《Royal Punishment》Chapter 25: Love, War, and Lentils


Since our talk, things between us have never been better. Ren has been more patient, and I have been more open to my feelings. We have both been anxious about the next phase of the plan, so it is important for us to be on the same page.

I have not been called back to a war-council meeting since my initial appearance, and I must say I am relieved. I don’t care for the long hours of strategy, and I especially don’t like keeping things from my husband. I felt like I couldn’t share the events that would occur or I would betray Queen Kahi’s trust, but in turn, I was betraying Ren’s trust.

I gripped my stomach after hearing a loud grumble. It was breakfast time, and lately, I have noticed my appetite had grown. I think that I have been happier, and my stomach is merely showing its appreciation.

“Hungry?” Ren rolled over to his stomach, placing his pillow under his chin.

“Quite, they are late with our breakfast this morning it seems.” Disappointment escaped my lips. I grew fond of the traditional Sansperpant breakfast. Who knew spiced lentil was so delicious?

“Why don’t we go to the kitchen and see what we can find?”

“Won’t we get in trouble?” I ask.

Ren’s green eyes shifted to mine as a mischievous grin grew on his face. “I’m feeling a little rebellious, what can I say? Besides, my wife is hungry and she should never be deprived of her breakfast.”

I was beaming with excitement, and maybe a little gluttony. I like seeing this playful side to him, it makes me feel like a kid again. Quickly we sprang out of bed throwing on the first proper dress we could find. Hand in hand we sneaked out of our bed-chamber and down the hall. I didn’t know where the kitsch was, but Ren seemed so sure of himself that I didn’t question to follow his lead. However, after a few wrong turns, I started to have my doubts.


“Do you know where we are going?”

Ren turned to me raising his brow, “Of course I do.”

We came to an impasse; left or right. He stood still contemplating like he was solving a puzzle. He has no idea where we are...

“Are you sure?”

“My lady, I assure you that I am not lost. There is a method to my madness, you see I may not actually know where the kitchen is-but my nose will guide us there.”

I knew he was full of it. “Your nose? Like a dog?” Sarcasm coated my words.

“Yes, like a dog… just try it. Close your eyes and use your nose.”

I humor him and close my eyes taking in a whiff of the air around us. “I don’t smell anything.”

“Really?” Ren scoffed at my unrefined nose. “I smell food… this way!” With a pep in his step, he pulls me to the right corridor, like a mutt following a trail.

“Ren slow down!” I was struggling to keep up with him. Stumbling ever so often over my own two feet.

Soon enough we came to a large open archway with low and behold a large kitchen. The delicious aroma of spices combed through the air. My stomach grumbled longing for a taste of the heavenly scent around us.

“I told you.” He grinned, mocking my novice nose.

“Good boy!” I teased patting him on his head.

Ren laughed at my playful banter, leaning his arm toward the open passage. “Ladies first.” Taking his lead peered around the corner, and found there were no chefs or servants. Dishes, pots, and pans were scattered about, as well as a variety of vegetables and dried meats.

Feeling that the coast was clear, I gravitated toward a large pot over a dying hearth. The embers under the cast iron had told me that something delicious was once in its contents. I frowned at the black emptiness inside the cauldron. The few scraps on lentils left would barely make up a tablespoon.


“Over here,” Ren called me over to a room that connected to the kitchen. Excitement filled my heart when my eyes took in the beautiful sight of bowls filled and prepared for breakfast.

“It seems we are not the only ones without their meal this morning. Take your pick.” They all looked so delicious, I wanted to eat them all! I tamed the glutton inside and settled for a place on the far left corner since it was the closest.

“Oh my… that was the plate I was going to take.” Suddenly feeling overprotective I took my portion, in one hand and using the other as a barrier.

“There must be fifty other plates here, pick another one.” I placed my hand up as he took a step toward my meal.

“But my heart was set on that one… Perhaps we can come to an arrangement.” Ren smiled with a twinkle in his eye.

“What do you want?” I hesitated to ask, hearing the mischief in his tone.

“I think a kiss should suffice.”

This seems too easy, but I am curious about the outcome. “Just a kiss?”

He nods maintaining a grin on his handsome face. Keeping the plate in my clutches, I approach slowly, being wary of any sudden movements. Leaning in to kiss him felt natural. Right. When we are together, life feels normal again. As tensions are pulled from my body by his lips, my fingers loosen ever so slightly which was all he needed.

“Got it!” In a moment of weakness, he snatched the plate from my grip. Lifting his prize over his head he gloats his victory.

In a defeated panic I raise my arms to the sky, trying to win back my breakfast, but his height was superior to mine. “Give it back!” I yelled on my toes.

“What are you doing in here?” The unexpected voice broke our banter in two. There standing in the open archway was a Sansperpant servant. From her dress, she was one of the chefs.

“We were just getting breakfast.” I was quick to respond to the protection of Ren. The servant was not pleased with our presence. Her arms crossed and brow furrowed.

“Breakfast was canceled on Queen’s orders. Return to your room immediately, and pack your things.”

“Pack our things? For what purpose?” Ren asked the same question that burned in my mind.

“The plan has been set in motion. The War has begun.” The Servants words hung over us like a dark cloud. Suddenly I found that I had lost my appetite.

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