《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 8, Don’t Drink, it's Bad for You


I raised my head in the air, breathing in countless mouthfuls of air.

Yup. That whiskey.

Hm? wait, why is that such a big deal?

I wasn’t a drunk or anything when I was human, I mean...

“sniff sniff”

aaaaahhh, that smells good...

I hopped slowly towards the source at first, but soon I broke into a full on sprint.

After mere minutes I was there. The village. Who knows what its called, its just “village” at the moment.

I sat up, my ears sticking up like an antenna, nose sniffing continuously.


A wooden horse carriage stood there. I hadn’t noticed the whole structure of the village before, but it seemed to be a lot of houses, most red, surrounded by either crops or pasture. Bunch'a cows were grazing absentmindedly, but that didn’t matter too much.

Though the village was mostly houses and crops, there was a single large road. It wasn't a highway or anything, but in the context of this village, it was most likely a highway.

Ah, anyhow, on this highway, the horse-drawn carriage stood still, a rather large but well-dressed man was talking to a bunch'o villagers right beside the carriage.

“Jadå, Jadå, jag har det. En hel bunt whisky, redo att köpas. Hur mycket? Tja, bror på hur mycket du vill köpa. Tio nävar havre för en, men bara arton för två. Köp nu eller köp aldrig.”

he said, in a rather monotone, “done this, done that” kind of way. But who cares about that, he has Whiskey! One of those weird words he said sounded kinda Whiskey, but more like... Viski or something... but whatever!

I hopped a bit closer, the sweet scent filling my small but sensitive nostrils. Hnnng...

what is this? Why is this?

I've never had this kind of reaction to Whiskey, no, any alcohol, ever!


I tried to resist the urge, but as soon as I got close enough, which was about ten or twenty meters away from the carriage, I focused.

Differently to the other times, however, I didn’t put my paws on my head. I do learn by mistakes.


I tried my very best to lift one of the Whiskey bottles, but nothing happened.

Do I really have to have my hands on my head? But... that so... cheesy...

I don’t know how, but the large man must have sensed my intent or something, as he turned to my location with a surprised yet still very rugged expression. Our eyes met.

Uh, uh, sorry for... trying to take your liqueur, I just...

I put my paws in the air, shaking my head left to right. The other villagers who had been standing around him also turned to me.

Huuuu, this is... I may be a tiny rabbit, but... I'm still a Jackalope, all right???

the man seemed to understand something, saying,

“se på fanken...”

before turning to his carriage, grabbing one of the many Whiskey flasks.

Oh! are you??

I didn’t see it, but my tail wagged slightly as my ears stood high in the sky.

He pointed to the bottle, then to me, as if saying “you want this?”

I nodded ferociously.


He looked to the bottle, then to me, and shrugged before pointing to the bottle and then to the villagers.

Grrr. No, I want it!

I was kinda frozen for a while, before taking a single step forwards.

He stepped back a little, before holding his hands up in an “I surrender...” kind of jest, before throwing the bottle over to me.

Wha-, you just, argh!


I somehow forced a bunch of loose grassy grass grass to form a basket of sorts, which caught the Whiskey with somewhat ease.


Yessss, Whiskey, secure-, why did I want this again?

Argh, no time, gotta escape the scene!

I quickly turned around, the basket of grassy grass grass and Whiskey floating above my head, and ran.


did my head become heavier?...

what do I even do with this.

I'd love to get to the Hut, but, well...

when in doubt, roll!

I laid down. Unsurprisingly, rollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollro-,



I got up, just in time to notice, hey! It's the... hut?

How did it get here, wasn’t that...

does it appear wherever I roll?...

w-, who knows, whatever it is, I shall store this Whiskey in it!

I quickly hopped inside through the hatch and placed both the Whiskey and the grassy grass grass on the shelf.

Well, would be a waste not to use it!

Hm? wait, that ride took longer than a minute or two, how did I, argh, doesn’t matter!


wait a sec...

I tried focusing on the Whiskey bottle, without using the grassy grass grass, and as expected, it lifted easily!

So, in conclusion...

I can use telekinesis on it, but only now that it's mine?


well, whatever! This is good news!

With force of telekinesis, without using any telekinetic gestures or sounds, I successfully made just a little droplet of Whiskey escape the bottle.

The droplet floated gently towards my face, where I opened my small mouth, letting it float inside before closing both my mouth and the telekinesis I used on it.


I quickly spit it out.

Geezus that was disgusting! I'm not gonna throw it out or anything, but gosh! I am not opening you again! I'd gives it back to the large dude, but that's a waste of goodwill.



I hopped out of the kitchen area and into the larger room.

did the... horn on the trophy grow?...

it wasn’t a significant amount, but I could swear the horns of that deer had grown by at least a few centimeters...

now that I think about it, wasn't it surprisingly easy to lift the Whiskey before?

let's try the hay again.

results, a clear improvement. Well, it was only by a few more strands, but the speed at which they could move was definitely improved!

I couldn’t swoosh them around fast enough to stab a dude, yet, but they moved rather fast. About the speed of... well, a fly? No, too fast... a butterfly? Closer, but... yeah. A bit slower than a butterfly.

Why did it improve though? I mean... is it thanks to my training? No, that was too strong of a sprout to happen overnight like that...

hmm, was it the Whiskey?

No, it tasted horrible! Plus, the improvement happens before I drank it, but...

was it the stealing itself that did it?

… possibly, but I mean...

id rather not steal any more Whiskey, I mean, it was disgusting! Tasted like pure Ethanol, 2/9, would try again with no expectations.

But if it was so gross, then why did it smell so delicious?

How strange...

anyhow, speaking of telekinesis, that bed looks pretty soft... muhuhu...

with a single, powerful hop I fell into the soft bed, immidetly falling into a deep slumber as well.







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