《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 3, Dandy Chaps are just Commonplace around here, Right?


I jumped awake, hitting my head on the ground-cealing. After silently grumbling a bit, I realized why I jolted awake.


just outside the small hole, I was in, I heard it. The scuffling of dirt, the low growl of both my stomach and something else as well as something pacing about above me. I got to my feet, my ears standing high enough for me to feel them scratch the dirt above me.

At every step of whatever was above me, small pieces of dirt fell. I had to get out. Fast.

I tried tiptoeing, but, well... it's kind of hard since every time I walked outside I jumped, tumbled and kind of... yeah.

Using the best of my abilities, I successfully walked slowly but quietly to the entrance of the hole I was in. I hadn't noticed it before since I was covered in goo, which must have fallen off of me in my slumber, but my sense of smell was far better than I had realized, not that that made me quite happy though.

What I smelled was... well, it smelled bad. Like a bunch'o dogs that hadn't washed ever huddled themselves together in a hole and just kind of lived there. Which is exactly what it was.

When I looked out, what I first noticed was... orange fluff. Very fluffy. So fluffy, I felt like I just had to touch it. But I knew what it was. It was not for touching. It was for lying down and avoiding (haha get it).

The fox before me was not turned towards me, and instead of looking down a hole that I was not in. I knew what I could do, heck, I could probably actually DO it, but... could I? Naaaaah.

Well, I mean... if I turn around and try to run... it knows it body far better than I do, id have no chance in heck!


So, I'm doing it, right? I'm really doing it?? oh geez oh gosh

I quietly exited the hole I was in, making sure not to alert the very alert fox.

I swung my tiny arms backward, making sure I could lean on them. I lifted my feet into the air, making myself ready.

My rump to the ground, my feet positioned right at the Fox's behind, my front paws firmly on the ground, I pushed.

With a hard kick with my small legs, the fox went tumbling down the hole, who knows for how long.

I quickly turned around, and instead of jumping long, falling hard, repeat, I tried running like an actual rabbit.

I hadn’t seen to many rabbits running, but I tried my best. My legs extended in front of me, and I tried to drag myself so hard I was kind of thrown, and it worked! Kinda...

I face-planted the ground. But it was rather far from where I was at the start, so... success!

I tried it again, trying to keep my feet on the ground until they got all the way back which kind of work? I face-planted again, but it's not like I'm running away from anything, haha!...

repeat repeat repeat until you get it right is my motto!

Ah! I see the light!...

I quickly jumped out and into the grey reality that was the forest.

Whoa, m-, my legs are pretty strong, right? Isn't this a bit too hig-, A

right beneath me, or rather a bit in front of me but I was still higher up than it, was the armed wolf again.

Did it follow my scent?... ah, this is no time to be thinking such thoughts!

Im pretty sure I did a front-flip in the air, but that was no matter.


I somehow positioned my feet to the ground, and just as I came close to the surprised face of the wolf-,


it fell to the ground, my jumping even higher until I fell behind it, repeating the jumping style I used before until I got to some sort of shelter beneath a tree.


my stomach groaned again, as usual, bringing great pains. I was hungry, but what do I eat? I've got no foo-, you've got to be kidding me, no!

My attention was turned to the grassy grass grass beneath me, which was... well, grey. As always.

Unappetizing, boring, grey grey. Why would I ever eat grassy grass grass??

I know my body may be of a friggin' rabbit, but I would rather eat meat! I know a rabbits body would most likely reject the meat, but I'm fine with that!



were you here this whole time?

nah brah

so, uh, can I eat meat?

well, if ya wanna, ya could

hmm, I dunno bro...

your choice brah

but, bro, aren't you omniscient?

whaa, dude, didn't I tell ya? I'm not omni-anything, brah

then how-,

ssshhh, shhh, brah, chill, chill, I've got ma eye on ya, in case it ever gets a bit too hard, brah

don't worry, brah, I'm on yer side

thanks, bro, ill be countin' on ya

no prob, brah

and with that, I felt a presence leave. Well, it wasn’t really by touch or smell, it was more like something that had been sitting in front of me suddenly left. I hadn’t seen anyone though.

Ah, no problem, It seems like bro has no intention of letting me die. hm. Question is, how did I summon him? I mean, I just thought “bro” and he appeared. Could it be some sort of selective telepathy? Who knows.

But it seems he's no... god... well, he might be. I dunno, he dunno, no dunno.

Anyhow, as I learned by being in that little hole, I'm no longer gooey and my sense of smell is amazing. How amazing? Eh, not as amazing as my sense of hearing, but still really good. Not as good as Jean-Baptiste, but, still pretty good!

If I try to focus my sense of hearing and smell on my surroundings, I can interpret a whole new world...

the rustle of the leaves, the smell of newly-marked territory, a few deers grazing nearby, a calm river, the soft grassy grass grass beneath my feet, wait, river?

I quickly hopped over, still in my jump, face-plant, repeat way, until I found the source of the sound.

A calm river was gently flowing, gentle enough for a deer to easily drink the clear water.

Only now did I think of how thirsty I was, so I lunged my head into the water and sucked it all into me. When I was done I raised my hea and stared intently into the river.

I saw a rabbit, grey as always, but something bothered me. On the top of its head, two small spikes protruded. One could barely make them out, but those were surely horns or something like that.

Was I...

A Jackalope?...

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