《Royal Punishment》Chapter 15: Home Sweet Home



My name never sounded so sweet before.


Last night felt like a dream. His lips on mine. The warm water splashing against our skin. At that moment, we were in another world. There was no war, no evil King to dethrone, but just us. Ren was gentle and caring with every touch like he had planned it out in his mind ahead of time. I never expected that from him. Then again I never expected to kiss him. What the Prince said is true, ‘the ancient magic of the island brings happiness unencumbered by life’s distractions.’ I can only hope this happiness will not fade when we return to Xosta, but I would be naive to think that change is on the horizon.

“Arie? Its time to wake up.” When I opened my eyes, the sun greeted me with its bright rays. Ren’s arm was around my shoulder, his face resting on my head. We fell asleep in the soft grass, the lake just a few feet away from us.

“How did you sleep?” Ren took a deep breath from my hair. I smile, nuzzling closer into his side. “Very well, and yourself?”

“Well indeed, I can’t remember the last time I slept like this… Alas, we should be headed back. I am sure Sir Esteve has his panties in a bunch that we didn’t come home last night.”

Just his name makes me aggravated. “He can wait.”

“Ha! While he won’t discipline a woman, I am sure I am in for a world of hurt. Besides, we need to board the ship by nightfall.” Ren sat up, realizing me from his warmth. He raised his toned arms in the air stretching them from side to side.

“It went by so fast…” My voice trailed off looking back on our time on the island. So much happened here. It is the first time since I left home that I have felt truly happy. I wasn’t ready for that to end.

“Time goes by quickly. That is why it is important to take a moment and enjoy the life you have been given. That is why the Mages worked so hard to preserve this place.”

I was sad. To leave the island, and even more the thought of losing the Ren that is in front of me.

With his hand, he reached out pulling me to my feet. “I know that it hasn’t been easy for you and that I am partially to blame for that. There is more change coming… some that you may not understand. If I am to overthrow my father, the element of surprise is our best chance of victory. I need you to trust me. I haven’t done anything to earn your trust, but If you can put your trust in me, I will do everything in my power to make Xosta a home for you... Can you do that? Do you trust me?”

Holding his hand, and looking into his eyes, I felt my answer deep in my soul. “I trust you.”


When I returned to Xosta was in shock. “What is all this?” I looked to Mira, but she appeared to be just as clueless as I was. The palace was buzzing with activity. Servants everywhere; cleaning, cooking, and arranging furniture.


“I am not quite sure my lady. I will find out. Go off to your chambers you must be tired, I’ll be there shortly.” I raised my brow, “Are you sure? I am not the one who needs the rest…”

Mira shakes her head. “There is no need for concern. I am feeling much better. Besides I have much to do now that we have returned, there is no time to waste!” Before I could blink, Mira ran off following the crowd of castle attendants.

“May I escort you to your chambers?” Ren snuck up on me from behind slipping his hand gently around my waist.

“You may.” I reply “Do you know what is going on? It seems like the castle is preparing for a gathering of some kind.”

The Prince shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t have the faintest idea, but my father is never one for good surprises so we must be wary.”


Approaching my chamber door, Ren reached for the handle pulling toward his body. “After you.” Does Ren have manners now? Maybe the enchantments of the island haven’t worn off yet.

My room is just as I left it. The air was thick and humid as always, the sun had nearly set so a soft breeze showed a promising change in temperature.

“Arie.” like music to my ears, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes?” I turn to find the Prince inches away from me. His warm breath brushing across my face sent my heart racing. Carefully he took both hands, holding my face in his strong palms, pulling me in closer. His bright green eyes send me into a haze, hypnotized with his loving gaze. My chest felt like it was about to bust out of my corset. The room around us turned fuzzy, with only the sounds of desire pumping through our lungs.

“Pardon the intrusion.” An all too familiar masculine voice shattered our trance. Sir Esteve stood at the door with an air of disgust in his aura. Curse though enchanted boots of silence…

“What is it? Have you found anything?” Ren changed his attention to him, but I could feel a small string still tethered to my heart.

“It appears King Thybaut is having a feast in your honor. For returning from the honeymoon as man and wife.” My face blazed in embarrassment. The King is having a celebration, for us consummating our marriage!

Ren scratched his chin, taking a moment to contemplate. “I suppose that is something he would be happy about. But…” He looked to Esteve as if speaking telepathically.

The Knight shook his head. “It is strange he would put this together on assumptions. I’ll keep my ear to the ground… In the meantime, the feast will begin shortly. Both of you should prepare, it could be a long night.”

The Dark Knight left as quickly as he entered. “Esteve is right, we should get ready.” leaning down Ren kissed me softly. “I will see you soon.”

As the Prince reached for the door, it violently swung open. “Oh my! Your highness! My apologies!” Mira was red in the face panting like she had been running for miles.

“Haha, don’t fret Mira. I was just leaving.” Mira bowed her head, her shoulders moving with the rapid air in her lungs.


“My Lady! We must hurry! The King is holding a feast tonight in your honor!” I can’t help but giggle, watching her run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

“Yes Mira, I am aware. Sir Esteve just informed me.” Mira snapped her head up. “He did?” I nodded.

“Well then what are you standing there for?! Get behind the partition! I will gather your evening attire.” Quickly my determined handmaid scrambled to the wardrobe ruffling through the racks of dresses to choose from.

Fearing Mira’s rath, I slip behind the room divider and undress privately. “Didn’t you bring anything from Theora for special occasions?”

“All of the clothes from Theora are suited for every occasion in my kingdom. Why?”

Mira sighed loudly. “I beg your pardon my Lady, but these are not suitable. This is a celebration in your honor! This will be a prestigious event almost like that of your wedding day.”

I did not realize that this was that big of an event. With all eyes on me, I want to ensure I am dressed for the occasion.

“Wait here, I have an idea.” The sound of Mira’s determination was comforting, but my stomach was still uneasy. Patiently I waited for my handmaid to return. A sat on the floor with my back against the cold stone wall, daydreaming of my time on the Utopia Islands. Instead of thinking about the pressures of tonight, I remembered the feelings of sand in between my toes, the salty warm breeze brushing up against my cheek, and Ren holding me in his arms in the grassy field. Even miles away, the island can bring me comfort. For I will always have my memories.

“Here! Put this on.” I was so immersed in my imagination that I didn’t even hear Mira return. Looking up a dark grey stain dress appeared over the partition. Taking the garment into my hands, I admired the soft chiffon skirt and long regal sleeves. The waist and shoulders were decorated with a lace pattern of flowers and vines.

“Where did you find this?” I ask, carefully placing the gown over my head. “It belonged to the late queen.” Mira’s response was a matter of fact, but her words were heavy with meaning. This was no ordinary dress. The last person to wear it died mysteriously and was the mother to the Prince. Before putting my arms in the sleeves, I can’t help but question.

“Is this okay? I don’t want to offend anyone…” Meaning I don’t want to offend the King. “Nonsense. That dress has been gathering dust for years, I doubt anyone would recognize it. Does it fit?”

Pulling the sleeves over my shoulders with ease, I walk out to show her. “You tell me.” In anticipation, I watch as Mira examines my outfit. “It is a little large, on you; but there is no need to worry. My mother was an excellent seamstress in her day, and she taught me everything that I know.”

Opening the drawer of one of the nearby dressers, Mira pulls out a small sewing box. “Raise your arms please.” reaching up Mira gathers and pins the sides of my dress. Pinching at the rib cage down to the waist. One by one, she took each pin and punctured the fabric in place.

“I think that her majesty the Queen would be happy not only to see you in her gown but that you are Prince Gallrens wife.” Picking up a needle and thread she began to sew in the places she had pinned.

“Do you really think so?” Pulling the needle outward Mira looked to me with deep sincerity in her eyes. “Yes, my lady. I think that if she were still here the two of you would be the best of friends. Her marriage to King Thybaut was arranged and I am sure both of you faced the same struggles in adjusting to your new life in Xosta.”

“What else do you know about her?” Mira pauses for a moment, her eyes scanning over her work thus far. “She was… Kind, strong, and loved her child more than anything in this world… There is a rumor that she had a few miscarriages before the Prince was born and that she had buried them somewhere on the castle grounds. But those are just rumors.”

My heart goes out to her if the rumors are true. I don’t know what I would do if I had a miscarriage, let alone several. Life is the greatest gift we have on this earth.

“Just one more adjustment. You can lower your arms now.” I was relieved to rest my tired limbs. Taking the top of each sleeve, Mira repeated her sewing pattern; pinch, pin, sew.

“Thank you for doing this Mira. I couldn’t have done it without your help.” My handmaid smiles pulling the thread to the ceiling. “It is my honor to serve your highness.”

After a few more movements of the needle. Mira motions to the mirror. “Tell me what you think.”

Before I even saw my reflection I knew that she had done an excellent job. The dress was taken in just enough that it hugged my body but was not so tight that it would hinder my motion. Approaching the mirror Mira rushed to the vanity, grabbing one of the enchanted brushes.

“Is it to your liking?” she asked, combing my hair. “I must say, you look very happy my Lady.” I am smiling ear to ear. How can I not be happy? My Kingdom’s survival is ensured, my marriage is growing stronger by the day, and there is a large celebration being held in my honor.

“I am happy…” I trail off staring at my image in the glass mirror.

“But?” Mira prys.

Letting out a sigh I look to my chest where my Earth pendant remains. “I just wish my family were with me is all… Then everything would be perfect.” The Prince promised me to make this castle my home when he becomes King. I hold on to the hope that they will one day become part of this place and that we will be reunited.

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