《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 6, G’day, Chap


the heck just happened?...

I have no idea what they said and then she just plopped me right down on this hill again...

well, now that I'm out here, I can kind of see this here village. Kinda weird place to put a village, but I s'pose the dirt is rich or something?

what to do, what to do... I could enter the village again, but...

that man in there, if I'm not imagining things, I think he said Jackalope... so, it's an established mythological being in this world that I now inhabit... as such, she threw me out, meaning... they don’t want me?

Hrm. I mean, is it really that big of a dea-,



well, well, well. Look who I'm standing on.

I evilly licked my lips and munched down on the disgusting greenery.

Ugh, gross...

hmm, is this truly the solution, however?...

Bro didn’t outright state I couldn’t eat meat, so...

why hello there, village.


I easily hopped over to the nearest building, which was rather large, mind you. Well, it's not as much of a building as it seemed to be a barn or something.

It was a long, dark-red cuboid made of wood with a roof of hay or something. I hopped closer until I was close enough to one of the few windows to peer inside. I could see a young girl only a few years of age sitting on a small stool, embroiling on a white cloth. I couldn’t quite see exactly what it was, but she seemed to use a slightly whiter thread to do it.

The stool she was seated on was located rather close to a fire, which was at one of the two ends of the cuboid. Ah, right, the entire “house” was really just a very large room. It seemed to be split in half, with one having a rather large table, chairs and a few strange double beds merged with the wall. Strange...


on the other side of the house/room, there was a rather large bed of hey, it seems, with some more tool-y stuff.

by the fire, which was on the more rich part of the house, stood an elder woman with a large cauldron, which she stirred in quite often.

Using my enchanted sense of smell, I could pick up the rich scent of... well, stew. What did you expect, hot dogs?

Anyhow, it smelled pretty darn good. My mouth imminently started salivating, which I could only take as a “go for it!” from my starving body.

I hadn't exercised it too much, but I knew I had some form of telekinesis. It was time...!

I moved my stubby arms to the sides of my head, concentrating hard, imagining a single piece of meat to lift from the stew and come here...


with a shout like that, how could it NOT obey me?

A single piece of... something... lifted from the stew to the older lady’s great surprise.

It floated gently and slowly over to where I was, who was totally not preoccupied with making “HOCCHAHAPOWWWWWWEEEEEEOUNIIIMMEEEE” noises in my head. Nope.

It floated gently until I noticed it was right in front of me. On the other side of the window.


“lugga lugga lugga...”


it just...

did I learn nothing from the leaf?...

apparently not...

the lady walked slowly over to the window. Well, if I had been looking and not doing telepathic noises, id have noticed she was slowly following right behind the piece of... stew.


I could almost hear the silence...

soon enough, she turned around and went back to the stew, not having a single thing to say.

The young girl looked up at her.

“Mormor, va va de dä?...”


the lady looked at the girl and sighed, saying:

“det måste ha varigt hustomtarna som ville ha en matbit.”

the girl shone up in surprise and wonder.


the lady smiled slightly.

“ja, och nu måste vi sätta ut litte mat till dom. Vi vill inte uppleva hustomtens vrede.”

the lady took a wooden bowl from a simple shelf, which she brought back to the cauldron with her. She quickly poured a small portion into the bowl, and paced over the room, past the girl which was now standing in anticipation, and over to the door. The girl was on her heels, a bright smile filling her face as they exited the house.

I quickly ran over to where they went but kept my distance. The lady gave the bowl to the little girl, who nervously sat it down beside the entrance, spilling a little. The lady smiled and said:

“nu får vi gå in igen och låta Hustomten äta, man vill inte störa.”

and with that, they both returned inside, leaving the bowl outside. I wonder what they said...

I spent no time idling, however, and immediately approached the bowl.

Hm? why didn’t I just use telekinesis to float it to a hiding place?


my telekinesis ain’t THAT strong!

The best I can do right now is lift a piece of something and float it across the room! And even then, it loses the effect when it touches something!

I sniffed the stew, hoping it to smell... appetizing-er than grassy grass grass.

Hey, It does!

I stuck my tongue out and let it brush over the admittedly small amount of stew.

Mmmm. Thicc... well, it was thicc, kind of like someone had taken water, boiled it, plopped in animal skin and bones to give it taste and consistency, plopped in some low-grade meat and some easily found veggies like onions and stuff. Which is exactly what it was.

I slurped it a little. Not delicious, but far taster then grassy grass grass...

I slurped even more until I found a piece of... something. Well, it was a rather asymmetric piece of meat. I think. I sniffed it suspiciously. Yup. Smells like meat. Lick lick. Tastes like meat.


Tastes like meat.

Hm? you think I have more meat? Nope, that was it. I ate it in a single nom, and now I can't find any more pieces of meat. I found veggies, but bleh. No thank you.

Slurp slurp slurp...

nom nom nom...


my regards to the cook, this is pretty darn tasty.

And with that, I left the house and went over to the plain where I was to try a new something. Make a house.

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