《Fluffy Tails and Horned Heads》Chap. 2, Another Swell Chap Enters


I, I just... what...

the grey rabbit lying before me gave a few whimpers, which I heard far too well, before it started thrashing about, squealing loudly as nearly black goo was spraying out of it in waves.

I was stunned. Completely stunned. No, in fact, I was in a state of shock. I didn’t have the desire nor capacity to run, hide or even ponder my situation.

After a few more spasms, the rabbit lay still, a pool of the black goo forming beneath it.

It wasn’t until I hear thumps that I came to my senses. I didn’t know how long time had gone by, but enough for a predator to come looking for the prey.

I knew I had to get away, I knew if I stalled there would be no escape. I turned from the corpse, but I couldn’t stand.

no matter how I tried, my legs were too short. I had to get away.

I crawled, crawled and crawled on my four legs until I reached a place of hiding. A bush.

I dived in just in time to see a large... something, closing in on the rabbit. I would usually consider it a wolf, but.. it had a pair of arms stationed on top of its head, the ears placed just behind them.

The slender arms reached out, holding the small, vounerable rabbit in its large hands. The rabbit started thrashing about as the wolf bit down on its neck, sending it into a frightened frenzy. It was useless, however. The fangs bit down once more. No longer where the thrashes out of fear. They were simply the nerves reacting to the fangs.

I couldn’t bear to watch. I wanted to pull away my eyes, I always had. But it was just something you couldn’t stop looking at.


The wolf bit off the head, chewing on the body like it was a mere snack.

I finally turned around, leaving. I tried walking, but once again, I found it to be impossible. My feet felt... wrong. Like they were not made for walking. I brought my hand to my face, examining it closely. It was grey, the goo was still staining it, but most of all, it was not a hand. It was more akin to a paw, with small bean-like things one could easily confuse for a tick (don’t ask). I tried moving my hand to my face since the beans were one of the only things I had a sense of touch with.

My hand could only barely touch my face, but when I did, my heart sank.

Soft, like clouds, fluffy like a kittens aB, it was...

my heart sank.

It couldn’t be. I sat up as good as I could so that I could see my feet, and sure as hill, it was a paw. Like that of a rabbit. I was still completely covered in goo.

I didn’t even need to think it. I didn’t even need to state it in my mind. I didn’t even have to cry.

All signs of sorrow my body made were things I couldn’t even see. I hadn’t realized it while it was happening, but my ears were drooping and my nose was moving at very, very fast speeds.

And so, I ran. I ran and ran and ran. The wolf had known I was there. Of course, it did. Its sense of smell was far more then I could ever conceive. It knew I was there, yet it still let me go.

O geez o geez o geez

I tumbled many times, this body was strange, I fell, I tripped, and eventually, I reached a clearing where I sat down and let my tired body rest.


Geezus, what is this, the first season finale of Riget?...

I was tired, and even though I understood my situation and what I had witnessed, I didn’t feel particularly shaken or traumatized by the event, the most unnerving thing I s'pose what the fact that that wolf had an alarming amount of arms.

I conclude that what must have happened was... well, Brah did mention my soul was a stray of sorts, and that... he wouldn’t allow me to possess something in real life, but... what is this place? It can't be home, since, well... "armed" wolf. I can't even tell the colour of my fur since everything is grey...


well, onto the more... unpleasant thoughts. We’ve concluded that, undoubtedly, this place is not earth. But, that does not change my current situation. I am a rabbit. I was born, and the rabbit that gave birth to me was killed in labor. Then, a wolf was attracted by the smell and ate her. It let me escape, and here I am.

My sense of touch, sight and possibly smell and taste have all been weakened, but in exchange, I am all-hearing. The rustle of the leaves, a single bug stepping on some twigs, a predator stalking a prey, a bird twee-, wait what preda


right behind me, somehow unnoticed by my sight, smell, tou-, you get it, was a large snake. At least three meters in length, it easily towered before my tiny form.

I'm rather sure it must have been green since its shade of grey blended right into the grassy grass grass.


my stomach growled and I lunged into a nearby bush. I hadn’t quite gotten to test it, but I had to try. I dropped to crawling, but my toes were instead firmly planted on the ground together with my front legs. I pushed away with my feet, lunging myself with rather quick speeds further into the grey forest. However, as I was coming down, I kind of missed.


I tumbled and rolled right into a tree. My head hurt and I tried to get up, only to fall once more, tumbling as I do. My head was spinning and so was I.

My stomach was making some agonized groans, but right now I had to escape from the snake that may or may not be following me.

Eventually, I once again collapsed. My strategy of jumping and tumbling down had paid off. I found a hole. It might not seem like too great of a reward, but after cautiously pushing rocks of various sizes down the hole, I concluded it was empty. With a slight sigh I climbed down into the dark abyss.

I could see rather well, but when I got too deep it became harder, so I decided to simply stay near the ground. I explored the small labyrinth a bit before finding a small, cozy cave to sleep in.

my stomach kept growling, but I simply fell asleep, where I dreamt of eating lots and lots of meat.


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