《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 5, More Chaps, More!


With a hop and a run, I rolled out of the forest and onto a grass grass grassy hill.

The plain seemed to go on forever, but it was very hilly. Meaning, it was filled with hills. One would be an idiot to let this go to waste.

I laid down on the top of a hill, and let go.




as I was rollingrollingrolling at such high speeds, I hit something after a fairly short amount of time.

Maybe. My perception of reality, time and existence as we know it got a bit warped by the constant rolling...


is that a...


she looked at me with surprise painting her serene face. She had no fear in her eyes, however, which was a relief.

“nämen... siken liden liden sak du va då, va gör du nu här då?...”

she said, a smile running across her face. I didn’t understand the words, however, I could kind of... understand... what she said. Well, not like I could translate it, but...

it was probably something along the lines of “a rabbit? Out here? Oh my!...” or something, I dunno.

I got to my feet and stared her down. She looked at me in a state of confusion, most likely.

She looked rather young and was dressed in a grey-slightly-draker-greyish simple dress. Her eyes were a clear grey with hints of a clearer grey, while her hair was a rather dark, near black grey.

“hmm, förlorade du din mor? Stackars liden...”

she seemed to mumble the last part, although, to be honest, I have no idea what the heck she's saying.

She sat up, her powerful eyes resting gently on me. She extended her slender arm over to me.

It seems I was in a state of shock or something since she easily picked me up. What a strange sensation... I hadn't really gotten too strong of an idea of my size before this, but it would seem I was rather small, small enough to be easily picked up by a young girl using only one hand.


She easily sat me down on her lap, where I happily huddled down. What, it was really cozy!

“haha, siken gullig liden krabat...”

and with that, she stroked my head. Or rather, she stroked from ny nose, over my ears, down my spine and out. And then she stroked again. It was rather calming, actually...

I think I might just...


“stackarn, du måste ha varit så rädd...” she said as I drifted off to sleep.




ah, uh, oh. I fell asleep...

where am I?...

as it would seem, I was in a room. The room was decorated sparsely, with merely a bed and a small table beside it. Really, there were many beds as well as a bunch of bedpans hidden under them, but I didn't really notice them.

The room was rather large, large enough to be called the main room of a rather large family.

That makes no sense, does it?...

well, it was large. There were a few people in the beds, seemingly asleep. A few had bandages and a few had missing limbs.

Quite grotesque if you ask me.

I tried inspecting my place in this room, which I found to be on a pillow, on a table cloth, on a small table.

The pillow was rather uncomfortable, but well, a pillow is a pillow.

Just as I was examining the room, wondering how I got there and its purpose, a previously unnoticed door swung open.

The answer to most of my questions were quickly answered.

A man dressed in a rather dark grey baggy shirt, wearing a pair glasses and a white cloth on his head stepped inside, the girl I met earlier following right behind.

“åh? Är detta den “sovande” mystiska kaninen du fann?”

the man said upon returning my gaze. He quickly walked up to me. I dunno why, but I could sense sarcasm in his voice... strange...


the girl quickly answered whatever he said with a:

“tja, den sov som en stock när ja la den här, måste ha vaknat nyligen.”

the man scoffed and walked up beside me, the girl was on the other side of the table I was on, facing him.

The man extended his arm, which I would have avoided, but I was still quite tired, so I had no energy.

“som du sa, kelen som en katt. Eller bara väldigt trött. Häh.”

he said, turning his gaze to the girl before stroking me quite quickly. It wasn’t as soft or heartfelt as what the girl had done, but it was most likely meant to soothe my nerves.


once he had stroked me a bit, he held his hand to my head, probing for something. This would be where I did a Kumoko and said “but I learned a while ago how to hide my horns in my head, kukuku...!”, but such luck is not something I have.

He seemed to have found what he was searching for, as he exclaimed:

“så du talar sanning ändå. Aja, nu ska vi se...”

he said and continued probing, although now he was just twiddling my horns.

Hey! I may be a Jackalope of sorts, but those are mine! Get yer own!

He shrugged his head and stopped probing my head, returning to the stroking routine.

“det är inget att vara orolig över. det är ingen Jackalope. Det är bara ett Shope papilloma virus som infekterat det, bara låt det vara så kommer han leva ett långt harliv.”

she got a shocked expression on her face, as well as hints of grief...

“men, kommer han inte...”

the man cut her off mid-sentence.

“jo, såklart, så går det för dom. Finns inget vi kan göra åt det, bara låt naturen ha sin gång.”

her eyes seemed to gather water, but she didn’t allow it to be released, and instead turned to me.

She picked me up quickly, exited the building, and released me.

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