《Royal Punishment》Chapter 14: Water Boiling Over


Ren wanted me to rest… but I just couldn’t. No matter how hard I tossed and turned, my mind was active in thought. Giving up my hope of sleep, I decide to visit Mira. It's been hours since I saved her from a watery grave.

Even though time has passed, I still hold a grudge for Sir Esteve. His disregard for Mira and my safety is inexcusable. I subconsciously clench my teeth just thinking about it.

Leaving my chamber, I walk down the hall admiring the stone walls that surround me. It only took me a few steps to reach Mira’s room. Before opening the door I see that it is ajar. Quietly I look inside to see Mira lying in bed, with Sir Esteve at her side. On the edge of the mattress, Mira’s hand is covered by a dark iron gauntlet.

“Thank you for coming by.” Mira smiles at the dark knight before her. Quietly he nods and rises. “Please do not hesitate to ask me for anything. I owe you a debt, and I do not wish it to go unfulfilled.”

As Sir Esteve turns to the door, my heart jumps out of my stomach. Hide! Without a second thought, I sprint around the corner to keep out of sight. It was bad enough just seeing him through the crack in the door, I definitely don’t want to talk to him.

Patiently I wait, as the sound of a closing door rings in my ear. I count to ten in my head, hoping that is enough time for the knight to have left. Slowly peering around the corner, my vision is blocked by a tall suit of armor.

“My lady.” He addresses formally. I didn’t dare look up to his iron face. My pride was too stubborn to return any pleasantries. Standing up straight, I walk around the Knight without blinking an eye and head straight to Mira’s Chambers.

When I enter, she is in the same place I saw her; In bed under a quilted blanket. Her eyes were tired, and her face slightly pale.

“Your Highness! You came to visit? Forgive me, I am not suitable for your company.” Taking the piece of blanket closest to her, Mira covers her pajamas across her chest.

“Of course I came to see you. I wanted to make sure you are okay. Don’t mind anything about appearances, you have been through a lot today. How are you feeling?” Taking the stool from the corner I sit next to my friend, eagerly listening.

“I am well, and alive thanks to you. My lady, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I was so scared...” Tears grew in her eyes as she looked back on her trauma.

“It was nothing really. I am just glad you are safe, and sound.”

Wiping her tears Mira rubs her eyes. “What do you have planned for the rest of your evening? I’m afraid I won’t be much help.”

“I understand. Take all the time you need to recuperate. I actually do have plans tonight. Ren is taking me somewhere, but he wouldn’t say anything else I’m afraid.”

A grin comes across Mira’s face. “Ah, I see… I am sure both of you will have a wonderful time together.” she winks.

A blush rose over my cheeks. “It is not like that! He is probably going to show me some of the sights on the island ro something... right?”

Mira shrugs her shoulders. “It’s possible. There are many wonders to behold on the Utopia Islands. However, knowing the Prince there will be more to it than that.”


Before I could inquire more, a knock at the door stalled our conversation. To my surprise, It was Prince Galleren. I hope he didn’t hear us…

“Ah! There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you.” The Prince smiles down at me, positively glowing. Island life suits him well.

“Oh my! Your Highness, I am not presentable!” In a panic Mira throws her blanket over her head, hiding from her royal visitor.

“Please don’t fret over me, Mira. I am just here to pick up Arie for our date this evening.” Just hearing the word ‘date’ come out of his mouth sent my insides into a frenzy.

“W-Well I suppose we should get going.” I cracked. “Feel better Mira.” With a soft hand, Ren glides his touch to the small of my back leading me into the hall. His fingers surrounding my lower spine causes my muscles to simmer like slow roaring boil over the fire.

“So where are you taking me?” A mischievous smile widens on Ren’s face. “It’s a surprise. Besides, I don’t know if you would believe me if I told you.”

As we walked outside, the winnie of horses grabbed my attention. Just outside our vacation home were two large beautiful animals, saddled and ready to ride.

“I assume you know how to ride, yes?”

I nod. “Of course.”

“Wonderful! You can ride Chestnut, I will take Georgio.” Ren’s horse had a unique white coat that was covered in cobalt freckles. It was mesmerizing.

“My horse is native to the island. His breed has adapted to the magics here; hence the abnormal colors.” The Prince must have noticed me staring. “He is beautiful.”

Checking the saddle Ren replies. “That he is. A very fine horse. While Chestnut is not blue, she is an excellent horse for riding. We brought her along from the Xosta stables. She is strong and very protective of her riders.”

My horse does look strong. Her muscles are tight, and her legs look like they can hold tons. Approaching Chesnut I reach out my hand, caressing her soft fur. As I introduce myself through touch she releases a soft purr of enjoyment. Placing my right foot into the stirrup, I grab hold of the saddle tight and hoist myself onto the horse’s back.

“Follow me” Ren uses a clicking sound with his mouth to lead Georgio through the sandy beaches and towards the forest. With a soft kick of my heel, I guide Chestnut behind the blue-spotted horse.

“You are a natural.” Ren beams with pride.

“Thank you, your Majesty,” I say in jest. “My brother and I would often ride together. The hills and valleys of Theora are perfect terrain. Some days I would just let my horse take the lead and see where they would take me.”

The forests were thin in the beginning, but as we pressed further the nature around us grew thick. Overgrown trees and thickets nearly covering the trails completely.

“Do you miss him? Your brother I mean.” While I could not see Ren’s face, I could sense remorse in his question.

“I do… Every day. I wasn’t able to say goodbye to him before I left. And I have yet to hear a response to my letter to him, or my mother.” Georgio’s sudden stop surprised me, but it didn’t phase Chesnut’s instincts. When my eyes met Ren’s I found myself not getting lost in the greens of the forests, but in the greens of his eyes.


“I apologize for my strict rules on your departure. I thought it was best at the time. I didn’t want any chance for the agreement to fall through. There is so much riding on the uniting of our two Kingdoms… but I digress. I am sure you will hear back from them soon. Hopefully someday soon they will visit us at the palace after I overthrow my Father.” With a modest whip of the reigns, the Prince’s horse continued to walk the narrow forest path.

“How do you plan to overthrow the King?” Ren sighs. “It's complicated. There are a lot of moving pieces, and there is danger in knowing what they are. I don’t wish to put you in any more danger. Believe me. I have a plan. Soon my Father will get the justice he deserves.” The Prince's confidence was reassuring, however not knowing his plan leaves so much to the imagination.

“How is your garden? Have you made any success in growing your plants?” I was hoping he would forget about the garden… much like I was. I shake my head in shame. “I am afraid not… I did everything to ensure fruitful crops, but the soil is untenable. I checked on them before we left and not even one had sprouted.”

Ren laughed into the leafy atmosphere. “I told you! It is impossible for wildlife to grow on our land. I do admire your effort though.” Ren took a moment and served the landscape. “We are almost there. Just a bit further.”

Looking around me I was astonished to see the leaves and vines change from emerald green to an amethyst purple. The dim sunlight lights the dew of the flowers below, causing them to shine like starlight.

The changing sound of the horses' hooves below pulled me to the ground. Small flat rocks had appeared, each with tiny iridescent flecks of blue and green. With the sun nearly out of the sky, darkness began to creep in. With the light faded I feared how we would find our way back to our beds. “Maybe we should turn back?” I ask nervously.

“Nonsense. We are almost there.” Ren’s assurance wasn’t enough to ease my worries. “How do you expect us to find our way back in the dark?”

Once more Georgio came to a halt, with Chestnut copying him. Ren’s right hand raised forward, pointing out in front of him. “That is how.”

The vision before me was like a dream. Before us was a wide lake, surrounded by glowing lavender wildflowers. Glimmering stones peeking up from the water's edge illuminated the path around the breathtaking body of water. A cool mist swirled in the air that smelled of Eucalyptus like a fine perfume. This place is truly extraordinary.

“Who needs the sun when you have enchanted glowing flowers to guide your path?” Jumping off his horse, Ren ties Georgio and Chestnut's reins to a nearby tree. Extending his hand I take it as a support, carefully placing my feet back on the ground.

“Do you like it?” He asks.

“It's so…”

“Breathtaking?” He took the words right out of my mouth. “Yes, breathtaking.”

Ren smiles causing a dimple to form on his right cheek. “Wait till you experience the water.” Just as quickly as the words spilled from his mouth, the Prince's shirt found its way off of his chest and into his hand.

“W-Wait. We are swimming?” Panic swells in my chest. I don’t even let Mira see me naked, let alone Ren.

“Yes, we are swimming. This lake is the center of the island's magic. Every enchantment is drawn from this power source. That is why everything around it is glowing. Legend is that if you swim in these waters your senses are heightened. You can see colors like never before, even hear for miles.”

As the Prince begins to pull down his trousers I quickly look away. Fixating on the moon, I ask, “Isn’t that dangerous? What if the enchantment goes wrong? Let’s just go home.”

“What is the matter? Oh… wait. Now I remember. You Theorans are prudes, aren't you… Suit yourself. I am not going to squander this rare opportunity.” Listening closely I hear the sound of water rippling as Ren takes his first steps into the lake. It is when the Prince submerges underneath the enchanted waters that a spark of courage hits me. He is right… This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Taking a deep breath I throw most of my layers over the side of a large rock, leaving just my undergarments to cover the most crucial places. Looking out to the water I see Ren in the center of the lake. His wet jet black hair shining in the moonlight looked almost as luminescent as the flowers around him.

Walking to the lake's edge, my toes are kissing the line of rock blocking any water to reach me. Just do it.

Holding my arms over my breasts I place my first foot into the clear blue water. Normally, lake water is icy cold, but this lake was warm to the touch. The vibrations of the water reached the Prince, altering him of my presence. Turning towards me he stares at me with his tender gaze, hypnotizing me with his wet glassy skin. Every inch deeper into the water, the more I noticed a difference in my senses. Ren’s form was no longer a dark and murky sight, but bright and alive. Even my pale skin seems to glow from within as I approached the center of the enchanted lake.

“I am glad you changed your mind.”

Feeling self-conscious I reply. “We are married after all… it was only a matter of time till we would see each other like this...”

Ren looks at me devilishly. “I couldn’t agree more.” Taking me by the arms, he pulls me in closer. “Can you hear that?”

There were so many sounds around me that he could be talking about any number of them. What I was fixated on was the fire of his hands on my arms.

“To what are you referring?” Every second he lingered, my skin screamed in gratification wanting more.

“If you listen closely, you can hear the ocean from here. Try to focus on the beach.” In an effort to not concentrate on his touch, I focus on the ocean. Thinking of riding our horses along the sandy shores, swimming after Mira, remembering the first time I stepped on the Utopia island sand...

“I can hear it!” In my excitement, I didn’t realize how close we were. Jumping up with joy I lost my balance crashing into Ren’s chest. The strangest thing was, it felt as if the water was pulling us towards each other. Feeling Ren’s heart against mine caused my breath to run thin. My skin now ablaze in the water, sizzling around us like a hot spring.

“Arie?” I couldn’t wait another moment. I don’t know if it was the lake or our honeymoon, but I kissed him right then and there.

Together we embraced each other tightly under the moonlight, with crashing ocean waves echoing in our ears.

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