located smack down the middle of the village, unlike most other houses which were close to either pasture or crops.

Might this be the village council house?

Driven out of curiosity, I inched closer with a few hops.

It was, like the other houses, a deep red, but its roof looked far sturdier than the rest and it had a few more windows to peer through then the rest.

I easily peered through one of the windows, quickly noticing how heavily furnished it was.

Well, compared to the other house I was at, anyways.

A large table, a bunch of chairs, a chest, a few cabins, shelves filled with books and other miscellaneous, and a bunch of other stuff like trophies or paintings.


In the middle of the room I was peering into, was the large table, whole bunch'o chairs surrounding it, and people sitting on the chairs. A lot of people. Like, at least twenty.

Most were adults, but I could see a few teens and two children.

All were seated around the table.

Most wore simple but efficient clothes while a few wore more fancy outfits.

They were talking that strange language, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Something about “rädda” and “barnen”, whatever that was.

There were no electrical lights, so the place was lit up with a whole bunch of candles which were placed mostly on the table, but a few were on the walls as well.

A few of the people looked flustered and were talking continuously while most tried to listen to the many talking all at once.

A lot of sign language, going on here...

hands go up in a swirly way and then get cupped.

Hands go like something is thrown, and a hand jerks away.

Really, they looked very afraid.

Guess I should've brought a translator...

sigh, there's nothing I can do here, right? Well, I mean, there are some things I could try to... take...

huhuhu... I know what to do...

with relative ease, I forced a can of something to move. No idea what it is, but I made it move.

It was rather hard since it was in fact rather big and heavy.


it slowly slit along the shelf before finally coming out into the free air.




I overestimated my abilities...

the whole room turned to the fallen can, which had now cracked open, revealing... dun dun dun...


It was beans.

just regular ol' brown beans.

One of the many there rose from his seat, walking over to the cracked open can.

“Är detta... det ni talade om?”

one of the frantic ones nodded ferociously.

The man shrugged.

“vad... vad ska vi göra? Hur kan vi kämpa mot något sådan?”

a girl stood up. Her bright eyes flaring wildly.

“det finns bara ett svar. Det gör vi inte”

hm? isn’t that...

“hur kan vi INTE kämpa! Denna varelsen, detta MONSTER hotar att skada oss alla!”

“lugna dig! Än så länge så har den bara fått en Whiskyflaska, som VI gav den, och tappat en burk med bönor, vad är du så rädd för??”

she retorted, anger and disbelief distorting her face.


he clicked his tongue, apparently not having anything more to say.

“vi är tillsammans I detta. Det gör oss inget åt att attackera ett tomt hot vi själva skapat. Om vi så måste ha den död, så kan vi väll be den att komma fram, nej?”

she said, eerily turning to face me.

Oh geez

I quickly hid myself outside of their vision. If I were to guess, most turned to face the window I was peeking through.

I have no idea what they were saying, but it sure did bring some drama.

Hrm, id better get awa-,


a door swung open, revealing the girl who previously stood inside, giving an epic speech I couldn’t comprehend.

“där är du.”

hm. now I can truly see that indeed. It was the girl whom I met earlier today as well as who knows how many days ago.

She didn’t seem too happy to see me, however...

at my lack of response, she grew impatient, turning her gaze from me to my small horns.

“Shope papilloma virus.”


“det är vad jag trodde du hadde. Visar sig att du var en best, såsom alla förbaskade varelser I denna värld är.”

I don’t know what it was, but something about those words sent a chill down my spine.

Just then, her gaze moved from me, going up, up, up, until she reached her goal.

She nodded.

at that moment, it all went black.

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