《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 7, the Seven Dandy Chaps


and how the heck do I make a house...

this place is a plain, I am a rabbit, I should dig a burrow. Like rabbits do.

I don’t wanna live in a hole though...

I didn’t know what to do so I just rolled over. Sadly, I tend to forget such trivial matters such as “I am on the ”endless hill”, so don’t roll. Ever.”, and as such, I started rollingrollingrollingrollingrollingroll-, you get it.

Eventually, I bumped into something.

Oh, oh thank gosh...

I turned my attention to whatever stopped me.




Before me stood a perfectly fine cone shaped hut. Yes, a hut. Not a tiny hut either, but not the kind of large something the other house was, no, this was just... a hut.

It was grey, as one could expect, but it had... qualities.

If I looked at it too long, it reminded me of a Witch's Hut or something.

Strange. Very strange...

I hopped on over to it, peering in through one of the many windows, only to see...

well, there was almost no furniture, as if someone was to move in/nobody lived there.

On a wall, however, there was a small deer skull, hanging on a plaque, like a trophy.

It was quite small, bright white and its antlers were tiny. Like, really tiny. Like two veeeeery small horns poking out. At first, I didn’t even realize it had horns!

Hrm. I suppose it's time.

Ah, there was nothing else of interest. It was very barren...

anyhow, I went around the house, searching for the entrance.

well, I found a door.

And a hatch.

Most likely for rabbits.

d-, did Bro make this for me?

I see no other possibility...

well, better not just let this sit, then!


I happily entered the small hatch, emerging into the delightfully dark house. Well, it was rather small.

But now, I could see better!

There were quite a few windows and the entire thing was... well, a single room. Kinda.

It was shaped like a cone. Kinda.

It had a bed. Kinda.

It had a kitchen. Kind-, argh, you get it!

The whole place was barren but cozy. There was furniture, and although it was simple and not very... fancy, it was a home.

At the kitchen, there was a rather large cauldron with a high stool placed beside it. If I really tried, I'm sure I could jump up there...


and with that, I got up on the stool. Well, I was wobbling like an anorexic model wearing 3 decimetre high heels in a light breeze, but I was up!

The cauldron was rather big, as I had foreseen. With the higher vantage point, I could now see that there were, in fact, a whole bunch'a shelves all around. The place where I was, the “kitchen”, was like a room of sorts. Most of the stuff was at the bottom of this cone-like structure, but this kitchen was like a little room to the side, just a lil' but higher up. Rather nice, actually.

I'd make dinner, but then I would need two things. Well, three. No, five...

ok, I dunno how many things it would take, but id need like, ingredients, fire, and better telekinesis. Right now I can barely make a piece of something float!

Hrm. I guess id better practice that, then.

I turned my gaze to the bed. Well, I say bed, but it was more like a large pile of hay. Guess id better “clean it up”... hu hu hu...

I focused all my “kinetic power” on the pile of hay, attempting to make at least some of it float.



hm? telekinesis sound effects? Dude. I learned from the something in the stew.

With my eyes focused deeply on the hay, paws on my head, it rose. A few strands of hay rose from the other stuff, floating in mid-air.

Goal of the day, keep the hay floating.

Result of the experiment, hay was flying for about a minute or two before falling.

Synopsis of the experiment, No Improvement. Goshdarnit.

Panting I plopped myself down on the bed of hay, staring up at the ceiling.


I hadn’t noticed it before, but a moon was hanging from the ceiling.

Well, since this place is built like a cone, it was at the top of it all, most likely shining very slightly, since the grey seemed brighter around it.

The moon itself was a crescent. Well, I'm hesitant to call it even that, it was a very, very thin sliver of a new moon.


This place is very strange. Very...

hrm. I'm tired...

oh, so very...






uuuuuu, nice nap... wait, do rabbits yawn? Like, make the noise and all? Im not too familiar with rabbits, but I'm pretty sure they don’t yawn. (hey, don’t blame me, I know jack shit about rabbits) you were the one who yawned, brah

I guess so. Wait, wha-

(memory erase, biach)

mrmm, good morning, good morning.

It is morning, right?

Well, this hay bed is far more comfortable than it looks like. I think I got comfortably num-, (nonono don’t you dare)

hrm, it feels like portions of my memory is missing, what was I talking about?

Anyways, it must be day, since the light was shining so brilliantly from the hole in the roof.

that's going to be a huge pain in the arse when it rains, isn't it?

Aaaahhh, anyways, let's leave this hut.

How will I come back to it?

Who knows!?

If it comes down to it ill just contact Bro, he should know something about this place.

I hopped out of bed, stretched a little and exited the hut.

Grey grey grey. Times like these I wish I had color-vision. Wonder if Bro could help me with that...

ah, I shouldn’t rely so much on Bro, he's got a life to deal with too.

Anyhow, what to do no-,


“sniff sniff”

is that...


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